What is useful for restoring hair masks?Recipes restorative hair masks based on availableingredients

Пт, 03 фев 2017 Автор: Юлия Еркова

The beauty and health of hair depends on many factors. Availability
bad habits, improper and poor nutrition, constantly
haunting stress, frequent change of hair color, lightening,
perm, heat treatment, third-party negative
factors – all this is reflected in the appearance of the hair. Desirable
take care of the health of your hair in advance, but when
the moment is already missed, will help restore strength and beauty
regenerating hair masks.


The essence and general principles of the use of regenerative masks
for hair

Often people are confronted with what is the promised effect, which
they expected to receive, using folk methods, they do not feel.
Hence all skepticism and frustration at home
procedures. In fact, the problem most often lies in the inability
or unwillingness to follow all rules and regulations on
using masks or other means. And as a consequence of this –
no result in the form of positive state changes
hair. To avoid this, you must adhere to the general
principles for creating and applying repair masks:

1. The composition of the funds should include only such substances
which will nourish, moisturize, promote regeneration
damaged cells. А вот ingredients, которые способны оказывать
irritating effect on the scalp or dry hair,
Recipes should not be. They can be included in masks that have
completely different purpose.

2. To enhance the beneficial properties of the substances that make up,
It is better to apply the mixture to the hair in a warm form. Can be heated
by any means the individual ingredients or the whole mass, but it is important
that she was not hot.

3. To save the value of biologically active substances as
longer you need to use the method of “greenhouse effect”.
After applying the masks on the hair, you need to collect the hair and wrap
shower cap or bag and a towel over the top.

4. The duration of the weight of the strand is about 1-2
hours Since most recipes are not observed in the composition
aggressive substances, it is possible to leave the mixture for more
long term, for example, at night.

5. Depending on the individual characteristics and degree
damaged hair first positive results may occur
differently. This usually happens almost immediately, however
does not mean that you need to stop the procedures.
The optimal period of hair restoration with the help of masks 1,5-2
month, while their regularity should be 2-3 times a week.

By following these simple rules, you can improve your hair.
on their own, return them strength, radiance and beauty without help

Преимущества натуральных восстанавливающих масок for hair

With regular application of home repair formulations on
hair can be filled with strands of new life, energize,
give shine and strength. If we consider the advantages of such procedures,
they are obvious:

• hair loss stops, moreover, from certain
комбинаций ingredients просыпаются спящие луковицы и ускоряется
the growth of hair;

• root strengthening occurs;

• hair becomes silky and shiny;

• homemade masks are completely natural and environmentally friendly.
pure mixtures, as they consist of natural ingredients and do not
contain harmful chemical impurities;

• Recipes are available to every hostess, since
ingredients can be easily found on the shelves of the refrigerator or kitchen
lockers. Therefore, you can safely call the recovery mask
in an economical way to rehabilitate weakened hair without unnecessary

Природное спасение — восстанавливающие маски for hair

Recipe masks to restore the structure of curls exist
great amount. But quite often their main ingredients
cosmetic oils, vitamins, honey, chicken eggs.
The effectiveness of these products has been tested repeatedly, therefore
it will be wise to use them in your arsenal.

Oil mask

Combinations of different oils are the best way to nourish
loose hair, restore their structure and revitalize dry
split ends. Самыми эффективными for hair среди масел
Olive, burdock, almond, linseed and jojoba are considered.
It is enough to mix in equal quantities at least some of
them (for long hair you need to take 1 tsp. of each of them),
put the oil warm, after the mixture becomes warm,
need to stop heating. Before applying the mask you need
pre-moisten the strands, and then rub the mixture into the roots and
evenly distribute all hair. Oil should be left on
hair for at least 2 hours, if desired, for the whole night. Rinse the mixture
You need to first water, and then shampoo.

Aloe Recipe

The juice or extract of a plant like aloe is indispensable.
home remedy in the treatment of various diseases. Uniqueness
plant properties found its reflected in the popular recipe
the restoring mask.

