Why dream of a big dog: white, black,spotty, mad? Basic interpretations – why dream bigdog

Ср, 18 окт 2017 Автор: Инна

In a dream, not only people can appear, but also animals. For what
снится большая dog? How to interpret a similar dream – it is worth
sort out.


For what снится большая dog — основное толкование

Сон, в котором вам приснилась большая dog — явно
favorable. But, you should pay attention to other details.

— Откуда в вашем сне появилась dog;

– What was her color;

— Какой породы была dog;

— Была ли dog одна;

– What emotions caused you to sleep;

– Did you feed the dog?

Если вам приснилась огромная dog, которая внезапно поселилась
in your house – you should expect the arrival of a long-time friend who
Come to your doorstep with good news. It will be nice
meeting and pleasant pastime.

It is also worth preparing for the arrival of guests, if you hear in the distance
dog’s bark. This will give you the opportunity to prepare for a pleasant
meeting But do not open your secrets on this day. You this
can hurt. And the point is not that evil people will come to you,
you just open your soul at the wrong time.

Если вам приснится, что dog была белой — вас ожидает успех во
all undertakings. You should prepare for pleasant surprises at
work. Если вы видите, как белая большая dog ложится у ваших
legs – all the projects and plans that you conceived are being implemented
lightning fast You just have to want this.

If you dream that someone gave you a white puppy, and then
he turned into a huge dog – you wish good and happiness,
wish love and joy and these wishes come true.
Such a dream can also promise you a gift from the heart. it
there will be a really useful and important thing for you.

A dream in which you comb out a big white dog – it says
that you free your past from negative experiences. You
you can enter a new carefree life filled with happiness and

Try to pay more attention to the house, if you dream
большая рыжая dog. Such a dream promises you unfounded jealousy and
lack of attention from you to your household. Now is the time
give them more attention. If you do not – your home
a wave of empty quarrels and clarifications. It will settle the passion and
will not allow you to calmly build relationships further.

Если вам приснится большая чёрная dog — стоит подумать о
your health, perhaps you are too tired, spend little time
to rest. Overwork can negatively affect you.
to affect. Try to devote more time to yourself and your

If you dream that you are petting a big black dog, and in
your hand is a shred of wool – someone from the past is ready
remember all your sins. Do not happily meet the unexpected
guest – he will bring chaos and confusion in your life. Even if it is
there will be someone from your own people – try not to trust too much
to this man.

First, take a look, only then make a decision – to build
свою жизнь, доверяя to this man. There may be such a situation
что вам просто очень будет хотеться доверять to this man. Dream interpretation
warns against this. While it is worth refraining.

Если же вы видите сон, в котором огромная черная dog легла на
you and you find it hard to breathe – such a dream says that you will be piled on
routine, a huge number of cases, and you just have to
deal with each case separately. it будут не какие-то
minor troubles. it будут давно забытые и отброшенные

You так долго и тщательно старались от них уйти. But now you
better to get serious about business. Otherwise you will just be
накапливать проблемы и commitments. Try more time
give to your close people. And do not dive headlong into the work.
But, if this is required by business – it is necessary to postpone rest and travel. They
they will not bring you joy and happiness now.

Если вам приснится пятнистая dog, которая кажется что меняет
color – waiting for you strange and elusive, but pleasant changes in
of life. Do not worry about this – dream book advises
take everything for granted. You should keep the right image
life in the near future and not to make stormy gulyanok if you
приснилась коротко остриженная большая dog.

Such a dream means that you can lose important things for you.
life values, which until recently were considered basic for themselves.
You также можете потерять репутацию, доверие коллег, если не станете
to be serious about yourself and what you are
do it.

If you dream of feeding a big dog with your hand, pleasant ones are waiting for you
moments that will result from your hard work. Important
also remember whether you are afraid of a dog in a dream.
If you run a chill down your back when you see a dog – such
dream says you’re not ready for change. You не готовы к активной
work on yourself. You даже будете бояться принять в свою жизнь
positive changes.

If you pet a big dog and cry – such a dream means
that you yourself do not have enough love and affection. You need more love
give away. Then you can happily accept it.
love and affection from the people around you.

If you dream that you are carrying a huge dog in your arms – not
take on too much. Even if you will be happy
the chosen case – you will be too hard to keep up with everything.
Try to distribute responsibilities in a timely manner.

For what снится большая dog по соннику Фрейда

В соннике Фрейда сказано, что большая dog снится как символ
consistency in sex. You обладаете огромным энергетическим
potential and ready to share it with a partner through sexual

Но, если вам приснится спящая большая чёрная dog — такой сон
says that your sexuality is not claimed. You should
looking for a more sexually active partner. Not worth it
worry about your personal life if you dream that a partner
turned into a big dog.

He will be the initiator of active sexual experience. Yours
relationships will become dramatically diverse sexually. You научитесь
perceive the partner as he is and find exactly in
sex that he likes more than the rest.

Если большая dog в вашем сне лает на вас — стоит опасаться
slander itт сон может означать, что на ваши отношения кто-то
encroached out of envy. But this is just slander and alien malice. Not
worth so much to them.

For what снится большая dog по Эзотерическому соннику

В Эзотерическом соннике сказано, что большая dog может
dream of both a faithful friend, and a sworn enemy. But who
It is from them that has a greater impact on your life – about this
will tell the full interpretation of sleep.

Если вам приснится, что dog имеет огромную голову — вам стоит
fear close attention from colleagues. You shouldn’t
показывать эмоции на work. You will be appreciated only for hard work,
but not for personal problems and troubles. Not переносите на
work your personal problems.

If in a dream you see a dog with huge paws – such a dream
will foreshadow you acquaintance with an influential person. He can
help you solve important life issues. But do not expect
selfless help. Soon he may ask you also
do him a favor.

Если во сне вы видите, как большая dog преграждает вам путь —
It should be wary of a stronger opponent. If you are engaged
business – competitors will not keep themselves waiting. They привнесут в вашу
Life is chaos and fear, because they will not play fair. Not бойтесь
lose profit Defend your position.

For what снится большая dog по другим сонникам

In the dream book Grishina said if you try to hug a big
the dog, and you do not get it – do not shoulder
большие commitments. it только усилит нервное напряжение, и вы
will be constantly upset.

For what снится большая dog по соннику Странника? In that
соннике сказано, что большая dog снится зачастую как
auspicious symbol that says that in your life
A new, long-awaited period of joy and understanding will begin.

Not worth it нервничать, если у вас долгое время что-то не
it worked. Эта ситуация должна была произойти в вашей of life.
Now it will be only joy and success. Such a dream should inspire
you hope in a favorable outcome of any business. You should больше
time to devote to future plans, so as not to plunge into
routine and household chores.

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