When to start brushing your child’s teeth? Correctwhether the decision will be – start brushing your baby’s teeth as much as possibleearlier

Пн, 12 сен 2016 BUTвтор: Екатерина

Most parents pay great attention to their health.
chadushki, his personal hygiene.

A special position is occupied by the health of the oral cavity.
in general and teeth in particular.


Do I need to brush milk teeth daily?

Usually the first teeth appear in babies when they reach 6-8
months old. Both dentists and pediatricians give their parents one and
The same good advice: take care of the teeth of a child – that is,
to clean them – it is necessary from the moment of eruption. Those parents who
sure that milk teeth are not worth watching, because they
anyway soon fall out, completely wrong. After all, the health of indigenous
baby’s teeth directly depends on the state in which the most
first milk teeth.

Care for your teeth is necessary from the very beginning. First small
a piece of gauze dipped in boiled water.

Dental wipes that make
from nonwovens and impregnated with xylitol with flavors.
Xylitol is a polyhydric alcohol, which is absolutely
safe for the baby and has antiseptic properties. Him
can be used both at the “pre-tooth” stage, and later, when the teeth
already appeared. The use of such wipes does not deliver any
difficulties: this napkin is put on mom’s index finger and
Twice during the day you need to process the baby’s cheeks and teeth.

Then you can use special brushes that are worn on
your fingers mom or dad. And after – you can offer your baby
a real toothbrush (like that of a parent) with a small head
and soft bristle. Already a little grown up baby can independently
brush your teeth.

When to start brushing your child’s teeth? How to correct them

There are a few simple rules that parents follow.
promote the growth of healthy teeth in their baby.

So, the first toothbrush is a piece of little marlechka that follows
moisten with warm boiled water. At first, only water is taken, and
time, you can add a little salt to the surface of the teeth
the baby did not breed bacteria.

After the celebration of the first birthday, you can buy the first
tooth brush with rubber spikes.

Using a brush with soft artificial bristles is permissible.
only when the toddler has grown more than 12 dairy

Before the baby has reached two years of age, it is not permissible (!)
use no toothpastes.

When to start brushing your child’s teeth? Choosing toothpaste
correctly and help kids

The procedure for cleaning the teeth of children is recommended daily
in the mornings and evenings. Just like adults. There is a total
One difference: you need to use the right toothpaste. AT
depending on what kid age, it is necessary correctly and how
You can more carefully choose the appropriate composition of the paste.

If the little toddler is not yet three years old, pasta will do;
containing fluoride because babies usually swallow it.

Being very young, crumbs – due to the fact that their motor skills
not yet formed – can not clean yourself
teeth Therefore, moms and dads are strongly encouraged to help.
to clean the teeth of their fumes. This should be done as long as
baby does not learn well and properly care for teeth, and
parents will rest assured about their health

ATажный момент (!): нужно приучить ребенка
after each meal rinse mouth. Of great importance is –
and whether the baby is able not just to care for the oral cavity, but to do it
right. Moms and dads are obliged to make daily cleaning
teeth has become a habit for the child.

We begin to brush the teeth of the child. How to care for
little teeth

Children at such a young age need constant hygiene.
oral cavity, no matter how many teeth they already have
�“Hate”. If mom starts caring for teeth with that
the very moment they began to erupt, then
reaching the toddler of the year, he will get used to the fact that the oral
his cavity is constantly clean.

AT годик малышу уже можно предоставить собственную зубную щетку,
on which there are rubber spikes.

Kids need to brush their teeth in circular and wavy movements.
very carefully and carefully. These precautions are necessary.
in order not to damage the enamel of the baby’s teeth, which is still so
tender and do not injure the gums. If the crumb resists and does not
allows you to brush your teeth, it will be more convenient to use a toothbrush,
having an elastic bristle. This brush is easy to put on your finger.
one of the parents. Another option is to use the most common.
cheesecloth, wetting it before use in saline.

When to start brushing your child’s teeth? Methods of cleaning
of teeth

There are many such techniques. But if the baby does not have
no specific diseases of the mouth or gums, you can
apply the most common method. First clean the outer surface.
Zubikov top jaws, must begin with the left edge. Brush
will be positioned parallel to the floor and move it as
broom – short movements from the gums down.

After that, pay attention to the chewing surface. Here
it will be correct to apply reciprocating motion. BUT
потом — на небную часть of teeth. Absolutely not necessary
diligently scrub the parents themselves or make them grow older
children do exactly the same. ATедь повредить эмаль, которая так тонка,
very easy. In addition, the impressions of the baby after such a procedure
will not be very pleasant.

Любое неприятное ощущение во время чистики of teeth может привести
to the fact that this event will be just flour for both
child, and for his parents.

The same applies to the procedure of cleansing the surface of the tongue, because
that many adults, trying to do it as carefully as possible
and involuntarily causing a gag reflex in the toddler, subsequently not
want to repeat a similar experience. But it is completely in vain, because just
a lot of microorganisms live here.

When to start brushing your child’s teeth? Lower jaw. Rinsing

The lower jaw of the baby should be cleaned in the same way and in the same
okay, like the top. When the whole process came to a logical
completion, you must ask the child to squeeze the teeth (or help him
do it if it’s still quite small). ATесьма полезно будет
massage the teeth together with the gums from left to right simple
in circular motions.

After all, you need to rinse your child’s mouth warm
boiled some water. Parents must see to them
the beggars paid special attention to this final
stage, because any toothpaste, even made for children –
the fruit of chemical technology. It is better not to leave her mouth
for a long time.

Of course, it is clear that all the above subtleties
такого важного для здоровья ребенка процесса, как чистка of teeth, на
There is no point in explaining to the child in words. The youngest teeth
parents will clean, and older children should be on their own
show them repeatedly until they understand the order
necessary action. AT самом начале приходится потруднее. Special
it’s hard to teach your baby not to swallow some water after he
rinse mouth.

AT каждой семье взрослым надо постараться найти особый подход,
который бы послужил мотивацией к каждодневному ритуалу чистки of teeth
baby You can invent different stories and compose poems,
accompanying them with every movement of the brush. Can brush your teeth
any toy, preferably – beloved baby. If for
child this procedure will be fascinating, he will gladly
будет ожидать следующую чистку of teeth и не испытывать страха.

Регулярная гигиена полости mouth малыша будет превосходным залогом
success in preventive measures against caries and various
complications. BUT ведь это так важно для здоровья молочных и коренных
of teeth baby

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