What wake dreams about: what do they say to us dream booksMiller, Freud, Lofa and others. The interpretation of dreams of commemoration

Вт, 30 авг 2016 Автор: Виталий Шеломидо

Commemoration in a dream can have both positive and
a negative value in the dream book, everything will depend on some
details of the dream, such as: plot, emotional fullness and
real circumstances of the person.

Let’s try to figure out what wake dreams about, and what
this is considered the leading dream books of the world.


What if you dream of waking yourself?

So, to begin with, let’s look at the dreams in which you dreamed
wake … myself. It looks, of course, scary, and from
such dreams a person can always wake up in a cold sweat. what
can a similar dream mean? Oddly enough, in reality everything
not so bad at all, but quite the opposite. For example, modern dream book
claims that such a dream can symbolize
positive changes in life and good mood. It may
be any of the following listed events: career advancement
ladder, marriage, privacy, the birth of a baby
everyone waited so long and so on.

If you see in a dream how people are having fun on your
— это также очень хороший знак, сулящий улучшение
financial well-being soon. It may быть
salary increase, bonus and some kind of material gratitude.

However, the old dream book has its own vision of such a dream. If a
people at your funerals are having fun, dancing and so on – this is a sign
what a long, joyful life awaits you. However if
a person does not feel good at the same time – this is not a good sign,
promising the loss of one of the people close and dear to you, or the loss
their status in society.

Sleep about wake for a living person

  • If a вы увидели во сне поминки по человеку, что в реальной жизни
    still alive is a precursor of some big event on which
    a lot of people will gather;

  • if you yourself are present at the dinner after the funeral in honor
    living person is a good sign, promising you a prosperous life
    and longevity;

  • if you are in a dream at the funeral of someone close
    relatives, who is actually alive and healthy – this is a sign
    universal reconciliation, this applies to all, even the most vocal
    of enemies.

Sleep with a commemoration for the deceased person

Being in a dream at the commemoration of a deceased person can
interpreted absolutely differently, depending on perception
the dreamer and the present state of his affairs. So:

  • if you commemorate a newly-laid man, it is bad
    a sign promising troubles, major troubles and problems;

  • if you were invited as a guest to the commemoration of an unfamiliar
    you need a person – it means that in real life you really
    will call for a visit;

  • to see the commemoration of a long-dead man – a sign of receiving
    some important information you need to use
    extremely carefully and carefully.

what если снятся поминки на кладбище?

Commemoration at the cemetery does not cause pleasant emotions to anyone, although
such a dream actually turns out to be quite a positive sign.

  • If a поминальный обед увидел во сне здоровый человек — это сулит
    his longevity, the sick – you can expect a speedy healing;

  • if a dream like this was seen by an older person, it might
    be a sign of his imminent demise (only when
    additional signs).

whatбы более точно растолковать такой сон, нужно вспомнить, как
looked like a graveyard in a dream. If a оно было достаточно ухоженным — это
It means that you should expect good news from afar. Besides,
such a dream can be interpreted as the probability that you will soon
get back what you once lost yourself or you have it
taken away (not necessarily a material thing).

Such a dream has another meaning. If a вы хотите достичь успеха
in some business – you have to work long and hard, only
this way you will become closer to your goal. Also needed
take into account the emotional component of the dream. If a вы себя в нем
they were calm and balanced – this means that even in critical
situations in real life you will be lucky. If a же
in your dream you were anxious and dreary – expect a black stripe in
life, adversity and problems.

What is the dream wake Miller

As Miller’s dream book says, a person’s appearance at the commemoration
positive sign than negative. Much will depend on
the atmosphere of the dream, the behavior of those present and the personality itself
deceased. In general, the presence at the commemoration is a good sign
promising quick changes in life.

If a же вы находились во сне на поминках незнакомого вам
human – it says that it will be difficult to find
mutual understanding with people who surround you is likely
conflicts and quarrels. Dream Interpretation recommends that during this period behave
maximum restraint and not be carried out on the provocations of other people.

What dreams of wake of Freud’s dream book

Sigmund Freud believes that if you watch your own
Commemoration in a dream is a sign of new, exciting changes in
of life. If a же вы видите поминальный lunch for the person who is on
really alive is a good sign, promising family well-being and
success in business.

whatбы более точно охарактеризовать подобный сон, следует
remember the emotions you experienced during such a dream.
If a же вы спокойно и положительно относитесь к ситуации, невзирая
its tragedy is a sign that promises good luck. If a же вам было тревожно
and restless at heart – it means that you should expect some
сложностей в of life. However, you should not be afraid, probably they will
not long-term and quickly leave.

What dreams of wake on dream book Lofa

To have a wake in a dream means that it will be a lot heavy and tense.
work. Also a similar dream can be decoded as an unsuccessful game on
Exchange or bad trading.

What dreams about the wake of Morozova’s dream book

If a вы во сне увидели себя на похоронах другого человека — это,
according to Morozova, a bad sign, indicating that
if you are sick, your illness can be fatal. If a
you are healthy – you can expect the loss of someone from relatives or friends.
Also a dream like this is to interpret that you
return to one of your old plans or projects.

Dream Dream Meneghetti

If a вам приснились поминки на растущую луну — это признак
gossip, slander, deception. Also a dream like this can
testify that you will work hard that
achieve success in your business and strive for the ideal.

English dream book

As the English dream book says, if you were at a commemoration
living in the reality of man is an auspicious sign, promising
positive events, or successful solutions to problems that are very
long did not give in to the decision.

If a же вы увидели себя во сне на поминках почившего человека —
it is, on the contrary, a bad sign, promising that it will soon be
expect negative news from afar (often from relatives).
People engaged in many years interpreting dreams are strongly
recommend after such a dream to visit the church, put a candle for
give rest to the soul of the person you saw in the dream, and modestly his
to remember. Thus, you will manage to avoid negative
the effects of such a vision.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

  • If a вы увидели во сне, как присутствуете на поминальном обеде
    someone you know who is alive in real life is
    a sign that it awaits him long and well
    a life;

  • a dream in which you saw yourself at your own wake
    will directly depend on the behavior of people that will be on it
    be. If a людям очень грустно и тоскливо за столом — это
    a sign that your plans will fail;

  • if the ceremony takes place in a fun, friendly atmosphere – this
    means that soon you can count on financial assistance,
    and will get rid of the troubles that morally

  • if the funeral dinner smoothly turned into a drunken feast – it’s not
    very good sign, promising problems in the family, adultery spouse and
    trouble with children;

  • if you had a dream in which you yourself are on
    commemoration as a living person or spirit – this means that your
    New affairs or projects will not get such a good start as you are on
    it was originally calculated;

  • if you had a strange dream in which you are on
    commemoration of your pet (cats, dogs, hamster and so
    further) – this means that you should expect some kind of draw from
    your friends or children.

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