Why dream a trifle: recount smallmoney, find a lot of little things in your pocket? Basic interpretations – why?dream little thing

Ср, 08 ноя 2017 Автор: Инна

Having a lot of money is nice. But why dream of money? For what
dream little thing? Worth to understand.


For what dream little thing — основное толкование

Large banknotes, large amounts of money usually dream
to pleasant troubles and a huge number of pleasant events. But
a trifle seen in a dream has exactly the opposite

In order to interpret the whole dream, you need to pay
attention to even the most minor details:

– Where did you get the little things;

– Did you count the coins;

– How much did you have small money;

– Who else was present in your dream;

– What did you experience during sleep?

If in a dream you have a huge amount of coins hidden in a bag –
such a dream is judging you while hidden minor problems. Depending on the
how big your bag is in your sleep
Problems. If the bag in your dream is huge – such a dream means that
and problems will be significant. Or it will be a stream of small
troubles that just swallow you up.

If in your dream you have coins scattered in the corners of the apartment –
such a dream promises you difficulty and trouble with the household. You do not
just start swearing with them, someone will be the culprit for your quarrels
stranger. Your close people can get very sick if you see
that you have rusty coins scattered around your house.

If you see how you yourself scatter coins in your apartment
– your negligence in statements may cost you a reputation.
Try in the near future to prevent such

If you see coins that are scattered in front of your doorstep –
someone else will bring you the bad news. Try not to
succumb to provocations and not allow strangers
interfere with the course of your life. Such a dream may herald a quarrel on
work because of envy and meanness.

A lot of rumors about your personal life will be dismissed at work.
Try not to focus on them. What they say for
your back should not affect your professionalism.
A dream in which you recount the coins found – promises you
a long search for ways out of a difficult situation. You will
want to get rid of the routine. If you in a dream counted all
coins, and you had enough of them – such a dream means that you will allow everything
your questions.

If in a dream you do not have enough coins – this dream promises you
lack of support and support in life. You will wait for support as
financially and morally from the second half, but not
get it. Dream Interpretation advises to temporarily rely only on their
forces, do not expect from a partner unreal.

If you dream, how do you find in your pocket change from
unknown country – this dream promises the possibility of travel,
but it will not be too successful. You would rather be forced
go on a trip.

If you see foreign coins in your hand, and your coins
volutes – you will have several choices in a difficult situation.
It is important to give preference to the one that will seem the most
unreal. In the end, it will be the most correct.

If you dream that you distribute coins to beggars – such a dream
says that you have long done nothing good just like that.
It’s time to make a difference and do something nice without
special occasion. You can create a holiday for your loved ones
mood, you can somehow thank your friends in a special way
for their moral support.

A dream in which you yourself become a beggar and they give you coins –
says that lying and deception will harm your reputation and deprive
you finance. There are intrigues around you, and you do not really want to
notice them. Try your best to defend your right to
happiness, career growth. Do not allow enemies to destroy all that
you have been creating for years.

If in a dream you, along with small things, throw large bills – small ones
troubles and troubles will abruptly change to positive situations in
of your life. Try to see all the good things for you.
prepared by fate. Do not allow yourself to give up beforehand.

If you throw coins over your head – such a dream
means you will talk too much. Your words will be
empty, you speak yourself, jinx it. Try to lead
conversations are essentially and do not allow unnecessary utterances in someone’s

A dream in which you get married and are scattered over your head
gold coins – promises temporary difficulties in his personal life. If a
silver coins are scattered over your head – they are waiting for you
long problems and troubles. They initially seem to you
insignificant, after – grow up in whom problems.

A dream in which you pay in coins for the goods means
your financial losses that you did not count on. Will devour you
debt pit if you don’t learn how to plan your expenses.
Begin to change your attitude to spending in advance, so that later
to regret.

For what dream little thing по соннику Фрейда

A trifle in a dream promises unstable sex life. You can change
partners, you can not arrange everything around. You can even
be disgusted with sex life if suddenly in a dream you
found coins under his bed. Such a dream can also talk about
that someone else wishes you and your relationship

A dream in which you give coins to your man means that you
You will shed a lot of tears because of his relationship to you. It will not
only minor insults and betrayal – it can be big
problems, treason.

A dream in which you collect coins in the piggy bank – means that you
save up memories of your former partners. Try
stop thinking about them and start your personal life all over again.
Turn the page of your life and open a new one.

A dream in which you leave coins in a church means that you
really want a family and can not get it. You should help
someone else to get their desired and cherished desire
will be fulfilled.

For what снятся монеты по Эзотерическому соннику

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that coins dream when
man begins to trifle. You ask a lot from life and, with
this, are not ready to give life to something. The sleep in which you are experiencing
fear when looking for missing coins in your pocket – says
that you will be afraid not to finish the job.

A dream in which you feel that someone has thrown coins at you
to the courtyard – speaks of your friend’s presence, which he secretly feels
you hate and envy. You may even know who this is about
but do not want to believe it. Try взглянуть на ситуацию
with open eyes and then everything will become clear.

For what снятся монеты, если вы нашли их на перекрёстке — такой
a dream indicates that someone is obviously trying to magically
harm you. Try прислушаться к своему внутреннему
whether there is anxiety in you, maybe you are suddenly hard
got sick. Such a dream suggests that you are waiting for a series
trouble, the fault of which will be a stranger.

A dream in which you mint coins – says that you yourself
will be to blame for your problems. Try not to aggravate
situation and avoid excessive nervousness and agitation.
Keep yourself in hand, even if you dream that someone is stealing from
you coins. Such a dream means that you can return the whole
negative, all bad to the one who brought it to you.

For what снятся монеты по другим сонникам

In the dream book Grishina it is said that coins of small denomination promise
you have troubles and minor illnesses, even injuries. Sleep in which
you have a huge amount of coins and you will drown them – promises you
a large number of tasks and responsibilities with which you will need
to cope. Try быть более внимательными к своим близким
people field of such a dream.

In the dream book of Aesop, it is said that throwing coins in a dream –
promises you the same scattering words. You do not сможете сдержать
promise, you will try to launder, defend your reputation by any
in ways. This will further humiliate you in the eyes of the one who
believed you.

A dream in which you search for coins in a field means that you
lost in their dreams, and expect too much from life. AT
In the near future, she will present you only small gifts and
small surprises, do not count on a huge success. If a же
you will gratefully begin to accept the gifts of life – you will become
truly happy person. In fact, life makes you
great service. Thank her, take joy for joy,
grief for grief

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