What is female charm?

Thu, 07 Aug 2014

There are such women – it seems there is nothing special, but pulls to
her like a magnet. Nothing remarkable in the figure or in appearance
It does not stand out, but men look at her like a goddess. Beauties
next to it, they bite their lips nervously, and it blooms and confidently walks forward.
What kind of zest is found in this pretty girl? The answer is simple. it
women’s charm.

What is charm in a woman

For each lady, the concept of “charm” has its own unique meaning,
diametrically opposed to the representation of men. Yes they like
contemplate the slim legs of a girl, they are admired by the chiseled figure and
high female breast. But, why, as it seems to us, choose in
companions completely different, gray mice? Yes, because the chosen one
has charm and peculiar only to her charm.

Find out what charm is and become the owner of a secret
able to turn the head of any man. Desire more than
understandable, only not, unfortunately, the universal answer to
delivered request. Charm is a combination of certain qualities.
women consisting of features of appearance, style and mental
organizations. But, everything must be described in order.

Beautiful appearance

Not so often girls with harmonious figure and
good external data. Of course, they know what charm is,
and how to use it as your trump card. It happens
bright beauty, on the contrary, can be cold and repulsive.

If you constantly think about the length of eyelashes and nails, complexes
due to the small size of the chest or full hips, it remains without
attention inner beauty. Ability to disguise flaws,
emphasize their virtues add to the girl confidence in his

Here it should be remembered that it is to emphasize its elegance, and
not show it off, plays a key role in creating the image.
Exclamation of the famous actress Faina Ranevskaya “Beauty is a terrible
power! ”has a double meaning: you can admire your appearance, but you can
just kill outright.


To attract the attention of men, and even more so to keep him, will not succeed
with the help of bright vulgar rags. Compliance with the basic rules in
selection of clothes for going to work, party, theater will save
woman from misunderstanding and will clarify the notion that
such a charm.

It is not necessary to buy expensive things, chasing them by
Overseas boutiques, order from the fashion catalog. Enough
be able to combine those wardrobe details that are already there, skillfully
complement them with charming details as interesting

Mental organization

You can not be beautiful with a gloomy mood, charming with a sharp
tongue, attractive with constant complaints, sexual
wary eyes. Men want to see next to nothing
anxious, kind, cheerful, intelligent woman. So work on
by itself, if something from the listed list is not yet available to you, and
learn to use it skillfully. Then you don’t have to ask
the rhetorical question “What is charm?”.

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