What to give a child for a year: ideas for anytaste and wallet. What exactly is not worth giving on the first dayOf birth

Чт, 07 июн 2018 Автор: Анна Брекер

The first birthday is very important. Baby is unlikely
Does remember the holiday. But for parents the year of the child is important
date. I want to make the holiday a success. If parents
more concerned with organizational issues, the guests are worried because

What to give for the first birthday? Do not be shy
consult with parents. If the choice of the gift is yours,
This article you will find ideas.


Gifts for baby

Сертификат в детский магазин. Amount you
you decide for yourself, and parents can choose the product themselves. Convenient for

Курс занятий в развивающем центре. Such
the gift will please the parents of the crumb if they planned to give it away.
in a similar center. It is desirable that the timing of visits was

Фотосессия. This gift will not leave
indifferent mother. After all, beautiful pictures will remain in memory,
made by a professional photographer. By the way, you can
invite to a holiday. This moment should be discussed with

Фотоальбом. You can give an album manual
work. Also, photographers provide a service such as
making books with pictures.

Игрушка-каталка. She represents
figure on wheels, which can be carried by a rope. One year old
children learn walking skills. They like to carry something for
by myself.

Машинка-каталка. This is a small plastic
car that can not only carry. Baby can sit on it. AT
year he is unlikely to be able to push off with legs to ride. But
Adults will be able to ride the baby. He will definitely enjoy riding
typewriter. It does not matter who the birthday boy is – a boy or a girl.

Качалки. This is all sorts of horses. Baby
really like this surprise.

Игровая палатка или домик. You can
give plastic balls.

Музыкальные коврики. ATсе дети любят
musical toys. If they are also colorful, then delight will not be

Пазлы-коврики. They perform several at once.
functions. Puzzles – a great educational toy. She promotes
development of fine motor skills of hands, memory, logic, etc. In addition,
floor puzzle will perform the function of a warm rug.

Надувной бассейн с мячиками. This fun is for sure
will entice the baby.

Развивающий столик. He is
a stand with several educational toys. Usually in the kit
includes a pyramid, designer, puzzles, sorter, etc.

Интерактивные игрушки. Baby понравится
listen to fairy tales. He will be delighted if you can make money in a booklet.
on animals, after which they make a sound, for example, meow or

Интерактивные игрушки. These are dolls and animals,
которые умеют двигаться, говорить, петь и др. ATыбор интерактивных
toys are colossal. ATы сможете подобрать интересный предмет для

Musical телефон. Babes love to imitate
for adults. They always reach for mobile phones. Musical
A toy phone will definitely interest the crumb.

Мольберт. On one side you can draw, and
on the other, a mosaic of magnets.

Игрушки для купания. Kids love water
procedures. For them, it’s not just bathing. Reception for small children
bath turns into a fun game. It will be even more interesting if
buy special toys.

Качели. What kid doesn’t like to ride
a swing? On the home swing you can swing at any time of the year. With
choosing this gift should take into account the footage of housing. Family living in
studio apartment is unlikely to be delighted with the swings.

Набор кубиков. They must be large and
safe. For example, you can choose soft or wooden

A girl can be given a stroller for a year in which she can
to carry dolls. You can also present the baby doll and a set of large
toy dishes. Boys also like strollers. Young
gentlemen will be able to carry soft animals into them. Boys can
donate large cars, boats and trains. And girl and
the boy will like the first sets for creativity, for example,
Finger paint.

Practical gifts

A good gift for both parents and children will be
велосипед с родительской ручкой. This is great
alternative to the stroller. ATелосипед с ручкой — это подарок
�”for growth”. Many items, including the pen, are removed. Kid
gets a full tricycle. AT зимнее время года
You can give a sled.

Неплохой вариант — детское постельное белье.
With выборе такого презента учтите, что вскоре кроха не будет спать
in a bed with sides. Therefore, it is worth choosing bed linen for
ordinary beds. Withнт должен соответствовать полу ребенка. ATсем
like bed linen made to order. For example, on
the pillowcase can be rubbed child or name inscription.

Можно присмотреться к одежде и обуви. But этот
The option is not always successful, since you can not guess with the size.
If you decide to buy clothes or shoes, find out in advance
child options. Еще вариант — гигиенический
, в который входит зубная щетка и паста. However and
this gift may fail, if parents already
took care of oral hygiene.

Неплохой презент — ростометр. Mom will like it
именная серебряная ложечка. A win-win
ювелирные изделия, например, кулон или серьги
(for girl).

Оригинальный презент — вино без срока годности с
маркировкой «ATыпить в день совершеннолетия».

Unwanted Presents

The gift must match the age of the child. He must be
Made from quality safe materials. Products must be
hypoallergenic. Items should not have sharp edges and small
details. ATедь годовалые дети все тянут в рот.

Не стоит покупать радиоуправляемые игрушки.
A child will be upset if he cannot control them.

Нежелательно покупать погремушки. ATскоре малыш
grow from them. Unsuccessful gift – hygiene items. Of course,
качественные подгузники не всем по карману. But
They are unlikely to interest the baby. In addition, some brands may
cause allergies. Only mother knows such nuances.

ATыбрать подарок для годовалого ребенка несложно. ATы найдете его
in any children’s store.

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