What dreams wall: concrete, brick,wooden? Find out what the wall dreamed about and what it couldmean

Вс, 15 окт 2017 Автор: Елена Москалева

The interpretation of dreams often depends on the associations associated with
have a dream object. Usually the wall personifies arising on
Dreamer’s paths of difficulty and obstacles. Appeal to the dream book will help
more fully reveal the dream.

Before the immediate interpretation it is important to remember the circumstances
sleep. Because of them, a frightening prophecy can turn into
enchanting. What material was the wall made of? Which one
She reached heights? The most important thing – what did the sleeper himself, stood in
desperate or trying to overcome the obstacle? What feelings does he have?
experienced? All this will most accurately explain what the wall dreamed of.
and what you should pay attention to in reality.


What dreams of the wall – according to the dream book Lofa

According to the theory of D. Loff, the dreamed wall, among other things,
associated with a strong personality, specifically with an authoritarian
a man �”Like a stone wall” – this is exactly the idea that comes to
mind when parsing sleep from this point of view. It is possible influence on
the dreamer of the dominant patriarchal figure.

– If the wall has blocked the path to the near dreamer – in the near
the future may be a serious conflict in the family or with friends.
It is necessary to exercise extreme caution in his decision. Any
unreasoned word or action – and the person who saw this dream
runs the risk of breaking off all ties with the dear people involved in the quarrel.

– Balancing on the wall – you need to remember what were
sensations. Uncertain balance means that now is not the best
time for adventures. But if a person felt comfort and lack
fear, the dream predicts the exact opposite. Can safely
count on success and quick material profit.

– The walls in a dream surrounded the sleeper – you need to pay attention
on health. Disease is possible in the near future.

– To see a house with a collapsed wall or be in it – you need
be prepared for the terrible. This dream is a bad sign, prophesying death.
one of the dreamer dwellers.

What dreams of the wall – according to the dream book Hasse

Here we must pay attention to the material from which was
dreamed wall was made.

– Concrete, stone wall – sleep warns that from now on
affairs need to rely only on their own strength. Especially this
It is important if a person is waiting or is used to receiving outside help.
The concrete wall warns that this time everyone himself for

– Brick wall – promises resolution of the case or problem,
emerged in real life, in favor of having a dream.

– A wall of material not suitable for construction – an indication,
that the dreamer spends too much time on other people’s problems. Wall
from a strange material in a dream reminds you that it’s time to think about
their needs.

— Wall из дерева — увидевшему ее во сне очень повезло с
friends. He can fully rely on them. In any, even the most
difficult situation they will help.

– The color wall foreshadows joy and happiness in the future.

— Wall из хрупкого материала указывает, что спящему необходимо
strengthen the foundation of your well-being. Otherwise, sooner or later, he
risks losing it.

– Destroyed wall predicts serious, sometimes fateful
changes that need to be prepared.

For a detailed interpretation, you need to remember what actions
committed in a dream with a wall.

– To be behind the wall – the dreamer can be proud of his endurance
and stamina. It is these qualities that support others.
respect for him.

– Jump off the wall – you need to prepare for the dangerous
obstacles that will soon arise on the way.

– In a dream, there were long walls in front of a man – no need to wait
insights on how to achieve this goal in the near future

– Independently build a wall in a dream – failures that will soon
man will be comprehended, will be provoked by his own thoughtless

– Destruction of the wall – sleeping and his family in danger.

What dreams of the wall – according to Miller’s dream book

– See the wall that blocked the way – circumstances will break
man, and he will not be able to achieve the goal. Moreover,
he will lose all his achievements.

– Easy to jump over the wall – instructing the sleeper to boldly
acted as he sees fit. He will surely achieve his and
cope with all the obstacles that have arisen on the way to the goal.

– Break through the wall – remarkable strength, resilience and
assertiveness of the person who saw such a dream will surely bring him
to the goal, no matter how hard the struggle seemed to be.

– Destroy the wall – in the near future the dreamer will be able to crush
all enemies and detractors.

– Build a wall – in reality a person will be scrupulous
work out your success strategy.

There are more explanations for what the wall dreamed of;
if the dreamer is a young woman.

– Climb the wall in a dream – no need to worry about
the future, because this dream foreshadows a long, lasting happiness.

– To hide behind the wall – the girl needs to be more careful with the fact
whom she will fall in love with Maybe in the future she will have to blush for this

– Walking in a dream along the wall – soon the girl will become even more
attractive. This will contribute to the attention to
appearance and meticulous care of themselves.

What dreams of the wall – according to Freud’s dream book

If a man dreamed a wall, he probably tried it
overcome. The way he managed (or failed) is
make, help interpret the dream even more.

– If only a slight jump was needed to overcome the wall –
the obstacles and difficulties that stood in the way of reality are not such
as significant as it seemed. All plans come true in
to the fullest.

– Destroy the wall to overcome it – sleeping in the same way
will be able to break the competition. At the same time he should not worry about
reputation – he can put himself in the best light and
to achieve success.

– If to overcome the wall it was necessary to make a digging – in
dreamer’s life coming change.

– Make a hole in the wall – do not occupy the dream
commitment and perseverance on the way to the goal. He is not afraid
no obstacles.

– Fall from the wall, climbing over it – it is worth paying attention
on relationships with relatives. Maybe everything is not so good with
mutual understanding as it seems to the dreamer.

– overcome the wall with spells or any other magic –
indication of extrasensory or other extraordinary

What dreams of the wall – according to the dream book Denise Lynn

– To see a wall in a dream – perhaps in the present or near
the future will stand in the way of an obstacle. Do not get hung up only
on the same path to achieving the goal.

– If a man dreamed a wall, and at the same time he felt
isolation from society – he needs to try to go out and
begin to participate in public life. Of course, at first it is waiting for him.
the discomfort. However, only in this way, coming out of the comfort zone,
he will be able to change his attitude towards the world.

What dreams of the wall – according to the XXI century dream book

The interpretation of the wall, ghost in a dream, in this modern
The dream book is not much different from traditional beliefs. but
some specifics are still present.

– Climb over the wall in a dream – position at work and in personal
life strengthened.

– Jump off the wall – a warning that you should not
предпринимать рискованные действия в ближайшее time. They are not only
do not justify themselves, but can harm.

– Break the wall – advice to be more circumspect. Actions
a person who has had such a dream may in the near future
cause misfortune primarily for himself.

– If the wall in a dream collapsed – an important event will happen soon.
Perhaps it will forever change the habitual way of life.

– Climb up a smooth wall – sleep indicates fear
surrounding people and society as a whole, entrenched at heart.

– Build a wall in a dream – the dreamer is waiting for a happy union with
loved one. Perhaps in the near future he will even play

What is the dream about the wall – according to the Wanderer’s dream book

– To see the wall in a dream – an indication of the subconscious desire
man to take shelter from the world, to be alone in peace and quiet.
Perhaps the dreamer cannot agree with himself, but
therefore needs temporary solitude. Besides this, the wall
dreams to cool relations due to alienation. Probably,
the man himself built a “wall” between him and his partner.

– To stand on a wall or any similar obstacle –
good sign. This is a precursor of success in undertakings and victory over
unfavorable circumstances.

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