Why does a cat sneeze: is treatment necessary? howhelp a cat that sneezes from a cold, allergy or otherthe reason

Пн, 26 фев 2018 Автор: ATиктория Банникова

Most pet owners with alertness
refer to any changes in the health and behavior of pets. So
the question may arise why the cat sneezes?
treatment and what kind of drugs?


So why does a cat sneeze – possible causes.

First of all, sneezing in cats, like people, is a defense mechanism.
an organism that helps clear the airways. Main reasons
there may be two: physiological (getting into the nose of dust or wool) and
pathological (reaction to a disease or irritant). In the first
If the pet is sneezing briefly and no difficulty
should not arise. Do not worry if after a couple of minutes
the pet is already playing or sleeping, most likely he could
to clear a nose from dust or wool.

However, it is much more dangerous if sneezing is long, it can
caused by the body’s response to a serious illness or
allergies. It is necessary to establish the exact reason why sneezes

The most common causes of sneezing are
The following types of diseases:

1) colds – a simple runny nose happens in cats, as standard
leads to irritation of the nasal mucosa and sneezing.

2) sinus infections and viruses. The most common:

a) cat herpesvirus (an animal could become infected when
contact with another cat), b) calcirosis (ulcers may appear in
oral and lacrimation, when exposed to the respiratory tract
can even lead to pneumonia)

c) infectious peritonitis

d) feline immunodeficiency virus

e) feline leukemia virus

3) growths in the nasal cavity (polyps) – lead to difficulty
respiratory process and can cause sneezing.

4) allergic reactions in all manifestations.

5) tooth disease or sore gums – sneezing occurs as
inflammation complication

6) nasal cancer is the most dangerous cause, manifested with
bleeding from the nose. Be sure to contact
veterinary clinic for examination.

7) asthma – manifested in difficulty breathing and sneezing

Allergy as a possible reason why a cat sneezes

Of the above diseases, allergy is most common.
It can be determined by the fact that sneezing appears only in
the moment when the animal is in contact with the allergen. Main
Allergens for cats are:

1) tobacco smoke

2) deodorants, perfume and eau de toilette

3) lush flowering plants and their pollen

4) household chemical products – for washing dishes, cleaning for
bathtubs, windows, etc

5) some types of mold

6) dust

Soим образом, когда кошка находилась в комнате с каким-либо из
these irritants, it is possible that her sneezing is protective
reaction. You must air the room or send your pet to
another room.

how определить почему чихает кошка?

When we figure out what reasons exist, you need to understand
how to treat it? Home treatment or need to see a doctor?

To get started, carefully follow how the animal behaves and how
often it sneezes?

If you notice that a cat touches its nose or scratches it,
it is possible that she herself cannot cope with getting into
nasal cavity of foreign objects or allergens. You can
help the cat rinsing his nose, do it better together, because the cat
can break out. For washing it is necessary to heat the physiological
solution to body temperature; draw liquid into a syringe without a needle or
intravenous carter, then firmly fix the animal, after
bringing the cat’s head up and slowly and gently pour in 0.5
ml of solution in each nostril. It is important to take breaks so that the cat
I could rest and rest.

If sneezing is permanent and is accompanied by thick
nasal discharge, most likely it is an infection or a virus. Besides
this may increase fever, swelling of the tonsils or cough.
Helping a pet at home is impossible, because
A veterinarian can determine the exact type of illness and prescribe
proper treatment.

So же выделения из носа, но уже прозрачные, а так же
tearing and swollen eyes are symptoms of an allergic reaction. AT
In this case, you must accurately identify the allergen and exclude it. So
for example, do not smoke next to a pet. However if
it’s impossible to find the cause of the allergy yourself
consult a specialist.

From causes to treatment

Treatment will depend on the diagnosis. Will consider
main types of treatment:

If the tests reveal a herpes virus, then lysine is prescribed.

Various types of infections with active breeding of bacteria are treated.
antibiotics according to the type of infection. For example, maxidine
either fosprenil (against inflammatory processes) or buckin or
gamavit (fortifying effect).

Medicines in the form of ointments are used against fungal infections.
or gel.

If the cause of sneezing in a mouth disease, then the problem
will go away with the treatment of teeth or gums.

The most difficult treatment for cancer tumors or polyps –
need medical intervention.

Very often, doctors prescribe intranasal drops, which will
You must agree to bury the instructions yourself. Should
fix the cat, tightly pressing it to some surface or to
your knees. The head of the cat should be slightly tilted up to
nose “looked” in the cloth. Do not try to get into it at all
Nostril pipette, do not even need to touch the nose. Enough to keep
Pipette over the nostrils and drip 2-3 drops in each. Medicine
it will flow itself and you will not bring too much discomfort to your

ATажно помнить, что консультация у специалиста необходимо! Not
try to treat yourself, not knowing the exact diagnosis and assigned
medication doctor.


To the question “why our cat sneezes?” Did not arise at all,
it is necessary to carry out preventive measures in a timely manner – to do
necessary vaccinations. From the first days of your fluffy appearance
pet needs to take care of vaccination.

From six months onwards each year the following should be done

1) antiviral

2) against cat flu

3) for rabies

4) from leukemia

If initially monitor the health of the animal, then
you can avoid many problems, your cat will delight you with its
active behavior and respond with love to your care.

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