When to plant broccoli sprouts? Waysplanting and rules for growing broccoli cabbage seedlings at home

Вс, 02 апр 2017 Автор: Эльвира Корчагина

Growing broccoli cabbage seedlings is one of the main ways
her landing.

It is especially relevant in the middle climatic zone, where the weather
forcing you to grow cabbage for seedlings at home or
greenhouses so that plants on landing in open ground have time
reach commodity maturity.

To grow healthy and strong broccoli seedlings,
Consider the rules below.


Preparing Broccoli Seeds Before Planting

For strong seedlings cabbage seeds should
Prepare before planting:

1. • calibration (for this purpose it is convenient to use a sieve, in
openings which will pass only large seeds

2. • warming up: the selected seeds are left in warm water (50 ° C)
for 20 minutes, then in cold 2-3 minutes (surfaced seeds
discarded – they are not suitable for planting);

3. • dressing in a disinfectant solution (in 1 liter of water
room temperature diluted with 1 g of potassium permanganate and 0.5 g of boron
acid). Duration of soaking seeds – 8 hours. After
of this they are placed in the ash solution (1 tbsp wood ash
insist in 1 liter of water 2 days) for 5 hours;

4. • daily cold tempering (seeds are laid out between
layers of gauze and put in the fridge on the bottom shelf,
intended for the storage of fresh vegetables);

5. • the next day the seeds are taken out, laid out on the canvas or
dry gauze for drying to flowability.

This treatment reduces the risk of fungal diseases, pathogens
which may be on the surface of the seed. Now the seeds are ready
in landing.

If you use purchased seed from known
manufacturers, such seed treatment is not required: before
packaging has already been decontaminated and often covered
special “nutritional azure”.

Preparation of soil mixture for growing broccoli seedlings

Cabbage loves breathable and nutritious soil. For this
in equal parts mix turf soil and rotted manure (or
compost). As a source of micro and macro elements add
wood ash (1 tablespoon per 1 kg of the mixture). Instead of sod
land can take peat and add river sand. Also fit
land sold in garden stores. To reduce the risk
contamination of future broccoli seedlings not recommended for use
land from the vegetable garden, where crops from the family were previously grown
cruciferous (radish, cabbage, turnip, canola, radish). In such a soil
for sure there are pathogens characteristic of these plants
diseases (kila, gray rot, fomoz, black leg, peronosporosis,
Fusarium, etc.).

2 weeks before sowing, the prepared soil is necessary
disinfect: steam in the oven for 15 minutes at 200 ° C,
microwave (5 minutes at full power). After того, как земля
it cools, it is spilled with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate, Gamair (2
tablets on a bucket of water), Alirina-B, Fundazola (diluted by
instructions for the drug).

Temperature conditions

One of the conditions for growing strong and healthy broccoli seedlings
is the correct temperature setting. After посева семян
landing tanks are kept in a bright and warm place at a temperature
+ 18-20 ° C. When shoots appear, the temperature is reduced to + 15-17 ° C
in the afternoon and + 10-12 ° C at night. This mode will not give the seedlings much
pull out


Broccoli, like other types of cabbage – light-loving culture. WITH
given the fact that sowing of seeds begins in March, when the light
the day is still short, when growing seedlings it is important to ensure
additional lighting. WITHветовой режим для молодой капусты
is 15 hours a day. For this на высоте 20-25 см над
seedlings install LED lights or special
phytolamps. Conventional incandescent bulbs are not suitable for this purpose, so
as they have a different light spectrum, and they heat the air.


Cabbage moisturelove. Lack of moisture is fatal for her. but
its oversupply can trigger the development of hazardous seedlings
fungal diseases like blackleg and kela. Therefore, watering should
be moderate as the soil dries. After полива помещение, где
there are boxes of seedlings, airing.

Important! Wateringают рассаду капусты только
separated water at room temperature

Feeding seedlings

For the full development of cabbage seedlings she also needs
nutrition. The first top dressing (in 1 l of water dissolve 2 g of potash
salt and ammonium nitrate and 4 g of superphosphate) is carried out after 20
days after seed germination, and if the plants were dived, then
7-10 days after transplantation.

Important! To avoid root burn all
top dressing of plants is carried out only after obligatory watering

The second feeding is planned in 10-14 days after the first.
The amount of fertilizer is taken twice.

2-3 days before planting seedlings on the beds, it is fertilized again.
To accelerate the survival of plants after transplanting a dose of potassium
increase to 8 mg / l, superphosphate to 5 mg / l, ammonium nitrate to
3 mg / l.

Hardening seedlings before disembarking

About 1.5-2 weeks before planting broccoli sprouts in
open ground its begin to harden.

In the room where cabbage seedlings are standing, the first 2 days open
window leaves for 3-4 hours.

In the following days, boxes of plants are taken out to the balcony or
loggia for a couple of hours.

A week later, the cabbage is finally left on the balcony until
transplants to the beds.

