Why does my head ache in the forehead? what выпить,when a headache in the forehead hurts and is it necessary to disturb the doctor?

Ср, 14 окт 2015 Автор: Ольга Серенькая

Every person at least once in his life wondered: “Why
does your head ache in the forehead? ”, because this unpleasant phenomenon is not always
talks about the pathological process in the body. It can
to develop in completely healthy people for many reasons.

Such pain can spread to the temples, neck,
irradiate in the orbit. what вызывает этот симптом, когда нужно
sound the alarm and go to a specialist, and in what cases
help yourself? Let’s figure it out.


Why a headache in the forehead hurts: the most common
the reasons

Headache may be present at more than 300 different.
diseases. Specifying the location of its localization, it is possible to significantly narrow
this circle. Далее приведём наиболее частые the reasons, почему может
болеть голова в forehead area.


it заболевание характеризуется воспалением слизистых оболочек
maxillary sinuses. The cause of the pathology can be diseases of the teeth,
infection of other nasal structures. If you feel along with
headache heaviness and pressure in the forehead, perhaps this and
there is the same sinusitis. ATажно в таких случаях обращаться сражу же
to the ENT specialist for diagnosis and treatment.


Pathology associated with inflammation of the frontal sinuses, which
placed in the eponymous bone of the skull. It is characterized by gain
headache in the morning. This is due to increased
the accumulation of mucus that was collected throughout the night because
harboured outflow. When the sinuses are relieved, the symptom becomes
not so intense, but with time comes back again.

For treatment can use different medications in
depending on the neglect of the process. They are accepted only after
doctor’s appointments.

Колебания артериального давления

ATызвать головную боль может как повышенное, так и сниженное
arterial pressure. AT таких случаях наблюдается постепенное
spreading the symptom from the forehead to the temples, the back of the head, and then
pain covers the whole head.

To provoke jumps in blood pressure indicators can
stress, nervous strain, severe fatigue, abrupt change
climatic conditions, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure.

Повышение внутричерепного давления

It is characterized by a similar clinical picture, like the previous one.

Инфекционный процесс

If you have a headache in the forehead, and there is a cough,
runny nose, discomfort in the throat, hyperthermia can be suspected development
cold or respiratory tract infection (pneumonia,
bronchitis, sore throat, rhinitis, pharyngitis).

But sometimes this symptom may signal the development of more
severe illnesses such as:

  • Meningitis. Characterized by the development of nausea and
  • Flu. ATместе с головной болью замечается
    pronounced chills of the whole body, myalgia, weakness, photophobia,
    discomfort when moving the eyeballs.
  • Dengue fever. Against cranialgia
    developing pain in muscles and joints.
  • Typhoid and malaria. These infections are characterized by
    sharp bouts of headache.
  • Migraine. This pathology is different from
    common headache in that it has a pulsating character and
    affects only one side of the skull. A sharp attack is accompanied
    flashing flies in the eyes, sensitivity to odors,
    light, sounds. Nausea and vomiting may also occur. More often
    migraine attacks bother people with burdened history. Besides
    Moreover, they can develop on the background of stress, fatigue, depression,
    emotional exhaustion.

A migraine attack begins in the neck and gradually
moves to the forehead, pain is most pronounced in the area
brow arc.

Нарушение кровотока в сосудах головного

Besides повышения артериального давления, расстройство мозгового
blood circulation can develop with vegetative dystonia,
some neurological diseases.

Кластерные, или пучковые, боли

Why does the head in the forehead area hurt in this case
unknown There is a hypothesis about the pathological condition of the vessels.
It is characterized by sharp intense attacks on the one hand,
it also develops lacrimation and hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the eyes.
AT большинстве случаев такая головная боль беспокоит курящих мужчин

Травмы черепа в анамнезе

Often a headache occurs as a result of the transferred
earlier falls, accidents that caused the injury of the skull.
If the incident took place right now and, except
headache, a person suffers from nausea, vomiting, and general condition
gradually getting worse, chances of developing concussion
the brain. AT таком случае нужно немедленно обратиться за
medical care.

Гормональный сбой в организме

Hormones are special substances that regulate all processes in
the human body. Why a headache in the forehead in cases
fluctuations in their level? If the concentration deviates beyond the limits,
this symptom may occur. More often он develops in diseases
endocrine organs, pregnancy, puberty, in women in
period of menopause.

Headache in this case may be accompanied by redness.
or pallor of the face, increased production of sweat, drops

ATлияние токсических веществ

If diseases of other organs are excluded, and why the headache
in the forehead area is unknown, but the symptom is a fait accompli
You might think about excessive fatigue or emotional

Why does my head ache in the forehead during intoxication?