From the plant you need to cut a few lower leaves, wrap
gauze them and put in the fridge for 2-3 days, or better for a week. By
after time the leaves without thorns need to grind in a blender in
gruel, and juice to separate. If there is no living plant in the house, and juice
There is no place to take, you can buy in the pharmacy plant extract in ampoules,
but not alcoholic tincture.

Add juice or extract of burdock root to the juice or extract.
half a glass of water to take 2 tbsp. l crushed raw materials. Rest
the ingredients are honey and burdock oil, which, like aloe juice
need to take 1 tbsp. l

Vitamin kefir mixture

Dairy products are widely known for their moisturizing
properties. They are great for restoring dried
and lifeless strands. To create a mask you will need:

• 1/3 of a glass of kefir;

• capsule with vitamin E;

• capsule with vitamin A;

• 1 tbsp. l aloe juice extracted in the same way as before

Byдобная смесь будет не только эффективно восстанавливать
hair, but also to fight with fat. And in the case of normal and
dry hair can add 1 egg yolk to the recipe.

The combination of bread and butter

To create a mixture you need to prepare the most ordinary black bread.
without additives. Byнадобится 100 г мякиша, корки остаются без внимания.
Bread needs to be crushed, pour warm milk and give it
to brew. Затем нужно смешать в блендере 1 желток, хлеб и 1 ч. l
lemon juice. Beat until needed.
homogeneous mass, similar to foam.

Отдельно от других ingredients нужно смешать 2 масла —
castor and burdock, heat them and only at the end add to
Ready cream composition.

Banana combination

A banana mask will help solve the problem of split ends and
thinned strands. It is necessary to prepare:

• 1 banana;

• 2 tbsp. l sour cream;

• 1 ч. l castor oil;

• 1 ч. l honey

The banana needs to be crushed through a sieve or preferably in a blender.
the state of porridge without lumps. Then the rest is added.
Ingredients. Apply the mask to dry, previously
combed hair Be sure to warm the mixture on
hair so that banana and honey can fully give all their
nutritional and beneficial substances curls.

Рецепты восстанавливающих масок for hair после

Vitamin complex

Частые staining значительно ослабляют hairы, поэтому они
need constant nutrition and recovery. Start off
it is necessary to use masks not earlier than a week after
staining, чтобы красящий пигмент мог укрепиться на hairах.
Vitamin composition includes:

• burdock oil – 30 ml;

• kefir – 70-80 ml;

• vitamins B6 and B12.

First of all, you need to heat the oil a little, then pour into it
kefir, mix the mixture thoroughly and just before applying to the strands
pour in the vitamins.

Salvation clarified curls

Самым жёстким и безжалостным методом staining hair является
clarification. Byсле частых процедур спасать повреждённые hairы
it is very difficult. Byможет решить такую проблему яичная маска с
castor oil. It is very simple, fast, but effective.
recipe. It is necessary to heat 1 tbsp. l oils up to 35 degrees and just
mix them with egg yolk. The recipe is calculated on the average length
hair, so the proportions can be varied.

Egg-beer mask

Well restores lifeless dyed locks such

• 1 glass of dark beer;

• 1 egg;

• 2 tbsp. l burdock oil.

Byсле смешивания ingredients, нужно массажными движениями
erase the composition first in the roots, and then distribute already throughout
длине hair. If you wear such a composition on the hair for at least an hour, then
it can be seen that over time the hair gets shine, it becomes
stronger growth strands accelerated.

Byлезные советы по применению восстанавливающих масок для

To make the home restoration as efficient as possible,
Some useful tips will come in handy:

1. You must first check for allergies
components of the masks.

2. Use necessary for making masks exclusively
fresh food.

3. Производить смешивании ingredients желательно в стеклянной
or wooden utensils, metal should be removed.

4. The consistency of the masks should always be uniform, apply to
strands need only freshly prepared, and not stale mass.

5. Byдогревать ингредиенты масок можно максимально до 37

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