By the time of “moving” in the garden, the seedlings should have 6-8 strong

When to plant broccoli sprouts

Broccoli seedlings begin to grow for 35-40 days before
planting it in open ground. For central Russia, this
mid March to early April. March seedlings after picks
You can then grow in a greenhouse, and the April one – immediately into the open

WITHеют семена брокколи на рассаду в 3-4 приема с
1-2 weeks interval depending on ripening

• early (Vyarus, Tonus, Linda, Fiesta, Emperor) – March 15th-15

• mid-season (Arcadia, Fortune, Dwarf, Arcadia) – April 15 -15

• Late (Marathon F1, Lucky F1) – June 15-July 1.

This technique allows you to constantly harvest.

How to grow broccoli seedlings at home

Not all gardeners can boast the presence of a greenhouse, especially
relevant for urban residents. Therefore, they have to grow
рассаду капусты брокколи в домашних conditions. How is it right

Growing broccoli seedlings by picking

The advantage of picking is saving space on the windowsill (seeds
put in one box). The disadvantage of this procedure is traumatizing the roots and
fragile leaves. For sowing seeds take the box size 50x30x25
cm, fill them with prepared soil. Before sowing the soil is abundant
water (for germination the seeds of cabbage need a lot of moisture). Rows
make a step of 3 cm and a depth of 1 cm. Between the seeds in the groove
leave a distance of 1.5 cm. Then they are covered with earth, boxes
ставят на подоконник и держат при комнатной температуре 18-20оWITH до
emergence of seedlings.

WITHпустя 2 недели после появления ростков (у сеянцев к этому
of time, the first pair of real leaves grows) young plants
dive into separate containers (for example, peat pots, cassettes,
cups, etc.), deepening the stems to the cotyledons.

Pickling cabbage seedlings

So that after transplantation, seedlings “got accustomed” more quickly, they contain it
при температуре +20-21оWITH. After окончательного восстановления,
растения переносят в помещение с температурой +17оWITH днем и +10-12оWITH
at night.

Growing broccoli seedlings in peat

If you do not want to engage in picking seedlings, then sow
seeds can be immediately pressed into peat tablets. They are
different diameter (4 cm is enough for cabbage).
Pre-tablets are placed in a container, pour warm water.
and withstand some time for their additional swelling (they
will increase several times). Excess water is drained. In each
the tablet makes indentations, seeds are laid out in them, 2 pieces each and
sprinkle with peat.

Sowing seeds in peat tablets

Емкость с сеянцами ставят в светлое и теплое место (+18-20оWITH) до
emergence of seedlings. Of the two seedlings in each tablet left
one is the strongest. WITHлабый росток не выдергивают, а срезают на
soil level so as not to damage the root system of the second

Growing broccoli seedlings in cassettes and

It is also convenient to use broccoli seedlings for growing.
special cassettes (not less than 7-8 cm high and 6×6 cells in size
cm), pots, peat cups. The advantage of this method is the absence of
need picking and as a result of this there is no trauma
seedlings roots. Minus – more space is required for placement
planting containers.

Growing broccoli sprouts in cassettes

Planting broccoli cabbage for seedlings

Выращивание рассады в greenhouse имеет ряд преимуществ перед
home sowing. First, the larger area of ​​solar lighting
with light. Secondly, the moisture from the soil evaporates less intensively.
нежели в conditions квартиры в отопительный сезон. Third, in
greenhouse создается особый микроклимат, оптимальный для рассады.

Before sowing seeds in the garden, the ground should be shed fungicide
solution for the prevention of fungal diseases. Grooves on
beds do at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other and a depth of 1-1.5
see. If the seeds are scattered in them without a distance, then
subsequently have to do thinning, cutting off at the root of the weak

When 2 true leaves appear, seedlings are processed
insecticide against cruciferous flea – one of
common pests of cruciferous plants, to
which includes cabbage of all kinds.

To stem the cabbage seedlings were strong and smooth, on
Stage 4 leaves for plants need to pour a layer of soil thickness
3-4 cm

When and how to plant broccoli sprouts in the open

WITHроки высадки рассады капусты брокколи на грядки зависит от
climatic conditions of the region. Young plants withstand nightly
холода до -7 WITH.

In the southern areas, early varieties are planted in the garden in the last
decade of april. In the middle lane is the term shifts to the beginning of May.
WITHреднеспелые сорта переезжают на постоянное место во второй
half of May, and later – from the third week of May to the beginning of June.

The landing is carried out on an overcast day on a prepared in advance.
plot. It is necessary to take out saplings from a container accurately, trying not
damage the earth com. WITHажают капусту брокколи по схеме 30-45х50
cm, deepening the stem to the first pair of leaves.

WITHхема посадки рассады капусты на грядке

Problems in growing broccoli sprouts

Yellowing cabbage seedlings can be caused
several reasons:

• oversupply or lack of any nutrients
(for example, lack of potassium causes yellowing of the tips of the leaves,
with iron deficiency in leaves, the platinum base turns yellow);

• infection in soil that has not been treated before

Cabbage seedlings rot most often caused by fungal
diseases, the most common of which is black
leg. The seedling grows brown and rots the lower part of the stem, then on
this place is hauling. As a result the plant

Pulling seedlings of broccoli cabbage occurs when there is a shortage
light, high density landings and irregular temperature

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