Why does a pregnant woman dream about a boy?dream books. Detailed interpretation of what a pregnant woman dreamed ofboy

Пн, 22 авг 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Dreams of having children are natural for pregnant women.

They, as a rule, reflect the emotional excitement, joyful
impatience or fear of childbirth.

To interpret a dream in a good or bad direction should be in
depending on what feelings a pregnant woman feels after


TO чему беременной снится boy по современному соннику

  • If pregnant in a dream saw a male baby or
    маленького boyа, это очень благоприятный знак. Such a dream
    predicts that the birth will be successful, easy, fast, without
    suffering and excess pain.

  • TO чему беременной снится boy, с которым она радостно, с
    playing with pleasure? Such a dream about enjoying the game with the baby
    also very favorable. It means that pregnant life is always
    will be full of well-being, family happiness, joy. Waiting for her
    wealth and strong marriage.

  • A pregnant woman can dream about how she kisses, hugs,
    ласкает маленького boyа. She feels tenderness, delight
    affection The dream predicts that for a long time everything
    the woman’s undertakings will be successful, and honoring and
    respect from relatives, children, colleagues.

  • Если беременной снится сон, в котором она ругает boyа,
    shames and even slaps him, this is a negative dream. Nothing
    terrible, it does not portend. However, women should prepare for
    that misunderstandings will arise between her and her relatives
    or co-workers. Woman waiting for trouble and worries.

  • Если о сне беременная теряет boyа, ищет его и не может
    find, then in reality she may find herself in a risky or doubtful
    situations. She should behave more carefully and cautiously.

TO чему беременной снится boy, которого она не знает и не
want to take? This is an empty dream. It means only
natural anxiety experienced by women on the eve of birth

TO чему беременной снится boy по соннику Ванги

  • Согласно соннику болгарской предсказательницы boy,
    dreaming in a dream, symbolizes the success and fulfillment of all desires.
    Whatever the pregnant woman dreams of, her dreams come true.
    Ванга считала, что именно появление boyа во снах лучше всего
    predicts the future and guides people along the right path.

  • Если беременная женщина видит во сне маленького boyа, это
    also means that in her life has begun or is about to begin
    favorable period. Family life will be successful, and pregnancy
    will not deliver disappointments.

  • If in a dream a woman plays with a baby, then she will find it waking.
    long-awaited meaning of life. Her fate is on track,
    worry and worry about anything not worth it.

  • TO чему беременной снится boy? If she continues to work,
    then it is a very good dream. He predicts that all problems
    will be resolved safely, work will be a joy
    bosses will be pleased. It is possible to obtain large
    rewards or wage increases.

  • After such a dream in the family of the pregnant to improve understanding,
    and if there were quarrels, they will end. Will be achieved
    peace and tranquility.

  • Но если во сне беременная видит нескольких boyов, которые
    arguing, arguing, fighting, she needs to be very careful. Sleep
    predicts that a woman may be in a strange and unpleasant
    a situation possibly related to breaking the law. Anyway
    after an unfavorable dream, you need to be on your guard.

  • Если беременная увидела во сне отчаянно плачущего boyа, ее
    a great surprise and strange event awaits. If the child pulls to
    woman handles, enough for fingers, that’s good. Childbirth will pass
    well, the baby will be in the family.

  • TO чему беременной снится boy, покрытый язвами или больной?
    This is a strange dream that requires thinking from any dreaming person.
    Dreaming means that a pregnant woman should think about her
    life and try to change something in it. Perhaps in her help
    needs some man.

  • Если женщина потеряла во сне boyа и не смогла отыскать его,
    it reflects her experiences: fear, hope, anxiety. Sleep не
    It should be interpreted negatively, but pregnant for the sake of their own
    Health needs to calm down and accept the situation.