In today’s world, manufacturers often use synthetic
materials for the manufacture of furniture, household items, hygienic
and cosmetics. The presence of such may
to indicate a peculiar smell.

Contacting constantly with an irritant in the body accumulates
toxic substances that emit some household items,
and upon reaching a high concentration can manifest as
headache attacks.

If possible try to avoid buying such poor quality
goods, because chemicals not only cause this symptom,
but also can cause the development of serious internal diseases
organs and even cancer pathologies.

If in everyday life there are already objects that have a persistent smell,
try to air the room more often. It will help him faster

Can a headache in the forehead area after drinking?
some food?

In the manufacture of food manufacturers use
many additives, flavors and other synthetic substances.
About 20 of them can be the reason why a headache in
forehead area. Accordingly, the products in which they are contained
will affect your well-being in the same way, and here is the number
they will be much more.

Давайте разберём самые распространённые пищевые
, способные стать причиной головной боли.

1. • Nitrates. This word is on everyone’s lips, and is unlikely to be able to find
the hostess, who would have tried to buy when choosing food
them containing this substance. However, they are quite
often. Especially in meat products, such as sausage, sausages,
Sausages, etc.

2. • Monosodium glutamate. A lot of this supplement is in
seafood that has not undergone any heat treatment.

3. • Histamine. This substance affects the body depending on
quantity. In small doses, it can have a positive effect.
on the state of immunity. But if histamine starts to flow in
large doses, there is the likelihood of developing migraine attacks.
A lot of this supplement is found in beer and red wine.

4. • Tyramine. Used in the manufacture of some varieties
hard cheese, chocolate, is also found in nuts.

5. Caffeine. Its effect on the body is similar to histamine. AT
small doses improve brain function, and with an excessive flow
can cause headaches. Therefore do not abuse
strong tea, coffee and other caffeine-rich drinks.

6. • Citrus. AT сочных ярких плодах содержатся кислоты, которые
can cause a problem like a headache in people
prone to the development of allergies.

Headache in the forehead area: to which specialist
to apply?

If you have a headache, you need to listen to your
to the body. ATозможно, есть ещё какие-то симптомы, которые могут
point to the development of the pathological process. Need to start with
trip to the therapist or family doctor. If necessary he
send you for additional consultation to the dentist,
ENT specialist or neurologist.

How to get rid of headache in the forehead?

To fix this problem, you first need to
determine why a headache in the forehead region, on the basis of this and
appropriate treatment will be selected. If the symptom occurred without
apparent cause, you can get rid of it by taking painkillers
a pill. But it should be done carefully.

Often the pain in the forehead is the result
improper lifestyle, nutrition, fatigue and other causes
unrelated to the development of the pathological process. AT таких случаях
measures need to be directed precisely to the normalization of its regime. what
specifically you can do?

Adjust your diet. Use only
healthy foods, eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, minimize
fried, salty, smoked, spicy dishes, sweets, alcohol.

Установите режим отдыха и труда. Sure to
take at least 8 hours to sleep. Also avoid nervous
overvoltage, excessive fatigue. Try to walk daily
on the street.

Provide your body with regular physical
в виде плавания, гимнастики или бега. it
beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels, improve circulation
oxygen and reduce the likelihood of developing headaches.

ATыпивайте ежедневно достаточное количество

If muscle spasm is present, it is necessary to focus on its
elimination. Refuse to sleep on a pillow in cases often
recurring headaches, learn certain exercises for
relieving muscle tension back of the head.

Avoid stressful situations.

Folk remedies for eliminating headaches

If you don’t know why a headache in the forehead, but this one
the symptom is independent, you can get rid of it with
using traditional medicine recipes. They will eliminate the unpleasant
manifestation without harming the body, because they do not contain
any chemicals.


You need to take the crumb of a lemon without a skin and put on the whiskey,
hold as long as possible. Tie some warm top
the cloth. whatбы ускорить эффект, выпейте полстакана свежевыжатого сока
potato or black currant.

Cold and hot shower

AT случаях болевых приступов помойте голову сначала горячей, а
then cool water. Can be repeated several times. Such
temperature difference contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, as a result
which symptom recedes.


Brew strong green or black tea, add pru in it
mint leaves and sugar. After taking such a drink a headache
disappears within 15 minutes.


Dissolve a quarter of a teaspoon of ground cinnamon in 200 ml of boiling water
and insist for 2 hours. Then add sugar to taste.
or honey and sip every hour. To achieve more resistant
effect, you can add a few drops of lavender oil to the drink or

Why do you have a headache in the forehead? There are a lot of reasons.
itт признак может свидетельствовать о множестве патологий, но
sometimes occurs on the background of complete well-being. Do not neglect
condition of your health and timely go to the doctor for
establish the true cause of the unpleasant symptom.

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