What is the best face cleaning: mechanical,vacuum, ultrasound or combined? How often cando face cleaning

Чт, 06 апр 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Pure, pink, radiant skin
the main secret of beauty. At any age, it is important to clean the face

This procedure allows you to maintain healthy skin for a long time.
keep her youthful What is the best face cleansing?
which excites both young beauties, and women of elegant age.


What types of cleaning are there?

Choosing care, the woman is in a difficult position. What
give preference – home or salon procedures? What if
go to the salon, then what kind of cleaning to try and

Deciding which facial cleansing is best, should be based on
skin condition. If there are no special problems, then any option will do.
If the skin is problematic, there is deep subcutaneous inflammation, abundant
purulent rashes, acne, then for your own safety
you need to consult with a dermatologist or cosmetologist.
The specialist knows best what kind of impact can solve
problem and restore skin cleanliness and health.

Selection of deep and effective top layer cleansing procedures
The skin is quite big.

• Mechanical, or manual cleaning – the easiest and most popular
method. Held in the cabin, and at home. The point is to
pre-open the pores by steaming and then manually remove
of which are sebaceous plugs or pus. You can do this with your fingers either
special device – spoon Uno. Required

• Throwing, or brushing. New procedure for mechanical cleaning,
which is carried out by special brushes nozzles. Despite
mechanical impact is much less traumatic compared to
manual cleaning, does not cause pain and does not leave marks on the skin.
Effectively cleanses the skin pores of black spots, and the epidermis – from
keratinized dead skin particles. Held in the cabin or at home
if there is a special device.

Вакуумная чистка основана на создании эффекта
extruding the pore contents with a special manipula. At the same time
a light massage is performed, greatly improving the lymph and
face blood circulation. It is held only in the cabin.

Ультразвуковая чистка — наиболее
demanded salon procedure. Ultrasound handpiece
it works completely painlessly, skin does not need to be steamed,
therefore, cleaning is allowed for rosacea. The meaning of the procedure is
to destroy sebaceous plugs, clean the dermis from dead cells and
remove degradation products in a natural way.

Лазерная чистка основана на воздействии
the same name beam on the skin of the face. Popular salon procedure
shown to solve serious skin problems and to preserve
youthful skin

Комбинированная чистка сочетает механическое
impact on certain areas of the face and ultrasound or laser

Each procedure has its pros and cons, as well as indications
and contraindications. When it comes to beauty and health, the details
make a huge difference. The important point is the regularity of the procedures.
cleansing care. How often can do face cleaning, должен
identify a dermatocosmetologist.

Salon Cleaning: Pros and Cons

Regular visits to the salon after 30 years make a contribution to
youth and beauty. So say cosmetologists, and they are completely
are right. But even at a young age the help of an experienced specialist is not
get along. Especially when it comes to really serious
problems: keratosis, acne, subcutaneous inflammation. They
are solved individually by the specialist, which determines how often
можно do face cleaning.

Indeed, in the arsenal of a professional beautician is
appliances, devices, high-performance cosmetics,
without which the success of the procedure will be questionable. And yet you need
evaluate all aspects of beauty salon treatment and be sure
понять, как часто можно do face cleaning.

Immediate benefits:

• several methods of steaming the face before cleaning, including
without exposure to hot steam (gel or paraffin masks,
vaporizer, etc.);

• safe removal of ulcers. At home, even with
with sufficient disinfection there is a risk of blood contamination
the contents of the subcutaneous purulent capsule;

• special hardware procedures that are carried out only in
salon using laser, ultrasound, vacuum handpiece,
completely safe, and most importantly – painless and atraumatic.
In addition to proper deep cleansing of the skin, they even out the complexion,
stimulate the production of collagen fibers, rejuvenate,
level the complexion, relieve wrinkles and swelling, tighten
oval face and give lasting long-lasting effect.

Salon procedures combine cleansing, rejuvenation,
recovery. High-quality salon procedures for efficiency
surpasses home care, providing skin beauty and health.

But there are also disadvantages that you need to know about:

• brushing (throwing) and vacuum – effective procedures,
but short-lived. They will have to be done regularly to maintain
clean face. Not all girls are ready pay twice a month for

• cleaning with ultrasound and laser is even more expensive, although
The effect will be noticeable longer. In this case, the ultrasound is not always able
deeply clean the pores, you still have to resort to mechanical

• in the cabin they offer not only hardware procedures, but also
механическую purge. In some cases, shows the combined
cleaning, since only manual removal of pore contents
effective. Mechanical cleaning is painful. Also, have to
go through a rehabilitation period: wait for the wounds to heal.

Do not forget that the salon procedures have
contraindications. For example, ultrasonic cleaning cannot be done
if there is rosacea, kidney, liver, gallbladder,
inflammation in the sinuses and so on. From laser cleaning
will have to be abandoned if a tendency to scarring is found

Home cleaning: Pros and Cons

Deep cleansing of the dermis at home is possible in
several forms:

• mechanical cleaning with pre-steaming;

• use of individual brush-brushing.

Not all girls are ready доверить лицо косметологу или регулярно
pay for the procedure. Someone because of allergies does not go
professional cosmetics, and someone just afraid of professional
chemistry on the face, considering it too aggressive.

Home mechanical cleaning – the most popular, simple and
Obviously available to clean pores. Home Benefits
care obvious:

• it is fast and free;

• do not apply aggressive chemicals
professional cosmetics, which means there will be no allergies or

• steam bath acts no worse than chemical
steaming mask. Moreover, the steaming can be combined with
treatment, hydration and nutrition, if you add the necessary herbs;

• properly performed home procedure sometimes cleans better
than expensive ultrasound. So which cleaning is better?

Of course, there are pitfalls. Above all high
the danger of infection, as creating an absolutely home
sterile conditions impossible. Steamed pores are enlarged and
vulnerable, the infection can penetrate even if they are completely
are healthy.

In addition, self-squeezing eels is a very
dangerously. The consequences can be catastrophic, right up to
development of furunculosis or blood poisoning. Most often instead
getting rid of acne a girl gets the next morning a scattering of new pimples
or extensive inflammation, which in some cases has to be treated

How often can do face cleaning

The answer to this question depends on two factors: skin condition
(its type) and type of procedure. Mechanical cleansing for young skin,
oily and prone to acne, is carried out at least twice
per month. As soon as the wounds from the procedure heal and start
the formation of new pustules or sebaceous plugs, should be cleaned

If the skin is dry or normal, the pores need to be cleaned much less frequently.
One procedure of mechanical cleaning in a month and a half is quite

For mature skin, laser or ultrasound cleaning is preferred.
After 30 years, the tendency to fat content disappears. Pores are more often clogged
not a greasy secret, but makeup and dust particles. Mechanical
the impact is carried out pointwise, and to remove the layer of dead skin
ideal ultrasound, laser or chemical peels.

Frequency of vacuum, laser or ultrasonic cleaning procedures –
один раз per month. To keep skin as long as possible clean and
freshness, preferably scrub weekly or

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