What natural phenomenon is a woman associated with?Zodiac sign

What natural phenomenon is a woman associated with? Zodiac sign

Every woman of the fair sex –
A unique, unrepeatable mystery that you can study endlessly.
Women can be different: delicate and fragile, like a flower,
strong and impenetrable, like concrete walls and swift,
destructive as a hurricane or tornado. What woman is herself
will depend on many factors, one of which is
is astrological. Stars have a huge impact on
female temperament.

Each representative of the fair sex can be compared
with some natural phenomenon. Such a comparison will help better.
learn a woman, solve her secrets and teach her to understand


Woman is a volcano

Дамы – Скорпионы являются настоящими женщинами
– volcanoes. There are always serious passions inside them,
unceasingly rage emotions that govern their whole life.
Скорпион – поистине пламенное и горячее создание,
which for some time can hold back its pressure, but once
his patience will burst and he redeems in his fiery lava all his
detractors. Relatives and acquaintances of women – Scorpio is always necessary
keep your distance and be on your guard.

Woman – earthquake

This category of women can be easily attributed to the lioness, who
able to crush the enemy at the most unexpected moment.
Львицы – самодостаточные создания, которые
accustomed to listening to only one person in the world – to themselves
to myself. They will not sort things out, prove to someone.
without emotion, they will quickly and coolly put
before the fact, they will destroy, they will execute the penalty without the right to

Women – landslides

Cancers in astrologers are associated with landslides. They are alone
of the most balanced and placid zodiac signs that many
кажутся безобидными и невинными,  но с Раками нельзя пребывать
in a relaxed state. They can be silent for a long time, quietly watching
but, if a person behaves too arrogantly, encroaches on the fact that
expensive, deliberately provokes, harasses, has no mercy
meaning. Женщина – Рак с высоты своего ума и опыта
with a slight smile will wipe out all those who have been with her for a long time
was not considered.

Woman breeze

Дамы – Овны по своему темпераменту и характеру
can compare with the breeze. They are the same fickle, easy on
rise like a breeze. In this case, Aries are thoughtful, cunning, conquer their
playfulness, sweet speech, beckon and entice. In their society is easy and
nice, people with Aries rest and relax. But Aries, like
breeze, some unpredictable, can show itself
from different sides and surprise with its coldness. Politeness, gentleness,
bezobobnost, positive attitude – that’s what qualities distinguish
woman – Aries.

Rainbow Woman

Дам – Близнецов можно отнести к женщинам –
Rainbows. Representatives of this sign can not be called boring,
same type. They are diverse, always energetic, easy
changing. Gemini has an interesting, unusual vision.
world, living, light character, able to see the beauty of nature and
find good moments in everything. The twins are meaningful. They
love, when they admire, they solve.

Woman – rain

Весы по темпераменту и мышлению во многом схожи
with rain. What they will be depends on the surrounding world. Have them
dark and light sides are equally developed. For a special circle
people whom women – Libra trust and bring closer to themselves, they
are good, gentle, sensitive, but sometimes fragile. For the rest
world – cold, inaccessible, suspicious. Scales – Ladies
are big pessimists. Often their disbelief in their own
strength, constant despondency and irritability become paramount
enemies for luck going to them.

Avalanche Woman

Водолеям прекрасно подходит такое природное
phenomenon like an avalanche. Representatives of this sign always call
others dumb delight, they surprise, easily conquer, but
their soul and inner world is sometimes incomprehensible and provocative
fears, and sometimes the real horror avalanche. Aquarius is soft, tactful
and patient as long as it sees the need. Once
he realizes that the people nearby are not his
high demands, he will sweep them down with an indomitable wave
on their heads and wiping off the face of the earth. Aquarius – a woman is rarely
kindhearted, but it also has brilliant external and
intellectual data.

Woman fog

Женщина — Рыба справедливо ассоциируется у
many people with fog, as it, as a book, always remains
secret for all. Fish – closed, constantly staying in themselves
creatures that feel quite comfortable alone.
You should never absolutely believe the words or actions of women –
fishes. Their actions and words are often impossible to explain. They прекрасные
actresses are able to create the appearance of happiness calm wear
necessary masks and adapt. But fish are usually quite
harmless and harmless.

Snow woman

Дам – Стрельцов часто сравнивают со снегом. it
due to the fact that the Sagittarius do not know how to express their emotions, they
всегда держат свои чувства при to myself. Representatives of this sign
– cold, discreet creatures that look indifferent and
indifferent to everything. Everything that happens in the soul of Sagittarius,
stays there too. Sagittarius is afraid to trust, fall in love, become attached.
It is easier for him to be cold and incomprehensible.

Woman – leaf fall

Козерог – это настоящий осенний листопад.
Representatives of this sign зодиака гибкие во всем. They с
easily adapt to the changes taking place around them,
have the ability to quickly update and get rid of everything,
what is not needed, including unpleasant emotions, unnecessary people, memories
etc. A Capricorn is a wise and cheerful creature that is always
finds its place, is constantly in motion and develops.
He is valued, loved, admired.

Woman – hail

Девы похожи на град тем, что обладают весьма
tough, masculine character, beaten unexpectedly and with all the force on
which only are capable of. Virgos can’t forgive, they always
straightforward, categorical, will not waste time on insults, but
will give a clear answer in word or action. Virgos are great realists.
They умеют быть проинциательными, от этого никогда не остаются в
losers It is difficult to communicate with Virgos, since they are their severity,
stiffness and categorical sometimes hit harder than hail.

Woman frost

Renee can be called almost all calves. These ladies are fickle not
only in their tastes, but also in people, in relation to them. If yesterday
the woman melted in her arms, spoke tender words, and today she
became cold and clam like ice, then this lady is most likely
is Taurus. Tauruses are beautiful in any of their guises, they are
all their negative qualities are very charming and appealing
to many. Но  слишком злопамятные. Everything is bad with them
happens, hardens inside, and only with great love,
infinite care and warmth can be healed.

A woman must be loved and accepted as she is.
there are with all its oddities and flaws. In this case she
hides everything bad and dangerous that lies in it, and gives a person
all the best that nature laid.

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