What dreams the birth of a boy, really, toarrived? Basic interpretations – why dreams of birthboy

Вт, 10 янв 2017 Автор: Инна

The birth of a child is always joy and happiness. But why?
Do you have a dream in which a baby is born? What dreams of birth
boy, как растолковать подобное сновидение — стоит
sort out.


What dreams of birth boy — основное толкование

Boys in many cultures were considered much stronger than girls,
so the dreams in which boys are born first are
mean that all further events of your life will develop
pretty successful and fast.

What should I look for in this dream? The most important thing is
на то, вы ли родили boy, или кто-то посторонний. From this
interpretation of the dream also depends. If a child is born in a dream
a woman you don’t know, but you got custody of him – someone with
joy will shift their responsibility on you and you will remain
only reap the benefits of illiterate labor of others. if you
dream that you gave birth to a child, but suddenly he disappeared somewhere
your field of vision – such a dream says you miss important
details in no less important a matter.

For a family in which there are no children – such a dream promises auspicious
period and multiple profits. It may also be fulfilled and their old
and cherished dream – the birth of a child. But you have to work hard
because all the decisions and events that await a couple ahead –
they must be predicted and lived with

If the girl is not married, then such a dream promises her a speedy
marriage. But she should not agree to the very first sentence.
hands and hearts, several gentlemen will seek her attention.
Therefore, she should be very careful in choosing. Perhaps in
in a dream the baby will be much like one of the admirers, then
doubt in the choice of a partner should not be.

If a girl dreams that she gave birth to a son, but did not want it
child and did not expect so early – this dream suggests that she
there may be behavior disorder and panic. The thing is that
this will contribute to the upcoming events of her life. Worth
remember how difficult the delivery was or how easy it was and
at ease. From this зависит и итог всех сложностей жизни.

If the birth was quick and successful – there was simply no panic
reasons, and the girl was wasting her nerves for nothing and at the same time creating
discomfort to others. If the girl gave birth in a dream hard and long
– such a dream, a reason to think, and if it does not complicate
life? Perhaps she should think about the fact that
the business is just solved, you just need to work a little, because, like
a rolling stone gathers no moss.

What dreams of birth boy по соннику Фрейда

В соннике Фрейда сказано, что рождение boy во сне — это
the symbol of lack of masculine energy, it means that the person who
I had such a dream – it needs a male energy and

If a lonely girl has such a dream, it means that
she tries to create for herself the ideal of a man who would
satisfied all her needs and requests. Such a man, rather
everything will not appear in her life because she is too early
abandoned the idea of ​​his appearance in reality and began to create
imagine his image. This image is as perfect as perfect.
baby in a dream.

If a lonely girl dreams that she gave birth to a patient
child, most likely she will agree to inferior relations with
despotic man in order to somehow brighten his

If a married woman dreams that she has given birth to a child, but he
appeared prematurely to the light – she too hastens events in their
a pair. It is time for her to accept the partner as he is and not rush
developments. She should also refrain from criticizing her.
men, because he is already tired of constantly hearing how weak he is and
helpless without her. In fact, weakness is not that man is not
can make no decision without the consent of the woman, he just
counts with her opinion and supports her in everything.

If a woman dreams that doctors predicted the appearance of
the girl’s light, and a boy appeared – in love, she is faced with trials
long period of loss. In order to survive it easily and not
to lose faith in yourself – a woman needs to gather her courage and
understand that while for herself she is the only one responsible.

If a man dreams that his beloved bore him
healthy firstborn – their union will be strong and long. But if he
will dream that the child is sick or in general – is dead – such a dream says
that it’s time for a man to stop putting pressure on his beloved
and give her freedom. Freedom of choice, freedom of action. Golden cage
she no longer needs, she wants to know that she has a lot

If a man приснится, что boy от него родила другая
woman – he will soon face the problem of treason on his part
sweetheart. It can only be a flirt, and his love is not
is up to nothing shameful, but a man will be furious and will not be able
express your emotions differently than to arrange grand scandal.
After this quarrel, the thought of treason will take root in the woman.

If a man приснится, что он лично рожает boy — его ждут
difficulties and barriers to the appointed goal, because it became
too self-confident and no longer listening to other people’s advice, he knows
only your own charisma and your own ego. Thanks to them, everything in
the world of men will begin to fall apart and this will lead to disastrous
the consequences. He will not only lose credibility in the eyes of his colleagues, but also
will lose the support of friends and relatives.

What dreams of birth boy по эзотерическому соннику

В эзотерическом соннике сказано, к чему снится рождение boy
– to the period of renewal in a person’s life. Which of the areas
his life will be renewed – the full interpretation of the dream will tell about it.
But you should pay special attention to the presence of someone
giving birth.

• If a child is born in a medical facility – such
the dream speaks of the renewal of ties between business partners;

• If a child is born at home, it will be restored within the family for a long time
lost contact;

• If the child is born on the street, contacts with
unfamiliar people and long forgotten friends.

If a pregnant girl dreamed that she was born sick
baby – such a dream promises to her and reality health problems that
it will be long and very vainly resolved. She’s not just taking the risk
lose your health, but also the baby in your womb. But if in
in a dream, a child is born dead and doctors save him – it means that
girls have a chance to give birth to a healthy baby.

If the child is born earlier than expected – it is worth fearing
from making hasty conclusions and decisions. They will not bring to the good and
will not give the results that are needed by man. If a man
dream that he saves the woman natures, or takes birth himself
– such a dream says that he will be able to take in reality the important and
the right decision and thereby save many people from problems.

What dreams of birth boy по другим сонникам

В Большом соннике сказано, что родить boy — такой сон сулит
a house full of cup, wealth in it and wealth. Also such a dream can
talk about the fact that soon all problems will be resolved, and all members
families will be able to find a common language between themselves.

In the dream book Grishina it is said that if a young girl dreamed
сон, в котором она рождает boy — она встретит настоящего
man, and will not know with him grief. If she dreams that
the child is weak and sick – such a dream means that it is time for her to take care
about harmony in the relationship between her and her partner. Also such a dream
may indicate that the girl can not forget his
old love and that it can not get rid of the load
of the past. She should go forward with more joy.

If a man приснится что он очень хотел и ждал появления на
the girl’s light, and a boy appeared – such a dream means that he’s
really does not feel sincere feelings for his second half.
Rather, he feels a sense of ownership towards her. For
In order to maintain a relationship now a man will have to pretty
work hard. He will need to seek the location of his beloved
again. He will have to seek her trust.

Whatever the dream foretells, every person has the right to change his
fate as he sees fit, so you should think about
the direction in which to move a person further and is it right
he chose it. A life расставит всё по своим местам, а сны помогут
understand the ideas of life, because they are guides to

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