Why don’t you need an expensive cream?

Пн, 17 мар 2014 В погоне за ускользающей красотой
women are willing to spend most of their budget. Cosmetic
companies trumpeting in fanfare, glorifying the inventions of their own
laboratories. Every day, the opening! And now we run to
counter for the miracle elixir of youth. And you also think that what
more expensive cream, so it is more effective?

Useless giants. British Society for the Protection of Rights
consumer (Sense About Science) set out to check
inventions of major beauty concerns and turned to scientists from
нескольких независимых laboratories. It turned out that the main fighters
with age – collagen molecules in the composition of expensive anti-age
creams … absolutely useless. They just don’t work, because
too large and cannot penetrate the skin, settling on the surface

The future for nanotechnology? What is there collagen in deep
skin layers are not able to penetrate even innovative nanoparticles (and
because their appearance in the cream automatically makes it “golden”).
It was assumed that they should be transported to the dermis useful
Ingredients. But think, the most important role of the skin is barrier, it
protects the body from potentially hazardous substances and reduces
water loss. A study conducted by scientists at the University of Bath
(UK) showed that the skin copes well with its
work. That is, an attempt to deeply influence her,
superficially making money, is simply doomed to failure.

However, the above discoveries do not call you
refuse cream in general. Its role in hydration and protection from
Sun – the most important prevention of wrinkles – it is difficult to overestimate. Here is
Only expensive and budget creams cope with this practically
the same way. Draw conclusions!

Anti-age menu. So, perhaps, the cream – this is what
can save. But on what to save just not worth it – healthy
nutrition. Avicenna also wrote: “If the father of the disease is unknown, then the mother
– always food. And this means that one of the main conditions
maintaining health, beauty and youth is ensuring its
sufficient amount of vitamins, macro-and micronutrients.
Anti-aging diet should be rich in antioxidants, more
all of them in fruits and vegetables. Unfortunately, get everything you need
from food is often simply impossible, so taking
vitamin-mineral complexes becomes a necessity.

Awaken the energy of beauty! The benefits of vitamins and minerals for
health and beauty confirmed by the Nobel Prizes,
laboratory testing and experience of generations.

simply: beauty begins from within. Isama nature will help us in this
in view of the biocomplex, Lady’s formula “For Hair,
Skin and Nail. Reinforced formula.

This complex is natural because it was developed on the basis of
herbal remedies that care for our body,
enhancing the effect of cosmetic procedures that only affect
the most superficial layer of the skin.

Вчемже секрет Lady’s formula «Для Волос, Skin and Nail.
Усиленная формула»
? Biocomplex contains 29 active components
иусилен оригинальной растительной формулой, что отличает его
отбольшинства других внешне похожих препаратов

Everything витамины, минералы, аминокислоты иэкстракты лекарственных
plants in the Lady’s formula complex “For Hair, Skin and
Nail art Усиленная формула» дополняют и усиливают действие
each other. Экстракт корня лопуха стимулирует рост волос.
Биодоступный кремний, содержащийся в хвоще, укрепляет
and prevents hair loss. Gelatin prevents stratification
nails, improves the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Amino acid
питает волосяной фолликул, замедляет старение кожи.
Силу и блеск волосам дарят сера и цинк, а яркий цвет
и эластичность придают селен и фосфор.
Рибонуклеиновая кислота участвует в построении клеток кожи и
hair, restores the structure of the nails.

Thanks to this multi-component composition, enhanced
оригинальной растительной формулой этот комплекс не только
enriches the body with essential nutrients, but also
restores from the inside the health of your hair, skin and nails.

Being beautiful in our time is not difficult if Lady’s

As advertising

BAA. Not a medicine

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