TO чемубеременной снится boy по соннику Миллера

  • Согласно соннику Миллера, boy в сновидении означает большое
    surprise and joy. This is a natural for pregnant woman.
    feelings, so dreams of children should not be given special importance,
    if sensations in a dream and after waking up are neutral.

  • If the dreamer experiences joy, love for the beautiful and
    healthy baby, then in reality it is waiting for happiness and prosperity.
    Kissing a baby in a dream is to achieve success in reality and
    get long-awaited happiness.

  • Плачущий boy во сне — предупреждение. Possible deterioration
    health, the emergence of problems and troubles in life. Pregnant
    you need to save yourself and avoid dangerous situations.

  • TO чему беременной снится boy довольный, смеющийся, happy?
    This is the forerunner of a new love. But the dying or sad baby
    does not mean anything. Such a dream is just a reflection of fears,
    natural for a pregnant woman. But if a woman is in a dream
    cradles, lulls a sick baby, tries to calm her
    have to experience pain, emotional distress, intense melancholy.

  • If a pregnant woman dreamed of giving birth, as a result of which
    она родила boyа или девочку, то в реальности рождение ребенка
    will pass easily, very quickly and without complications.

  • Looking for and not finding a baby in a dream means that pregnant
    I waste my strength. She should not give so much time
    non-viable project or spend energy on a person
    relationship with which does not deliver joy or completed.

  • Sleepник Миллера предсказывает беременной, которая видит во сне
    boyа, благополучное рождение ребенка наяву и исполнение всех ее
    desires. If the child behaves aggressively, beats or scolds
    a pregnant woman, then in reality she may become a victim of betrayal
    and learn about the hypocrisy of others. Самой бить boyа — знак хлопот,
    small experiences, fuss. Need to keep your feelings under control
    and philosophical about problems.

  • Sleep, в котором беременная кормит малыша грудью, благоприятен. Her
    waiting for material well-being, cash surprise and family

TO чему беременной снится boy по семейному соннику

Pregnancy is a special condition of a woman. Dreams of babies in
this period is natural. By and large, they are no different.
from dreams that a young woman or girl sees
child-bearing age. Именно поэтому трактовать сны о boyе для
pregnant follows the usual way.

  • See it in your arms – to the appearance in the life of a new
    affairs As a rule, basting for this is already in reality. Other
    option – in the coming days after the dream, a pregnant woman
    will light up with some idea and take up its implementation.

  • Иногда беременной женщина сон о boyе-младенце предсказывает
    big surprise. If she is preoccupied in a dream so that
    the baby did not fall means. In reality, she doubts
    благополучном разрешении какого-то affairs

  • If a pregnant woman sees that she is holding a fun,
    красивого, здорового boyа, это очень хороший сон. All in life
    It will be great, the delivery will be successful and on time. Pregnant will be on
    throughout the prenatal period is happy, she is waiting for the prosperity and

  • If the child in the dream is ugly or sick, should
    Take care, pay attention to the financial situation in the family.
    Perhaps your spouse will start having problems with finances or

  • Такое же неблагоприятное значение имеет сон о boyе нагом,
    bare, frozen. This is the harbinger of misfortune. Another interpretation of sleep
    more favorably. Pregnant just worries about how will pass
    childbirth. She should calm down and not be nervous.

  • Аналогичным образом трактуется сон о boyе, который бьется в
    agony. After a dream you need to pay attention to your health,
    do not enter into questionable projects, abandon dangerous
    events and trips. Otherwise, the pregnant woman is waiting
    suffering, loneliness, need, the collapse of all hopes.

  • TO чему беременной снится boy на руках кормилицы? TO
    a long period of calm and complete marital

  • Seeing a baby wrapped in diapers is extremely unfavorable.
    for a pregnant woman sleep. Great care must be taken
    do not be nervous and generally beware, since such a dream can
    предсказывать преждевременные childbirth. Another interpretation of sleep — болезнь
    the woman herself or her spouse. If there are any dysfunctional
    symptoms, should urgently visit a doctor.

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