What is good dandelion hair? Decoctions and masks ofDandelion for hair: hair is shiny, easy to fit and fastgrow up

Пн, 19 июн 2017 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Modest dandelion is not a simple spring-summer flower.
This plant can make you beautiful with shiny healthy

Popularly, dandelion recipes for hair are very popular, and


Useful properties of dandelion for hair

In the juice of leaves, flowers and dandelion roots there are such
biologically active substances that are able to restore
healthy skin, hair roots and fill your own hair
rods. Especially useful vitamins:

ретинол (вит. А) восстанавливает блеск сухих,
lifeless hair;

токоферолы (вит. Е) возвращает блеск, силу и
especially good for brittle, spoiled “Khimki” or permanent
drying curls;

никотиновая кислота (вит. РР) пробуждает
bulbs, makes hair grow faster, stops falling out,
normalizes blood circulation, prevents the loss of moisture;

аскорбиновая кислота (вит. С) активизирует
collagen synthesis in cells, returning elasticity to the locks and
pushing away aging.

In addition, in the juice of the plant there are trace elements, acids and
active substances that also restore vitality and
strand elasticity: it is calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, inulin,
fatty acids, saponins. It turns out a life-giving cocktail that
will help to care for the curls no worse than using expensive
purchased funds.

Use the beneficial properties of dandelion hair can be
following cases:

• hair is greasy or very dry;

• there is dandruff, itching;

• curls lost luster and strength;

• strong loss has begun;

• growth slowed down;

• visible aging began: hair became lifeless,
thinned and thinned.

Homemade products made from dandelion
beneficial effect on the scalp, heal microtrauma,
relieve dandruff, moisturize well and stimulate rapid growth.
Naughty curls easily fit, stop pushing and
split yourself

Harvest raw dandelions need either in early spring (you can
at the beginning of summer), or at the very end of autumn. Spring collect young
leaflets and yellow heads that have not yet begun to turn into
downy balls. And in the fall, it is time to gather the rhizomes of the plant,
accumulated over the summer a lot of nutrients.

Dry the collected leaves and heads in the shade, spread out on a dry
paper. Store in glass jars or linen bags in
dark cool place.

When cooking the roots, dig the root system of the plant,
separate the roots, peel out of the ground. Wash with cold water
pat dry and cut into small pieces. Dry and store the same
like leaves and flowers.

Decoction and infusion of dandelions for hair

Broths – one of the easiest ways to use dandelion
for hair.

They are especially good at split ends.

Broth need to rinse your head after each wash 5-7 times
in a row or constantly, through two washes.

Hair will quickly begin to shine, become elastic, silk and
very beautiful.

Leaf decoction

To prepare the decoction take the leaves of the plant – fresh or
dried Take 2 handfuls of fresh raw materials or 4-5 tablespoons
crushed dried leaves. Fill with a liter of clean cold water and
put on medium heat. As soon as the water boils, languish under
крышкой на медленном огне не дольше 4-5 minutes Then cover
towel, turn off the heat, and insist half an hour. Strain,
Wash your hair with shampoo and use warm rinse.
dandelion broth.

Rinse it off, just blot your hair with fluffy hair.
a towel. To enhance the beneficial effect and get rid of the itch,
rub the moisture with your fingertips into the scalp. This massage is useful
also by stimulating the flow of blood to the bulbs. After
procedures allow the curls to dry naturally, without a hair dryer.
This will further enhance the effect of the procedure.

Decoction of flowers

A handful of fresh flowers or two tablespoons of dried heads
put in the pan. Boil water and brew the raw material in two.
glasses of boiling water. Set the pot over boiling water, hold
на водяной бане около пяти-шести minutes Remove from heat, cover
cover and let the broth cool completely. Strain and use
for rinsing hair after washing.

The product not only moisturizes the hair well, but is also wonderful.
tones the scalp and face. The rest of the decoction can be
wash or freeze the liquid in ice tins. In the decoction can be
add essential oil suitable for your hair type. The morning
rubbing with such a tool has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face.

Broths of leaves and flowers can be an excellent basis for
другой уходовой процедуры — маски из одуванчика for hair. She can
carry out regularly, 1-2 times a week, and for intensive
restore curls and more often. Mask recipes are listed below.

Infusion of dandelions for hair

This tool is prepared even easier than decoction, because
additional boiling or languishing in a water bath is not
need to.

So, for the preparation of infusion, take 3-4 tablespoons of fresh or
сушеного сырья (можно смешать листья и головки or использовать
plant parts separately), fold into a thermos and fill with a liter of steep
boiling water. Insist half an hour, strain and use after washing
heads like a regular rinse.

