Why does the puppy eat its excrement? Danger:the puppy is eating its feces, what to do, is it okay

Чт, 19 апр 2018 Автор: Надежда

Often you can meet a puppy that eats its
excrement. Such an occupation does not seem aesthetic and even nasty.
But you can not blame the pet for it, because they move exclusively
instincts, which he is not subject to lead.


Why a puppy has its excrement

A lot of dogs are eating feces. This behavior with
the scientific side is called coprophagy.

The desire to use pet excrement arise
exclusively on an instinctive level. They may occur by
several reasons.

1. Pet’s pet age, up to three months when it occurs
the formation of the gastrointestinal tract. Usually by four months
the habit disappears and the puppy no longer eats

2. Lack of vitamins. If the owner feeds the dog
unbalanced food, in which very few nutrients, then
the pet’s body requires them to recover, so the puppy starts
there is excrement;

3. Feeding low-calorie foods. If the puppy uses
feces, it is possible that he lacks nutrients
substances. This happens when the owner feeds the pet.
low-calorie foods or even forget about feeding

4. Instinct in maintaining its place clean, as well as
copying the behavior of other dogs. This can happen if
adult dog, mom, eats baby’s excrement to clean
kennel from pollution. The kid sees it and just starts to imitate

5. Feeding too fatty when the dog’s body is just
does not cope with its digestion and calls for help useful
substances that are just excreta;

6. Helminth disease. In this case, the dog is constantly
wants to eat, so the nourishing feces become habitual to her

7. With diseases of the stomach and liver, a puppy may occur
желание съесть свои excrement. But not always taking them for food
signals such a big problem.

Other reasons why a puppy eats its feces

A situation where a puppy eats its own feces may not apply to
the development of physical diseases in the body of the animal. Completely
it is possible that his instincts are transmitted from their ancestors. So-called
hereditary coprophagy. If mom or dad is a pet before
addicted to using excrement, then the descendant may
inherit this bad habit.

In addition, a puppy may suffer from a lack of
attention from the owner, and that would attract him, can make ridiculous
pranks are not always pleasant. If the pet lives in the house, then what
убрать за собой он может съесть excrement. It happens
especially when the owner scolds the dog for shitting in
home, as well as poke it in a handful.

Stress can also be a cause of eating excrement.
a puppy. Get his pet can while walking when others
dogs aggressively treat him or if the owner left for a long time
an animal of one. In a few weeks, usually
the habit disappears.

Danger in puppy eating its excrement

In general, there is no danger that the puppy eats its
no excrement. In some cases, it is even useful when the dog
not enough nutrients, vitamins and nutrients
trace elements. But still, eating a puppy feces is not the most
nice sight. In addition, the pet and its owner may gain
some troubles:

1. Parvoviral (hemorrhagic) enteritis. Such a disease
hard for dogs, and for a puppy it can even turn out
by death. A pet will get such an infection if it eats feces.
an animal infected with a similar virus;

2. Infectious disease leptospirosis, which affects the kidneys,
liver of the animal. It can also be picked up from an infected

3. Toxoplasmosis – a very common disease of pets. AT
in some cases, it can go unnoticed, and it can lead
to death. The biggest danger is that it can be transmitted

5. Helminth infestation. If the puppy will eat the dog’s feces,
which is a carrier of worms, then the pet will receive part of them
it will be extremely difficult to get rid of them.

AT целом, если щенок поедает исключительно собственные фекалии, а
the owner carefully monitors his diet and cares for him, then
there is no danger in eating excrement.

What to do if a puppy eats its excrement

If the puppy eats its excrement is necessary to hold
preventive procedures.

1. If the owner does not know the reason why his puppy eats
feces, it is best to contact the veterinarian, to exclude the presence of
serious diseases;

2. You can use to add special biological
pet food supplements that contain many beneficial
vitamins and trace elements necessary for animals in any

3. Try to clean the puppy’s body from the presence of worms, with
using special drugs and recipes folk
medicine. Good in this situation helps garlic and simple
pumpkin seeds. If a even the animal is not infected with worms,
This procedure does not pose any danger, and prevention
brought no harm to anyone;

4. To train a puppy with necessary commands, first of all “Fu”. When
the owner will see that the puppy is absorbing excrement, then he should
tell him that word. Over time, the pet will develop a conditional
reflex, which will repel it from the use of feces;

5. When walking, you can use a muzzle, so that the pet is not
ate unpleasant food at a time when the owner turned away;

6. Change the puppy’s diet. Maybe he doesn’t get it.
quantities of nutrients or consume food that
the body can not digest. If a хозяин не знает, каким образом
you can change the food, it is better to contact your veterinarian for obtaining

7. And most importantly, it is care, attention and caress from
the host. Often, pets start to eat feces just
because they want to attract the attention of man.

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