What is the dream field

What is the dream field
Mon, Jun 20, 2016


What is the dream field – по соннику Миллера

Being on bare fields is the forefront of financial loss,
canted predicts difficulty in business. Most likely, that project
on which you diligently worked, will not give the expected results.
See a spacious field filled with eared bread, promises
big profits, plowed – foreshadows a short way to achieve

What is the dream field – по соннику Ванги

Fertile fields in dreams promise a fruitful year for
of humanity. For you, such a dream may be a precursor
material well-being and stability in all aspects of life.
Empty, devoid of any vegetation fields doom people to
severe prolonged drought. If you feel a dry footing
or see deep cracks on the ground – a sign of powerful
earthquake that will leave thousands of people homeless.

Mowing grass on the field is a sign of hard work, soon you will be trusted
responsible business, it is necessary to approach it carefully,
rationally, so as not to “hit the face in the dirt” in front of the bosses and

What is the dream field – по соннику Фрейда

Roam the snow-covered field and enjoy the surrounding beauty
in a dream – a foreshadowing of an early meeting with a man who
will give you a paradise on Earth, is expected to complete idyll in the family and
sexual life. Being in the hot summer months means
Experience an exciting vortex of emotion, passion and happiness. But such
a dream foreshadows a fleeting affair, and most likely a blazing flame,
flashed in an instant, just as quickly fade away.

What is the dream field – по соннику Нострадамуса

A dream in which you walk through uncultivated fields,
capturing every second of appeasement means independence and
serene life, without steep ups and downs. Meza symbolizes
loneliness, social renunciation, pilgrimage, solitude with
by nature. Plowed field prophesies success, planted – plentiful
harvest, spiritual and physical health, steel will. Beveled
promises bad news and feelings for loved ones.

Meadows with bright green carpets foreshadow an offensive
happy streaks. See how the machines thresh the ears, – to
successful turnover of events. Fields dotted with cannabis warn of
quarrels, quarrels and misunderstandings in the family. Lake in the midst of the boundless
the field says that you are experiencing a crisis, but will soon meet
a person who will help you perk up, gain hope in
bright future.

What is the dream field – по английскому соннику

Green fields shrouded in warm sunshine and birds singing
symbolize welfare. Wander through the faded or scorched
open spaces – a bad sign, promising poverty and hard work. Sowed
The field is evidence of authority, authority and usefulness.

What is the dream field – по соннику Цветкова

– walk on it – to meet with the second half; – sowed
wheat – for profit, profit; – sown with potatoes or corn –
to the hassle.

After such a dream should be attentive to the signs,
sent by fate.

What is the dream field – по соннику Хассе

The field is a reflection of your life: fertile – promises success and
prosperity, mowed – failures, plowed – achievement
material wealth by their own labor and dedication,
empty – hunger, luxury – a good stable income.

What is the dream field – по соннику Менегетти

The field, like the earth, in the understanding of Meneghetti, is a mirror
inner world of the individual, symbolizes the balance between external and
spiritual reality. According to the specific details and image that
appears in front of you, and the overall picture of sleep.

What is the dream field — по универсальному соннику

Flower field foreshadows: lonely – a successful union, abiding
in marriage – happiness, love and peace in the family. Plowed – warns
about the obstacles that you can overcome by showing perseverance and a little
ingenuity. Wheat or corn – to profit and improvement
financial condition of your family. Work on the field – a sign
overwork and lack of sleep. To avoid unpleasant consequences
rest as it should!

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