What not to do with hair

Thu, Feb 13, 2014

In pursuit of beauty, many girls and women forget about the most
simple rules of care for the body, face and hair. From this,
Of course, they themselves suffer, but not many are in a hurry to learn from their

For example, hair is the pride of the weaker sex, they are lush or
No, even or curly women have always paid special attention to them.
Only therefore in this process there are so many mistakes that can
affect not only the appearance of the hair, but also their structure.

We suggest to consider the most common incorrect procedures.
for the care of the scalp.

Wrong attitude to the “hair”

Here are some irrefutable facts that make it clear
that neglect and neglect of hair can lead to
sad consequences.

  • Saline or chlorinated water can destroy natural
    hair elasticity, which is why the pool is recommended
    special cap, and you need to wash your head with thawed or rain
  • Combing shoals of hair after washing can significantly
    damage their structure, wait for drying and gradually, first
    wide ridge, and then fine walk along the entire length.
  • Do not go to bed with styling. Any varnishes and gels fix
    hairstyle, in the process of sleep possible mechanical breakdown or
    hair damage. In addition, cosmetics are capable
    clog pores on the head, leading to the development of pathogenic
    bacteria and dandruff.
  • Tight cap can also negatively affect the lush hair,
    proper as its absence at very low temperatures
    of air.
  • Damage and loosening of the hair follicles is possible with tight
    tying gum or braiding at night, in order to obtain
    curly curl in the morning.
  • It is strictly forbidden to perm and
    simultaneously staining. Both procedures adversely affect
    hair, and if they are also connected, you can get quite
    an unexpected result that a woman would not be happy about.
  • The hair should dry naturally, in rare cases.
    Allowed to use the dryer with the function of cold drying. All business
    in that unnecessarily hot air dries the hair, making them
    brittle and lethargic.
  • Any hair product used must completely
    match their structure, otherwise the effect will turn out
  • Not worth it with the aim to quickly grow hair to refuse
    regular trimming tips. The cutting process will help
    avoid split ends, the procedure must be performed at least
    once a month.

Try to visit beauty salon more often and consult with
your master, if not yet, it is worth worrying about it
a question. Highly qualified specialist will help not only
pick a successful hairstyle and hair color, but also recommend
products that will make hair irresistible, shiny and

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