Dandelion oil for hair

In the care of hair oils are often used – burdock and
castor But besides these popular tools there are at least
effective oil – dandelion. Cook it yourself
absolutely not difficult.

Need roots and leaves of the plant, preferably fresh. They need
вымыть, нарезать как можно мельче и положить в стеклянную банку or
a bottle. Tara will have to fill in half, lightly press. Pour
dandelions with vegetable oil, such as sunflower, olive
or гречишным, укупорить емкость крышкой и убрать в темное место.
Insist for two weeks, then strain, squeeze
raw material

You can use the oil as a standalone product, rubbing it into
корни и оставляя на час-полтора под утепляющим колпаком, or
добавлять в состав домашних масок for hair.

Dandelion hair masks

Для интенсивного ухода за ослабленными, сухими or жирными
hair used multicomponent means – masks.

They are applied according to certain rules, allowing
усorть лечебный эффект:

• before applying the mask, you should not wash your hair;

• applying a mask, cover the hair with plastic wrap,
surely warm with a towel;

• hold the mask for forty minutes to an hour;

• вымойте голову шампунем, ополосните or нанесите бальзам;

• use for intensive hair restoration at least 7-10
once turn one wash and then maintain the effect by applying a mask
1 time in 2-3 weeks.

You can alternate masks made from dandelion for hair,
solving specific problems of the appearance of curls. The remedy is
accessible to everyone, really helpful and very effective.

Medical mask for the scalp

It is used for itching and dandruff, returns shine to hair,
strengthens hair. Возьмите столовую ложку свежего or сушеного
raw materials (flowers and leaves), pre-crushed, and pour glasses
крутого boiling water. Insist half an hour wrapped in a towel, then
strain. In the form of heat rub into the skin, keep under warming
Compress 30-40 minutes, then wash your hair, as usual. If a
long hair, you can prepare two portions of infusion, so that was enough
and the distribution of healing fluids along the entire length of the strands.

Mask for accelerated hair growth

If a волосы плохо grow up, этот рецепт можно попробовать для
accelerate the growth of strands. At the same time, the mask helps to moisturize
strands, returns them shine.

Take 2-3 handfuls of fresh dandelion leaves, pound from into
ступке or пропустите через мясорубку. Add to the gruel dining
spoon of burdock oil. Rub the mixture into the roots, warm the head and
hold the uterus for at least an hour. Wash hair and rinse
прохладной водой or отваром.

Mask with honey for weak, falling hair

Use this care option if you notice too much.
выпавших волос после мытья or расчесывания. Composition helps
strengthen the roots, good tones.

Two tablespoons of finely chopped leaves of the plant and the same
Mint the amount of garden folded in a saucepan and pour a half
glasses of water. Simmer for about fifteen minutes,
strain and squeeze. When the decoction becomes warm, add tea
spoon of honey, mix. Do not put honey in hot liquid, otherwise
most of the vitamins will collapse. Rub the compound into the roots,
distribute through the hair, warm. An hour later, wash it off.

Burdock Root Mask

This composition will help strengthen the hair roots, relieve itching and get rid

Take some dandelion leaves and young flower heads,
grind. To prepare the mask will need a tablespoon
blends of raw materials. Add two tablespoons of oil made from the root.
burdock. Вотрите смесь в корни, держите 50-60 minutes Wash off

Mask with red rowan for oily hair

Collect fresh pouring dandelion, red rowan and mint.
The amount of each ingredient should be approximately equal.
Разотрите листья и ягоды в ступке or прокрутите в мясорубке.
The mixture rub the hair roots, leave for twenty minutes under the usual
compress Wash off маску, вымойте голову шампунем, нанесите
balm conditioner for greasy hair.

Dandelion Root Powder

An interesting homemade product that you can easily
to cook and use – powder from the dried root of the plant.
Collect the dandelion roots in late September – early October,
dry it. Grind the resulting raw material into powder – this is
�“Dandelion powder”. She can использовать двумя способами.

1. Add a teaspoon of powder to a single dose of your usual
шампуня for hair. Wash your hair as usual. After 3-4 procedures
You will notice that the condition of the hair has improved significantly.

2. Prepare a mask of a teaspoon of finished powder and any
vegetable oil. You can take and burdock, and castor, and
пищевое подсолнечное or льняное. Apply the oil mixture to the roots
hair, then on the strands themselves. Comb and leave on 40-50

Any remedy prepared on the basis of powder from the root
dandelion, relieves itching and heals microraniums on the scalp,
relieves irritation, nourishes the hair, restoring
the structure of the hair shafts makes the strands smooth and shiny

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