Why a dog howls: 10 possible causes andfolk omens. How to respond to howl?

Чт, 31 май 2018 Автор: Каролина Асланидис

Dogs use vocalization to express all sorts of
emotions. Barking, howling, muffled snorts and even sneezing have
meaning. So she tries to express it. The most primary
the sound that the dog makes comes from the larynx. She is high
raises nose, pulls out lips and howls. Dogs get a habit to
howling from its closest ancestor, the gray wolf. Exists
several reasons why a furry friend uses this method


10 reasons why a dog howls

Howling pet can express a lot of emotions. Although for
human ear, this is sometimes a cutting ear, the sound is perceived
melancholy and makes the blood run cold in his veins. But in this way
a furry friend may want to express joy and pleasure.
Exists несколько причин, по которым собака воет.

The reasons:

1. Vocal communication.

Wolf howl in the wild – a natural way of vocal
communication They howl to send messages to their fellows. This
the method helps them find each other. And the dogs inherited it.
behavior from their ancestors.

2. Territorial presence.

The territorial behavior of dogs is another inherited.
character from wolves. Dogs are also territorial.
Especially those that live in a flock and protect their border. When they
observe or suspect that there is a danger of crossing
possessions, they call upon other members of the pack in this way.

3. Anxiety separation.

They start howling when they feel separated from their
relatives or see that there is not any member of the pack. They have a connection “I
here, where are you? “. This behavior is observed in stray dogs,
when they discovered that they themselves had lost their brethren.

4. Disconnection alarm with the owner.

The dog is a loyal, affectionate and emotional companion who
tied to the owner and family. In situations where they feel
separated, begin to express emotions howling.

5. Search.

Pets are always keen to attract the attention of the owner and show
impatience. When they lack exercise or
nervousness is present, they require additional contact. But
if their need is not met, they can express
behavioral problems. It may be a soft howl that is
a natural way to attract attention.

6. Insulation.

If the dog is left alone for a long time, it can
feel isolated. Isolation anxiety is common
problem for all dogs and they will start behaving unexpectedly
in a way. And the howl will be a bright indicator.

7. Success and excitement.

When a dog succeeds or feels agitated,
She likes to show her achievements in order to get an assessment. And howl
they attract hosts to watch their exploits. Usually,
hunting dogs when catching prey begin solemn howling
report it.

8. Medical problems.

A dog may howl when sick or suffering from internal pain.
Therefore, if the dog constantly howls, you need to check availability
bodily harm or disease.

In the absence of visible damage, you must visit
the vet.

9. Feeling upset or irritated.

There are a few sounds that can annoy a pet:
alarm clock, electronic beeps or sirens.

10. Response to high sounds.

If the owner makes a howling sound, maybe the dog will start
scream. Some believe that this may be a natural reaction.
an animal.

Can all dogs howl?

Domestic dogs are members of the genus Canis, which is
part of wolf-like canids. As a result, all dogs have
wolf-like behavior, but some are a little more
vocal than others.

Dog breeds that howl like wolves include:

– Alaskan Malamutes;

– American Eskimo dogs;

– beagle;

– fornicators;

– taverns;

– Dachshund;

– Scots;

– Huskies and other traditional hunting dogs.

How to re-dog

First, you should exclude the presence of a physical from a furry friend.
ailment. And after that you can start educational
events. But важно набраться терпения, так как питомец не
wants to immediately part with their habit.


– surround the dog with care and attention so that it feels like
love her very much. Always leave water when leaving home.
and food to make her feel safe. Perhaps even the inclusion
radio to allay her boredom;

– if you ignore the howl, you can show your four-legged friend,
что это не лучший способ communication And after its termination with
the joy of contact and treat your favorite delicacy;

– It is necessary to teach the dog important commands: voice and silence. Then
you can control her behavior;

– As a last resort, you can always contact a dog handler. He can
Build the correct pet behavior.

Folk omens: why dogs howl

The belief that dogs possess supernatural or
mental abilities, has a long history and is found throughout
many cultures. In ancient Egypt howling dog often considered
a harbinger of death and was considered very unfortunate. Anubis, God
dead, portrayed with a dog’s head, so many believed that
a dog that howls at night calls on the soul Anubis.

And still the dog howl causes human fear and fear.
Exists немало примет, связанных с этим:

– if a strong howl is directed at the house – this leads to the future
fire in it;

– if on the moon with head high – to fast big ones

– with the head down – a terrifying sign that foreshadows death

– howl with a straight head – to military events or famine;

– in the supine position – the animal anticipates its death;

– howls at a certain person – they promise to wait for trouble and
life difficulties.

Whatever unpleasant associations such behavior would cause.
пушистого друга, стоит всегда помнить, что это способ communication
Four-legged comrade just trying to attract the attention of his
the host. Scold and beat him for it is not worth it. On the contrary, better
show patience in re-education and try to surround with affection and
care pet.

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