What dreams the table: dinner, festive,new or old? Basic interpretations of various dream books – why?dream table

Ср, 28 фев 2018 Автор: Инна

In a dream you can see a variety of things, you can meet
complete strangers. К чему dream table? How to interpret
similar dream?


К чему dream table — основное толкование

The table in a dream – often promises favorable changes, the appearance
new opportunities and new perspectives. If in a dream you are sitting behind
holiday table – a dream like this promises you a pleasant
changes and many perspectives. But for a complete interpretation of sleep you need
consider all its details:

– In which room is the table in a dream;

– Is this your table;

– who sits behind him;

– Is the table covered;

– Are there many dishes on the table;

– What emotions does sleep cause you?

If in a dream you see an old table that is covered in white
tablecloth – your agreements and acquaintances from the past will be for
help you in the future. You can actively use the advice
wiser colleagues, you can rely on the elders in your family,
will be able to learn from their experience and be able to more actively engage
developing your life.

A dream in which you see an iron table standing in the middle of the street –
says that you are in for hard work. You will try
realized at work, get recognition and praise, and at the same time,
you will work more and more. But all your efforts will not be crowned.
by success.

A dream in which you will be trying to paint for a long time
iron table, and it will not be painted in any way – says
that you can’t hide your flaws. You may be in the past
made some kind of flaws and mistakes and now you have to
is answer. But to shift the responsibility to another you do not
will succeed. You just have to admit to your flaws and
fix them.

A dream in which you see a red table – speaks of your
passionate nature. And you are also passionate about everyone who you are.
surrounds. You are passionately looking for communication and passionately looking for relationships. You
all the time it seems that your nature is underestimated. Dream Interpretation advises
Do not spill your emotions on close people and do more
own development. Do not expect any close people
unreal things. Try to be more restrained.

A dream in which you see a wooden table on carved legs –
says that soon you will have a pleasant acquaintance with
wise man. You can learn important information and
get such a missing experience. A dream in which to dream like someone
an outsider sits at your desk – talks about the hidden
competition that you do not want to notice. Maybe you
Drive a friendship with someone in the workplace and don’t notice how this
the person gradually becomes your competitor.

After such a dream, it is important to review your surroundings and
reconsider their attitude towards him. Try to be more active.
to engage in your life and more actively engage in your
professional activities. Otherwise, your competitors will bypass you.
in all matters. After such a dream, you should not share your plans.
for the future and their life preferences.

If in a dream you see a table in the bathroom – it means it’s time you say goodbye
with sore. You пора пережить те моменты, в которых вы были
lonely to be happy again. Otherwise you will fail
achieve happiness and balance in your own life.

К чему dream table, который вы сервируете? Such a dream means
that you will be ready to meet very nice people. You will
open to communication. It is important to remember exactly what you put on
table. If these are some exotic dishes that you previously
never ate – says that you can plunge into communication
with completely strangers.

A dream in which you will try to sit at the table, but not
can fit behind it – means you can’t
realize yourself fully in your favorite business and with your loved one.
You may have wanted a lot in the past, and your partner denied you
this, now you have to ask him for attention and support.
But you can not get it.

A dream in which you see someone pulling a table down the street –
suggests that soon you will observe quite
strange events. This may be open conversations with someone from
your colleagues in which you learn a lot of new and unpleasant about
to myself. Do not worry and upset. Just help
man to decide. Maybe he’s just confused and nothing.
negative to you is not experiencing. Try to figure it out correctly.
and calm.

A dream in which you see someone cutting a table and away from it
slivers fly off in your direction – says that you can become
the hero of a rather unpleasant story that will devour you. Maybe,
you will be dissatisfied because of work, but you will suffer no more
because of their unfulfilled obligations, and because of obligations,
which your colleague has not fulfilled.

A dream in which you chop the table, or even break it – says about
that you want to change something too dramatically in your life, you
too actively trying to move in the direction in which
it’s too early for you to move. Try to comprehend all your
prospects, all the possibilities that are already open to you. Not
strive for the tit, appreciate what you have.

What is the dream of the cake according to Freud’s dream book?

If you dreamed of a dinner table that is dirty and
broken dishes – in your relationship is foreseen a rather complicated and
negative period. You will испытывать подавленность и страх. You
You will not be confident in yourself and in your partner. Your doubts can
not even be groundless, you can subconsciously feel that
you are not so much loved and not so much taken care of you.

A sleep in which you see a dinner table on which a lot
beautiful cutlery – speaks of what awaits you soon
a lot of meetings and communication, but they will not have a personal and intimate
character Most likely, it will be important negotiations for you.

Lonely girl to see an empty table – to sadness and longing. Her
loneliness will last for quite some time. Not стоит рассчитывать на
a quick change in the situation, most likely, it will remain itself in
to myself. Dream Interpretation advises поменять своё отношение к реальности и больше
do not go deep into sad thoughts – then the prospects for personal life
will change.

A pregnant woman setting the table is a hassle and fatigue. She is
should take care of itself and not provoke nervous exhaustion, try to
be happy and find positive moments in any situation.
If in a dream she is sitting at a huge table that is lined
food – waiting for her favorable period and pleasant memories
after him.

К чему dream table по Эзотерическому соннику

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that the table is dreaming of important
events in your life. It is important to remember who you were sitting in a dream for.
the table. These people will play an important role in your life. If you see
a dream in which dead relatives are sitting with you at the same table –
it’s time to visit their graves and honor their memory.

A dream in which you sit at the same table with your former love
– says that soon you will be able to talk heart to heart.
Maybe, у вас остались недосказанные слова, не решённые вопросы.
Now life can give you the opportunity to change everything.

A dream in which you are at the festive table all night and then
trying to get up because of him, but you feel dizzy – says
that you will be led by some idea that is not destined to
be realized. She is будет только в ваших мечтах. Try not to
to insist on what is not destined to come true.

К чему dream table по другим сонникам

In the dream book Grishina it is said that the table is dreaming as a symbol of the future
pleasant events, as a symbol of possible prospects. If he
broken and swaying – your position in life will not
stable. You всё больше будете сомневаться в собственной
competence. These doubts may be caused by suggestion to you
hand detractors.

In the dream book of Aesop, it is said that the table is a dream as a symbol of the future
change. But it is important to remember who exactly you sit in a dream for
table. If these are your friends, you will get support and help from them,
You will be given important advice.

If you sit down at the table with someone with whom you were at loggerheads – you will
truce, or the possibility of conflict resolution. Sleep in which you
sleep under the table – says that you yourself will lose confidence
в to myself. This may be caused by negative events that
burst into your life. Or, you have already experienced negative moments,
and they left indelible memories. Dream Interpretation advises
reconsider their attitude to life.

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