What porridge give puppies? Pledge of the rightfood: what natural foods are allowed to give puppies andadd to porridge

Ср, 21 мар 2018 Автор: Елена ATитинг

Since birth, babies eat for 20 days
only mother’s milk. Monthly Digestive Tract
puppy already digesting protein foods, and from the sixth week you can
start giving porridge. Every health care owner
pet must know which natural products are allowed
use, and from what should be discarded.


Which porridge is most useful: cereals that can be given

Being a source of trace elements, minerals and slow-absorbing
carbohydrates, cereals improve the digestive tract and colonize the gut useful
bacteria. Porridge is a necessary part of puppy nutrition,
which should be at least 40% of the diet. However should
remember that not all cereals are suitable for feeding
dogs The best cereals are:

1. Fig. The leader in calories (340 kcal per 100 g), therefore
give it with caution. Dog breeders appreciate rice for output
toxins from the body, stimulation of metabolism, normalization
functioning of the lower intestines. As feed for
it is better for an animal to use not polished grain, in a cover
useful ingredients are preserved: B vitamins,
necessary for a strong nervous system, and calcium for solid
teeth and bones. There is no gluten in rice – pathogen
allergic reactions.

2. Buckwheat. Being a powerful antioxidant, buckwheat
beneficial effect on the state of capillaries and blood vessels, reduces sugar
in the blood and prevents the onset of diabetes. Part of
Fiber improves digestion. Amino acids (choline, lysine, glycine,
valine) lower fat levels, accelerate collagen synthesis,
stimulate immunity and improve calcium absorption. Give buckwheat
Pet can be more often than other cereals.

3. Whole grain oatmeal. Has enveloping
properties and is a salvation for animals suffering
diseases of the stomach. Porridge – the record among groats
the amount of phosphorus and calcium. But at the same time it contains
vegetable protein and not suitable for all dogs, as it is
an allergen. You need to enter this cereal into the power scheme
Caution. Attention! Porridge is contraindicated in puppies suffering

What ingredients can supplement porridge? Products that
allowed to give puppies

Owners taking the first steps in dog breeding must understand
that only on cereals a healthy animal can not grow. Diet can and
need to supplement protein foods, vegetables and fruits, mixing
them with cereals.

The basis of the growth of a dog is meat (35 g per kilogram of weight). Most
Fresh beef or lean lamb is considered full
boiled or raw, cut into small pieces. Even
the pet is still very small, you should not use minced meat. Controversial issue:
мясо какой птицы можно давать puppy. According to dog handlers, in porridge
It is allowed to add only a turkey, gently cleaning it from
fragments of bones.

Meat products alternate with marine fish (perch, cod fillets,
pollacks). The diet must be supplemented with boiled eggs.
It is advisable to diversify feed offal. Kidney, scar and heart
contain trace elements necessary for proper development
the skeleton. Liver and lungs are added to feed only after thermal

Vegetables, greens and fruits are most useful in raw rubbed or
hacked form. The exception is pumpkin – it is boiled together with
porridge. This supplement perfectly helps in the fight against worms.
Be careful with cabbage – it causes gas.
Give up the potato – his dog’s body absorbs poorly. Of
dairy products prefer cottage cheese, yogurt and
Kefir, disinfecting the digestive tract of your pet.

With the right balanced diet, the need for
synthetic pharmaceutical vitamins disappears. They are resorted to only
case of sickness of the animal or on the recommendation of a veterinarian.

Какие продукты запрещено давать puppy и add to porridge

Malnutrition or improper nutrition almost always leads to
diseases. To the list of products that are prohibited for dogs,

– Cow’s milk – if your puppy is lactose intolerant.

– Corn grits – the pet’s body does not absorb it. Perlovka
and semolina removed from the diet because of the risk of
allergic reactions. Millet contains monosaccharides, mineral
compounds, fiber and starch. Such a rich composition is difficult for
GI tract puppy and often causes torsion of the intestines.

– Pork – fatty meat, contributing to indigestion. AT
it may contain the parasites and viruses of the Aueski disease, which
subject to dogs. Forget about freshwater fish, very often
infected with worms.

– Bones. Only small fresh moslaki are allowed. Rest
parts may contain cracks and sharp edges that damage the stomach and
resulting in gastritis, ulcers and tumors.

– Sweets, flour, sugar, smoked products, sausages, spices,
spices are the strictest taboos and poison capable cause
irreversible liver damage. Prohibited mushrooms, pasta, beans,
peas and white soft bread.

The transition from dry food to natural: what rules to follow
и как начинать давать puppy каши

The first thing that owners need to learn is changing their diet.
can not be done quickly and sharply. The digestive tract of the animal,
accustomed to dry food, it takes time to start digesting
natural food. Replacement should be done with rice or
buckwheat porridge (heated to 35 ° C) with the addition of beef or
sea ​​fish.

ATводите в меню минимальное количество новых продуктов,
gradually increasing portions. AT первое время можно немного
salt it, oil it and mix it with dry food in
proportions not exceeding 25-35% of the total food.
The use of vegetables and dairy products is allowed only on
seventh day. Full translation into a straight girl completes in two
weeks after the start of the feed change.

The best recipes for porridges that can be given to puppies

Rice porridge with meat and vegetables

ATозьмите 500 г говядины (можно заменить телячьим сердцем),
put in a saucepan and cook for 30-40 minutes. Meanwhile finely
Cut zucchini, carrots, onions and parsley. Remove cooked meat from
pans, chop into small pieces. AT образовавшемся бульоне
prepare rice (at the rate of 100 g of cereal per 350-400 ml of water), then
mix it with the rest of the ingredients and let it brew for 10-20

Buckwheat Porridge with Stewed Vegetables

Good for well-fed puppies who need to “lose weight.” 200 g
soak the cereal for 15-25 minutes, then put in a saucepan, pour
450 ml of cold water and cook until the liquid evaporates. AT другой
cook the vegetables (carrots, cabbage, onions and beets) with the sauce
butter. Bring to readiness, transfer to container
buckwheat and mix.

Oatmeal (for small puppies grain needs

Steam the cereal with hot water or lean meat broth. Then
put in heat and leave for 20-30 minutes, periodically
stirring. Use on the day of cooking.

Basic rules of nutrition

Not only the diet is important for the health of the dog. Huge
feeding rules also play a role:

– Never try to force a baby, make a menu
individually based on the preferences of your pet and its appetite.
AT миску следует класть такое количество продуктов, которое животное
can eat at one time. If you refuse a portion of the uneaten
clean up. Forget about handouts between main meals!

– Too much food contributes to obesity, rib deformation and
likelihood of diabetes. Malnutrition causes imbalance
metabolism and reduced immunity.

– For each age there is a specific schedule.
power supply. From two to four months, babies are fed 4 to 5 times a day.
day, from four to six months – 3-4 times. Further
teenage puppy is transferred to the two-time mode.

By following these simple guidelines, you will provide a pet.
a varied diet and proper nutritional system necessary for
health and longevity of the animal.

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