Why dream of a black dog? Maininterpretation, what is the dream black dog

Вт, 13 июн 2017 Автор: нна

In a dream various events, people, even animals can appear.
Why dream of a black dog? How to interpret such a dream? Worth
sort out.


Why dream of a black dog – the basic interpretation

Dream interpretation interpret the appearance in a dream of a black dog as a kind
unfavorable sign. Worth уделить особое внимание деталям

• Where did the dog come from in a dream;

• Was it your dog?

• Has your dog bit you?

• Has anyone else figured in a dream;

• What emotions caused you to dream.

If you dream of a huge black dog – you expect large
trouble They can touch any area of ​​your life, or all
spheres immediately. It is important to rely solely on their strength. Dream interpretation
predicts you difficulties that are like natural disasters
fall on you. Most likely, you yourself provoked such
the situation.

You previously could have been negligent about your officials.
duties, could quickly do the work, negligently
treat housekeeping duties. Now all your shortcomings
come to light. It will be difficult for you to correct the defects. Probably,
troubles drag on for a long time.

If you see a huge black dog that sits on the threshold
of your home – it means that you expect a different kind of trouble,
household chores. Some adverse events will stir your
house. Worth присмотреться к остальным деталям сна, они, скорее
of all, they will give you basic tips on how you should better act in
the future.

If you dream that a black puppy is sitting on the threshold, and you
you take him in your arms and bring him into the house – you yourself will attract the efforts and
adverse events. Themselves let the problems at work, with
друзьями в ваш house. Dream interpretation советует не делать этого. Divide
professional and personal spheres.

If in a dream you see how someone gives you a huge black
puppy – look at who it was. It is from this person
you should expect trouble and betrayal. Not
be upset if this is someone close to you. Still can
to fix.

If your lover gives you a puppy, you should expect him to
deception, betrayal. The man most likely has already planned
something evil. You do not change the course of events, but you can change
their attitude towards them and stop communicating with the person who
hurts you.

If in a dream a black dog gives you emotions of fear and horror,
then you will be very afraid in reality. You will not have enough order
in life, you will begin the search for a new life path. If she
makes you feel secure. Then you should understand that everything
changes in your life, even the most negative, you need for
quick change your life for the better.

If a black dog barks at you – you will get to the center of the scandal,
unwittingly. Not стоит принимать ни чью стороны, старайтесь
to defend their interests exclusively, otherwise due to scandal
your reputation will suffer.

If you dream that a dog bit you – yours
detractors will harm your reputation. You will incur losses from
project, which is very much counted. If you are just starting
give rise to a relationship and you had such a dream – you will be expected
quarrels and disagreements. Probably, вас ждёт разрыв relationship.

If you are walking a big black dog in a dream, in reality you
will bear a plan of revenge. Dream interpretation предостерегает вас от того,
to harm someone. Even if a person is wrong, you are not entitled
judge him is not entitled to punish him. You should be more careful
treat his needs and understand the motives of his actions.

If you dream that you choose from two puppies in the store
just a black puppy – such a dream means that you choose
complex path, complex task, complex relationships. Dream interpretation
warns you against this. Not сгущайте краски, старайтесь идти
the easiest and most accessible way.

If you dream that your black dog is lost, and you
looking for her – you will look for hidden meaning in the actions of man.
Dream interpretation советует вначале подумать о своём моральном облике, и только
only then condemn the other. If you dream that from the dark on
A black dog is watching you – secrets will be revealed. Something unexpected
happen in your life.

What dreams of a black dog in Freud’s dream book

Freud’s dream book says what a black dog dreams about. Such a dream
talks about secret, hidden from prying eyes, sexual desires
person You may be afraid to reveal your partner, fear
to be ridiculed. You may also fear for your reputation and not
to get in touch with the person you have long liked.

If a girl dreams that she plays with a black dog – such
dream means that she will play with the feelings of the man who is her
really loves Not стоит этого делать. You should appreciate those
people who send you life. Soon they can leave you, and
then you will realize that you truly loved them.

If a man dreams that his beloved is playing with a black
a dog – such a dream means that it will flirt with others
by men. If a he dreams about how she goes with the dog into the distance –
such a dream means that she will seriously think about breaking
relationship. About no longer tying your fate to this.
by man. Dream interpretation не советует унывать. Perhaps it will be
temporary rush of the girl and she will come to its senses.

If a вам приснится, что чёрная собака приводит в дом своих
puppies – you still have to dream about offspring for a long time, dream book
clearly indicates that you have no time to have children, it is worth

If a беременной женщине приснится чёрная собака, и она будет
cause her fear – such a dream indicates the presence of
detractors who will try to harm her and her
to kid. Dream interpretation советует никому не рассказывать о своих планах на
the future and try to look after your health and your health
baby If a же ей будет комфортно в компании чёрной собаки, она
she will seem big and affectionate – a woman will receive
patronage. Someone will come to her defense.

Why dream of a black dog on the esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said if you dream of a black
a dog that kindly wags a black tail – such a dream
says that you will get a new friend. You even
could not imagine that this person will become you

If a вам приснится, что вы кормите собаку с руки — такой сон
means that someone will rub your confidence. Take a closer look at
to all who will soon become your friend. You may immediately
calculate the traitor, the person who is friends with you from

If a вам приснится, что кто-то привёл вам к порогу огромную
black dog – someone will deliberately create in your life
trouble Not стоит настойчиво с ними бороться, сейчас важно
anticipate their occurrence and do everything so that they do not cause you

If a же вам приснится что вы ребёнок и играете с чёрной собакой
– Some unpleasant memories from the past will make themselves felt.
If a вам приснится, что кто-то бьёт собаку, и вы слышите её лай —
You will become an unwitting viewer of other people’s problems and scandals. Try hard
Do not take other people’s problems to your account. Not вмешивайтесь в
other people’s conflicts.

What is the dream of a black dog in another dream?

In the dream book of Nostradamus, it is said that a dream about a black dog
foreshadows your loyalty and new friendship. You can also conclude
союз с преданным и добрым by man. If a вам приснится, что чёрная
the dog wags its tail in front of you – you will easily get away from danger and

Vanga’s dream book says if you dream of a black dog – with
misfortune will happen to your friend. You can not help him, because,
he does not immediately confess his problems. Dream interpretation советует вам лично
Ask your friend if he needs your help and support. If a
you dream that you just walk down the street, and to meet you
a huge black dog – such a dream foreshadows you meeting with the old
and good friends. This will be a very useful meeting for you.

Hasse’s dream book says that a black dog dreams like
forerunner of new events, new beginnings. If a она кусает вас за
hand – you will incur losses. You may also be unnecessarily
wasteful. Dream interpretation советует не тратить слишком много. Try hard
count everything up to the slightest penny. Not стоит паниковать, если вам
dream of an adverse event. Dreams only warn
person But he himself is the master of his own destiny and himself
disposes as it sees fit.

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