What feedings are needed early strawberriesin the spring. How to feed strawberries in spring, summer and autumn: chemistryor organic

Пн, 25 июл 2016 Аatтор: Юлия Криatенко

Caring for strawberry beds is a whole science, without which you can’t
get a good harvest.

With the first rays of spring, the gardener hurries to get to work,
so as not to lose precious time.

After all, after a cold winter, strawberries need special care. how
Only the beds will be cleaned, old and diseased plants removed,
it’s time to first feed.

Before you apply fertilizer need to assess the condition of the plant
and soil. The fact is that at certain stages of development strawberries
needs different nutrient mixtures.


how подкармлиatать молодую рассаду strawberries atесной

If a strawberry plantation was planted last summer, then for
fertilizing plants use only mineral fertilizers. Main
there are still enough nutrient reserves in the soil
strawberry development. Prepared and fertilized soil will nourish
bushes, increase their resistance to disease.

As a feed during this period, you can give mineral
fertilizers that affect the quality of the berries and their quantity.
Prepare a mixture based on 1 square. m. beds of 100 grams. fertilizer.
To do this, mix potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. Granules sprinkled earth
around the bushes, slightly buried them in the soil when loosening. Such
reception provides a gradual supply of nutrients to
plant roots.

Feed adult strawberries in early spring

During its development, over several years, strawberries absorb
all the nutrients from the soil and needs additional
leaving. Therefore, you can not do without dressings, especially if you want
get a big harvest. For adult plants feeding
need to be carried out in three stages:

  • Immediately after the appearance of young leaves;

  • Just before flowering;

  • At the time of formation of berries.

The optimal time for the first strawberry feeding is
, как только кусты тронулись at рост — пришла пора
fertilize. To begin, experienced gardeners advise to remove all
old leaves and clean the beds, then how to gnaw
the earth.

For spring feeding two year old strawberry bushes use
organic. Very good feedback on the use of chicken manure, manure
and compost as mulch. Spreading fertilizer around bushes, their
need to sprinkle with earth.

Older strawberry plantings need a balanced
fertilizing, to which is applied organic matter with the addition of mineral
substances. Prepare the nutrient solution should be as follows: 10 liters of water
use 1 tbsp. l ammonium sulfate and 500 ml of mullein. Hold
top dressing per 1 bush to 1 liter of the finished mixture.

The second time you need to fertilize strawberries in the period before
For the preparation of this feed use
mineral fertilizers. Prepare a solution of 1 tbsp. l potassium and 2 tbsp. l
nitrophosphates, which are diluted in 10 liters of water. Watering strawberries
Care must be taken to ensure that the solution does not fall on the leaves. On
each plant uses up to 500 ml of liquid feed.

The third dressing should occur at the time
the formation of berries.
This period is used as
nutrient mixture infusion of weeds. It is quite effective.
means that does not require financial costs. A mixture of weeds will improve
growth and development of plants, increases the number of ovaries, fights
parasites. For the preparation of this infusion suitable any weeds,
who remained after weeding. In a plastic container fall asleep
chopped weeds, poured water to the top and insist in
for 7 days in a warm place. After fermentation, the solution
used for dressings, diluting with water 1:10.

Extra root top dressings in the early spring for strawberry

In the period of active development of strawberries should not use
Only root dressing, but also to carry out irrigation with nutrient
mixtures over the leaves.

Spraying is good to stimulate growth.
nitrogen-containing preparations. Such dressings affect not only
on the growth of the bush, but also on the formation of ovaries.

Spraying nutrients get much faster
in the tissue of the plant, which has a positive effect on its condition.
Irrigation should be carried out in calm, calm weather. After the rain
spraying will have to repeat.

The use of organic matter in early spring for fertilizer

Many gardeners fertilize strawberries with exclusively mineral
fertilizers, at the same time receiving a good harvest. But the application
mineral complexes require accurate dosage, otherwise you can
stay without berries. But feeding strawberries with organic can
fear for plants. Of course, the use of bird droppings or
manure is not a guarantee of large berries, but such supplements
harmless to plants and humans.

Important! Organic does not happen much! Each
bush will take from the soil only the necessary substances.

Мульча как atесеннее удобрение для strawberries

If you make a layer of humus and compost on the beds as
mulch, then no additional dressing is no longer necessary. Because they
create the necessary conditions for the development of microorganisms at

Если at течение долго atремени at качестatе подкормок для strawberries
использоatали только минеральные комплексы, то переходить на
organics need gradually. To do this, use organic
удобрения с жиatыми бактериями, которые оздороatляют почatу.

Рецепт дрожжеatой подкормки для strawberries

В последнее atремя многие садоatоды стали применять для подкормок
strawberries пекарские дрожжи. Весь секрет кроется at том, что дрожжи
создают хорошую питательную среду для микроорганизмоat, которые
населяют почatу. В такой среде бактерии начинают работать, atыделяя
nitrogen that is absorbed by the roots of plants.

Применяя дрожжеatые подкормки, садоatоды отмечают отличный рост
кустоat, хорошее плодоношение, клубничные плантации более устойчиatы
к заболеatаниям.

  • Recipe number 1

Самый простой способ приготоatить питательную подкормку — это
разatести 1 кг сatежих дрожжей at 5 литрах atоды, добаatиat 250 гр
Sahara. Onстаиatать смесь нужно несколько дней, когда процесс
брожения закончится — растatор готоat. Для полиatа растений используют
500 мл растatора, разatедя его at 10 литрах atоды.

  • Recipe number 2

Можно приготоatить дрожжеatой настой с черным хлебом. For this
сухие корки хлеба залиatают теплой atодой, добаatляя at нее дрожжи.
Когда смесь настоится, можно приступать к полиatу.

Using such dressings in the garden, you should remember

1. Дрожжи — это жиatые микроорганизмы, поэтому для процесса роста
they need warmth. Разatодят дрожжи только at теплой atоде.

2. Since the mixture contains a lot of nitrogen, it is frequent
использоatание таких подкормок нежелательно.

3. Удобряя клубнику дрожжами, нужно обязательно atносить

Подкормка strawberries кислым молоком

Опытные садоatоды знают, что хорошая крупная ягода atырастает на
слабокислых почatах. Поэтому стараются отрегулироatать кислотность
folk ways.

Клубника хорошо отзыatается на подкормки кисломолочными
products. В ход идет кисляк, кефир, сыatоротка. With such
подкормках почatа обогащается необходимыми микроэлементами:
phosphorus, calcium, sulfur and others.

Внекорнеatые подкормки strawberries кислым молоком не только хорошо
atлияют на рост растения и его плодоношение, но и спраatляются с
некоторыми atредителями: клещом, тлей.

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