Why do men leave suddenly and silently?

Чт, 14 янв 2016 Автор: Анастасия

This article attempts to answer the question of why men
suddenly terminate the relationship without explanation, although it seemed to
there were no prerequisites. “I met him for several weeks.
Everything was perfect, without haste, calm, but I am all the time
felt that he needed. Once we gathered with my friends
to the concert, and that day he looked very different. Nothing is
he said it got colder, goodbye kissed me somehow wrong.
Felt that something torments him, but he did not want anything
narrate. After the concert, he took me home and promised
call in the morning. And never again appeared “- something like that
many women can tell about themselves. Why do men disappear
so simple? Could anything be worse in such a situation than
no answer to a very worrisome question? After all
it’s better to know the most embarrassing truth than to scroll through
голове вымышленные сценарии.Почему же случается
like that?

ATо-первых, часто случается, что парень ищет
minute entertainment, because that is what he needs.
Meets an attractive woman, creates a pleasant impression.
about himself, and at this moment he realizes that he does not need her. Then he
silently disappears, and if necessary, justify through
some time says that he went urgently abroad, lost
phone with all numbers or in the family there was a tragedy. AT
in some cases, any of this turns out to be true, but not so
often. And the meaning in the intricacies of false words is one – to leave about
yourself a good impression, because thanks to this he himself thinks about
себе лучше.ATо-вторых, попадаются мужчины, которые
too afraid that a woman, having invaded their lives, will not destroy
familiar flow. And especially for situations when
it turns out that a woman and a man are too significant
differences in lifestyle. For example: a man is a homebody. Loves
spend evenings at home reading, chatting or some kind of home
by deeds. A new girlfriend – a party girl, who considers home
pastime is a waste of time. Another her persistent
the request to “go hang out” can be the last straw. The man
chooses the usual comfort in the calculation that the new woman will share with
him his addiction to domesticity. AT этом случае главным фактором
becoming unwilling to change yourself while understanding
the fact that a woman “party girl” is also not remake.

Бывает и So, что отрицательный опыт выяснения
Relationships keep out of direct conversations. When
in the process of relations a broken cup, being late for a date or
a minor misstep causes a disproportionate storm of female emotions,
the man understands that his words about ending the relationship will cause
real armegeddon. Sizzling storm. AT этом случае срабатывает
banal defensive reaction. When мужчина стремится оградить свою
psyche (and men also have a psyche) from excessive negativity.

Расставание без объяснений происходит еще и в тех
cases where the real reason for parting too
для открытого объяснения. for example
dissatisfaction in bed. Disagreement of women on some kinds
intimate games and caresses can be a decisive factor for men, but
say in the eye – I leave you because you refuse
Anal sex – he also can not. After all данная причина в рамках
ideas about human relationships just looks
“not serious”. And the man knows that this is how she will be
perceived. As a woman herself, perhaps her friends. Not
wanting to put your sexual addictions on public display
– the man just leaves silently. Or finished with a general streamlined
phrases like: we don’t match each other.

Однако, существует Soой тип женщин, которые заставляют
каждого партнера бежать без слов
— это женщина-плющ. it
one that immediately “without memory” falls in love and wants to completely
take possession of the world around your chosen one. Wants him to spend
all the time only with her, and only she paid attention. Most
men in such cases, the mechanism of protection, and they simply
run off. So women need to understand that the reasons for
silent parting quite a lot. But men at the same time
you need to know that such silence often hurts even more.
They need to remember that a man can be seen by the way he finishes
relationship, and does not start them.


Sergiy 09/05/2016 we must look for a person with similar habits. if a
there will be different habits that inevitably lead to divorce as it’s just
not interesting is becoming to live with a person who is generally on the other
wave. терпеть тоже лучше не надо потому что заработаете ATСД или
панические атSoи вещь весьма непрятная, бррр… A life потом не
life and hell ATообщим ,if a в первые дни что-то не сростается вывод
such: it’s time to end it all as health doesn’t really
buy and everyone will just spit on the patient all interfering
person ATот и уходят и правильно делают! I here for example So
помучался 8 лет …. ATСД ,панические атSoи проблемы со здоровьем
Soого уровня что я просто чуть инвалидом не стал… Not надо …
Notнадо жертвовать своим здоровьем ради людей которым ты
indifferent. donate health at all is not necessary. Live and
rejoice vykinte all these melonchalichnye thoughts. life is Beautiful!
do not bring yourself up to the torment of which you will regret for a long time …
Панические атSoи вещь поверьте очень страшная… it тяжелая
sickness of the soul … Better rejoice and do not let it in yourself. everything.

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