What is the right hand scratching for? Find out by whatreasons it itches the right hand and what events it portends.

ATт, 22 сен 2015 BUTвтор: Ольга Шестакова

In our technological and high-speed century, we continue
being at the mercy of various wills and superstitions. Man always
beckoned and alarmed by supernatural, inexplicable things. AT
Signs believe most people. They have a huge impact on us.
since childhood. Even people who don’t take magic seriously,
involuntarily pay attention to superstition. We rejoice in good signs.
and run from the bad. Today we will find out what the right hand is itching for
signs, in which our ancestors believed.


What does the right hand itch on Monday

The omen of itching in the right hand is one of the most popular.
from our people. This is a sign with a bright positive color – she
promises only good events. Nice meeting with an old friend
– this is what scratches a finger on his right hand on Monday. It may
be an old friend you have long missed, relative or
familiar Whoever it is – the date promises to be warm and
cordial. A sign promises a good day, without any

Is it possible to take the signs seriously, everyone decides for himself
yourself Many psychologists confirm the subconscious influence will take
on our daily life. We associate certain physical
sensations with subsequent events, fixing this connection on
subconscious level. For example, when the hand combed, and soon we
meet a friend, signs firmly zasyadede in our subconscious. AT
next time, when the hand combed, we will unconsciously
expect to meet with friends. If this happens again,
the omen is even more firmly entrenched in the mind.

What does the right hand scratch on Tuesday

I wonder why it scratches his finger on his right hand on Tuesday? This
A sign can be considered more than successful. She usually promises
unexpected cash flow. ATозможно, это возвращение старых
debt, promotion at work, bonus, lottery winnings, inheritance
or unexpected find. What is the thumb of the right hand:
to good luck in any financial affairs or large business
winnings AT такую многообещающую примету грех не поверить. What is she
will surely provide a positive attitude. A positive thinking
exactly change the day for the better. A person can subconsciously choose
solutions that lead him to the desired result.

There are many signs among our people that are associated with
itching. Some of them can be called fun, some promise
not too positive future. They say that if you started to brush your lips,
You will participate in a big scandal. The eyes most often itch to
sorrow. Nose itches to drink or feast, some interpretations
claim to fight. An itch in the forehead foreshadows a meeting with a large
chief or politician. There is also a purely female belief –
if your chest itched, then someone jealous of you.

What does the right hand itch on Wednesday

But if the right hand combed on Wednesday – with money rather
just have to part. It is not necessary to interpret this
I will take in dark colors. ATозможно тебя ждет приятная покупка и
monetary spending will bring joy. Donation to
charity, help to relatives, loan repayment, big
buying – this is what scratches the ring finger of the right hand in

Attitudes that are related to finance, can be explained enough
simply. When a person starts having problems with money – he
nervous. This causes physical symptoms such as itching in
right hand or fingers. The palms and fingers often itch
on nerves. If you owe someone money, and soon
will have to repay, then itching in the hand is quite understandable.

Sometimes, people who believe in omens perform a series of certain
action in order to mark come true, or, conversely,
never become reality. Such actions can be called
small rituals. For example, to avoid scandal when
lip swelling, you need to hit your lips with your left hand three times.
To avoid tears when itching to the eye, it is necessary three times.
scratch your fist. And if your hand is itching, you need to scratch it
wooden object so that the money does not go away.

What does the right hand scratch on Thursday

If the right hand is itching on Thursday – wait for guests and prepare
snacks Most likely, people will come who you have not seen for a long time.
This sign to unexpected guests. Unexpected guest on the threshold – here
what is it about the thumb of the right hand. If your fingers are itching
Thursday, prepare a snack or do not open the door for anyone. About,
pleasant it will be a visit, or not, omen is silent. But if you
you love guests, you can start cooking a cake. ATот к чему чешется
right hand, signs can explain the arrival of unexpected guests.

But do not take every physical manifestation of yours.
body as a sign. The hand can be itchy not only for money, but also for
allergies. And the eye does not twitch to the meeting, but as a result of the nervous
overvoltage. You can not explain your physical well-being.
only superstition. So it is possible miss the warning signs
diseases or disorders in the body. Itch is not
the exception. If this is repeated with enviable consistency – not
ignore the symptom and ask a doctor for help.

What does the right hand scratch on Friday

Usually, on Friday the right hand itches for good luck in amorous affairs. TO
what does the ring finger of the right hand scratch? But it is considered
especially good sign. Most likely you are waiting for a good date,
pleasant evening with the husband or unforgettable sex. Feel free to plan
romantic meetings for this evening – everything you planned
sure to come true.

A popular belief says that the more it itches, the
faster will come true. But, unfortunately, this is far from the truth. AT
most cases intense itching is a sign
a certain disease. ATозможно, это реакция на аллерген или
scabies. Such a reaction can cause any cleaner. Also
A similar symptom may be skin irritation. AT некоторых
In cases of itching, it may indicate an endocrine disruption.
system, liver, or kidney.

If the cause of the itch is unknown, it can be relieved by folk
means. In place of itching, you can put a cold. Effective in this
case lotion of oatmeal. Oatmeal Mucus Milk
has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and soothing

For a while, try not to contact possible
allergens – cleaning agents, wool, plants,
synthetics, as well as hot water.

TO чему чешется рука в субботу или воскресенье

If your hand is itching at the weekend, then you will
unexpected trip. This sign says about the imminent journey. TO
What is the thumb of the right hand on Saturday or Sunday? BUT
This may indicate the arrival of distant relatives or acquaintances.
ATозможно это будут люди, с которыми ты не виделась несколько лет.
The omen promises an exceptionally successful and friendly meeting.

Medical causes of itching in the hands

Forget about signs for a while, and talk about what might
cause itching in the hands. The most common causes of itchy hands

• TOожные заболевания — чесотка, крапивница, нейродермит. If a
except for an itch nothing bothers you, you can suspect skin
disease. TOонсультация дерматолога в этом случае
is required.

• TOонтакт с раздражителем — температурным, химическим или
mechanical. Dry skin often responds to a sharp decline or
повышение температуры itching. Unpleasant sensations in the palms can
be caused by contact with wool, aggressive ultraviolet
rays, woolen things, synthetics, cosmetic or cleaning
means. TOак только прекращается контакт с раздражителем,
which caused an unpleasant symptom, itching gradually stops.

• Diseases of the internal organs. Such a harmless symptom as
itching of the palms and hands may indicate serious irregularities in
the body’s work. Itching can cause diabetes, liver disease
(including infectious nature). Sometimes itching can
testify even to cirrhosis of the liver. Kidney disease also
may cause itching. Abnormalities in the thyroid gland and
The adrenal glands often cause itching.

• Emotional overstrain. If a руки стали часто чесаться,
remember if you were experiencing a strong emotional shock or

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