What we will never understand in women

Пт, 27 фев 2015 BUTвтор: BUTлександр Кленин

�”A man, if he could understand what a woman thinks,
все равно не поверил бы»
Многомиллионный опыт общения мужчин с вашими
sisters on reason did not help solve problems in understanding
quite a lot of your requirements, preferences,
priorities and funny (for us) weirdness. No, we are not quite
stupid and even learnable, so some things over time for yourself
remember For example, the typical female feature does not speak
directly, and walk “around the bush.” For example, if she will
asking which of the two pairs of shoes is more like a dress, then
your answer is irrelevant. The choice has already been made and all that
you say about shoes, it will be completely wrong. Because
need not talk about clothes, but about what she is
wonderful, clever and all beautiful. More or less
the thinking husband should give the woman a voice of her decision and
praise for the excellent sense of taste. Although, to be honest, it is very
strongly suffers, therefore over time we prefer to agree with
to everyone, and not even looking. Well, okay, now I’m not talking about something
global, but rather simple and quite unoriginal things. AND
with very simple questions that with your help I would like
find out (or, at least, set). ANDбо наша ограниченность
Does not find answers to them. Explain to me why you are so often
I want to make love just when we are completely
do not want? Why it is necessary to begin intimate caress exactly at that moment,
when are you about to move to a new level in a toy? ANDли тогда,
when thoughts are busy, well, completely different? AND ведь упаси боже
demonstrate this unwillingness. Well this is for life
deadly resentment – so, it turns out, he does not want me?
So either he doesn’t love me at all, or something is wrong with him.

After all, you know from childhood that all men are exactly
it is always wanted! AND вообще, они и живут практически ради секса,
think not at all with your head, but … By the way, you really are convinced
that between sexual desire and love is not just
interconnection – one follows from the other. From the point of view of men –
utter nonsense, but it is a completely separate topic. So here
if the situation is reversed and you already wanted it when it is not
configured, then who will be guilty? It is you again! Because, оказывается,
you need only one thing from her, and more generally, not understanding
she has never met a person in her life. You would have decided that
whether or not you are required to want from us all the time (once “does not want”
is equivalent to “not loving”), or “still all men are goats,
who only want one “? By the way, we don’t understand
why are you offended by hearing statements like “all women …” and
start talking about the fact that “you can not generalize,” but at the same time
almost everything you think about men is entirely
generalizing character. ANDли о себе вы предпочитаете думать, как об
individuality, and about men – as a kind, not quite developed,
стаде?AND почему вы так стремитесь нас переделать? And after
weddings Before that, you are afraid to “scare off” and count on the fact that
�“I won’t get anywhere, then I will make a man out of him”? You same
see who you marry. And weddings are not played in our country.
10-11 years, and then, when a man has already turned into something
specific. No, they will still assume that just before that
he was somehow incorrectly brought up. Why try to teach a man
to the theater or something else, if he can not stand him? No i
I myself love the theater, but if they had started dragging me there to raise
cultural level – would have hated. We do not pull you on
football or pobuhat in the garage? True, we must admit that we have
its a similar misconception. If you are sure before the wedding
if you can remake us, we also blindly believe that you, becoming
wives, never change anything. The situation with your
insults. If a woman is offended, it will be shown
any available methods. AND вроде бы с этим все более-менее ясно,
but only for first glance. What is your best way
Grievances? Silence. And why are you silent for? Show
offense? And then, when she was noticed? For punishment? Well tolerate
a bit, so after all we can decide later that it is also better! Any
demonstrative behavior pursues some result: repentance,
apologies, dusting the head with ashes. And where will it come from, if,
more often than not, it is not clear why and why we were declared a boycott? Well,
let not a boycott, but deliberately offended behavior. AND ведь даже если
break through this wall of ignore and try to figure out: for what, where and
why, then you will listen to something completely incomprehensible. More often
it turns out not what, in fact, is the case, but what
�“To explain something to a person who does not understand his guilt does not
makes no sense. ” AND при этом все это выглядит так, как будто
before you robbed her parents, drank away everything that was in the house and
before her eyes he slept with a friend, but at the same time pretend that
don’t remember anything. And why do you think that we have to understand
your wishes? Tell me how you can accomplish what you have no idea
do you have AND ведь вы при этом совершенно уверены, что «все вы
понимаете, только притворяетесь».AND подобных вопросов море. But I am everything
I will not list them, but I will go over small things. Why should women
so many shoes? AND уверен, если бы была возможность, то число пар
the shoe would gradually approach the concept of infinity.

Why do you need to brag about your men to your friends? AND
okay, this would stop here, but you are on the same men and the same
подругам еще и жалуетесь!AND почему вы так о Мендельсоне, который
will sound just for you, dream? Well, why so strive
marry if any sensible person is clear that a fairy tale
will end the next day and turn into harsh everyday life? Much
it is more pleasant and more convenient to “meet” than to play a role every day
decent spouse with all the consequences. AND оно вам надо?BUT еще
completely stupid question – how can you wear underwear made
specifically so that they get in the ass? Unpleasant all day
там ощущать веревку?BUT последнее, но совершенно серьезное — за что
can you love us? Here, perhaps, it is better to stop, otherwise
I’ll start listing what we don’t like about ourselves or talking about
том, что уже в нас очень сложно понять.BUT действительно! After all, there is
are there any men’s actions, preferences and requirements that you
also can not understand? Only you somehow do not sound them.
By the way, why don’t you voice them and ask for an explanation? AND
if not at their half, then at least why not ask me?
I undertake to conduct a survey of the familiar male population and try
translate all this “from male to universal”.

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