Why dream beds, harvest in the beds, digor loosen the beds? Basic interpretations for different dream books – why?dream beds

Пн, 11 дек 2017 Автор: Инна

In the dream you can see many unique and
interesting events. Но, к чему dream beds? How to interpret
such a dream?


К чему dream beds — основное толкование

If in a dream you see a bed – soon they will flood you
memories of the deceased close relative. Perhaps you are completely
recently talked about it with someone from close people. But in order
чтобы растолковать сон целиком — важно вспомнить все его

• Whether your beds were seen in a dream;

• What grew in the beds;

• Did you dig the beds;

• Did you weed the beds?

• What emotions filled you during and after sleep.

If in a dream you dig up the beds in the garden – your business will be
go just great. All your labors that were invested in
Deal – will be rewarded according to merit. You may not even
worry about your own business reputation if you dream
a dream in which you dig up the beds.

Such a dream suggests that after long labors you
can actively engage in personal life, because as a reward for work
not long in coming. The sleep in which you rest on
beds – foreshadows you a lot of trouble. If you saw yourself
in a dream among a kitchen garden on which a huge number of beds – in reality
you will not be able to rest because the accumulated obligations are not
will let you forget about yourself.

Dream Interpretation warns you against neglect of duties.
You may have previously had the imprudence not to finish
started business Now the dream book advises you with all the enthusiasm
take up the labors.

The dream in which you leave the house, and in front of you are
beds – promises you exorbitant and hard work. Maybe you
counted on rest and peace, but until you can not relax. You
you will be more and more busy with yourself, you will work more and more for the sake of
getting the cherished goal.

A dream in which you see a lot of beds, and among them is a huge
number of paths – says that you can get out of
a difficult situation by making an important decision. Do not be afraid
change. After such a dream, you will see a lot of prospects.
The main thing is to risk and not to lose face.

If you dreamed of beds and after sleep you have overcome fear – you
you will be afraid of hard work and responsibility for your own
deeds. Dream Interpretation advises you not to panic and put fear on
then. Now is the time to take important and lightning

A dream in which you see yourself as a tractor driver, who
digs up the beds – says that you are in the shortest possible time
find a way to solve your old problems. If you had
loans and debts – soon you can say goodbye to them.
It is only important not to miss such a wonderful moment for development and
take advantage and maximum.

If you dreamed of beds, and you got up in a beautiful
spirits – such a dream promises you a joyous progress on
service. If you were planning to purchase something, or build something – yours
the idea is soon realized, not worth it even in this

A dream in which you see a man digging up beds –
means that you put your obligations on others
quite well. But do not charge too much to another
person Such a venture may not be effective and harm your

A dream in which you will try to plant something in the beds,
you will not be able to do it – speaks of your useless labor
in reality. Dream Interpretation indicates that you may need to reflect
over their own way of life and over their plans. Maybe not worth it
start this business. Consider your decision again.

A dream in which vegetables and fruits grew on the beds – foreshadows
you abundance in life. You получите достаточную прибыль и довольно
good income. A dream in which you will try to harvest with
beds, but you will be disturbed by wind and hail – foreshadows someone else’s
interference in your life. You не будете знать, как поступить в
this moment. It will seem terrible to you all that
going on.

Dream Interpretation advises to come to terms with the situation and not to force
developments. Just wait out the storm, try to understand yourself.
Accumulate strength and only then move boldly forward. If in a dream
you are actively trying to harvest from the icy beds – in reality you
You will try to restore the justice of the events of the past.

Dream Interpretation advises you to think more and take care of the future, otherwise
you will miss a wonderful moment for development here and now. Sleep,
in which you are increasingly trying to plant vegetables in the garden
suggests that you do not overdo it in your personal life and not
hurt himself. Because you may be too active for
your partner. It will alienate him from you.

К чему dream beds по соннику Фрейда

Freud’s dream book says that the beds are dreaming as a symbol of good
relationship ground. If you are alone and you dreamed about the beds,
which the harvest is ripening – such a dream foreshadows you soon of time
the beginning of a new and fruitful relationship. Sleep, в котором вы видите
empty beds, or beds with dried land – they say about stagnation
in personal life and the inability to change something.

If in a dream вы ходите босяком по грядкам, чувствуете тепло земли
– in reality you learn to trust your partner and get in
thanks from him also trust. Sleep, в котором вы ходите
barefoot on the wet ground in the beds and load in it – says
your need for protection.

You погрузли в рутине, в каких-то отношениях, которые давно вас
. Dream Interpretation advises to reconsider their attitude to personal life
and try not to stick so hard to

If you see a house suddenly arising in the middle of the beds –
such a dream suggests that your long-held dream of a family – soon
implemented. You возьмёте себя в руки и воплотите её. Such a dream
can also say that for the perfect privacy you have
for a long time everything is, you just do not want to notice it.

Sleep, в котором вы видите людей, которые вскапывают грядки —
says that you will notice other shortcomings, but not
will recognize your own. Won in which you drip beds –
means you start working on yourself. Will work
fruitful and high quality.

Sleep, в котором, вы будете заливать водой грядки с овощами —
talks about the possibility of replenishment in your family. Dream interpretation foreshadows
you joy and success in your personal life if you harvest with
own beds.

К чему dream beds по Эзотерическому соннику

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that empty beds dream of
troubles and stagnation in life. You будете долгое время пытаться
understand everything that happens around you and you will not
work out this because you have spent a lot of strength and energy earlier
empty cases.

Если вам приdream beds, на которых лежит слой снега — вам
it’s time to abandon the idea, it’s time to stop embarrassing yourself with unrealizable,
unrealistic dreams, and start living here and now. Such a dream также
may portend future losses in your personal life.

If you have a dream in which the beds are trampled by someone –
in reality you will encounter a problem that enemies will create for you. They
begin to intimidate you in every way and take away from you the hope of
favorable outcome Dream Interpretation advises not to worry and start
live your mind. Do not postpone matters until later

If you dream that you sell the harvest from your beds on
the market – your efforts will give wonderful results. If you are in a dream
you see that the harvest is gone on the beds – you are wasting your time
and strength. But do not regret it. A life откроет перед вами
new opportunities.

К чему dream beds по другим сонникам

В соннике Гришиной сказано, что грядки снятся к
labor and diligence. К чему dream beds, на которых вырос знатный
harvest – such a dream means that you will soon get a good profit
and be overly excited about it.

В соннике Эзопа сказано, если вы во сне
have the joy of working in the garden – in reality you will also get
the pleasure of their labors. Do not be upset if
temporarily you have something wrong. Soon you will take up again
this case and be sure to get the desired result.

Sleep, в котором вы сами оказались в огромном поле, где огромное
the number of beds – means that you will come face to face with an important
by deed. You будете стараться быстрее его закончить, но придётся
work hard Cheer up and do not panic. You need to attach now
efforts to further obtain the desired result.

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