What dreams of wrist watches: vintage,broken, new and modern? Basic interpretations, what dreamswristwatch

Чт, 07 сен 2017 Автор: Инна

In a dream, a person can appear any objects, any events.
The main thing is to interpret the dream correctly. К чему снятся wristwatch?
Worth to understand.


К чему снятся wristwatch — основное толкование

The clock counts down the time that man has left to live. And it
relentlessly running. Dream books say if you dreamed a watch,
It is important to remember everything, even the smallest details of sleep:

• Where in the dream came the clock;

• Whose watch you see in a dream;

• Did they work properly?

• Do you hear the clock run;

• What emotions visited you during sleep;

• Who else was present in your dream.

By interpreting the dream entirely, you guarantee yourself a clear
prediction of future events. In some cases, a dream may
come events of the past. In that case, it is worth looking narrowly still
stronger to all the details of sleep. In them, most likely, you will find a lot

If you see in a dream that the clock has stopped – such a dream
foreshadows someone’s health problems and maybe even death. If
you on your hand in a dream antique clock that you really like – you
it’s time to remember the most pleasant moments of the past and let it go.

If you see in your hand an old watch that is all
turned yellow, maybe even cracked – such a dream can promise you
appearance of someone from your past life. This person will raise in
you a storm of emotions and will not let you calmly perceive reality.

Dream Interpretation advises not to restore the old connections, do not enter
again in relationships with old loved ones, do not torture happiness in those
to whom you refused. Your past is not just you, it is in every possible way.
prevents you from building your future.

If in a dream you are trying to determine the time by the hours in which
no dial – you’re in danger. Accidents and unpleasant
events will simply haunt you at every turn. if you
suddenly becomes sad and lonely, do not seek comfort from strangers
people – are possible from their side of betrayal and betrayal.

If you clearly hear the sound of clocks on your hand – your life
will be a long time undefined. You will not be able to adjust
contacts can not establish relationships with others. You
will even have to understand the internal causes of such

But it is worth remembering how long you have heard the sound of hours. If he is so
and did not stop in a dream – then you should be ready for a protracted
problems and obstacles. If he calmed down in a dream – problems
will retreat, and you will find the right solution in order to
get rid of them.

if you приснится сон, в котором вы нашли чьи-то наручные часы
in my bed – someone is very jealous of your family happiness
and the man will not rest until he destroys the family. Dream Interpretation advises
soon limit your circle of friends and your circle
admirers. If you even suspect who this may be –
Try to cheat and do not show that you expect a dirty trick.

A dream in which you dream that someone else has brought to your home
watches and did not give them, and threw – remember who it was.
Perhaps you have a serious conversation with this person.
The conversation will be hard for you.

A dream in which you can not find your wristwatch – promises in
wasted time you cannot recover. You
it will take a long time to deny yourself in many ways to catch up
missed If you still found a watch in your dream, it means
troubles end, if the clock was never found – you have to
long to deal with coincidence.

A dream in which robbers have stolen your watch – promises a loss of your
time for the troubles and problems of other people. Dream Interpretation advises
help only those who really need it. Maybe,
you were too trusting and eager to help many at the expense of
to your own health, then the dream book advises you to stop
similar behavior, otherwise the result for you will be

If in a dream you accidentally break your watch, but they only
crack and continue to go such a dream promises you difficulty. You
You will be looking for opportunities for a long time to realize your plans.
and find. If you yourself break your wrist watches in a dream, and
they are not recoverable – such a dream brings problems to you,
which you have brought upon yourself. You have to decide them too
and you will do it very badly.

if you приснится, что вы нашли старые наручные часы на дороге
– you will have to participate in solving someone’s problems that
past concern you. Sense of duty will not allow you to refuse
a person to help, but the dream book advises you to take this step, otherwise
you lose a lot.

К чему снятся wristwatch по соннику Фрейда

Freud’s dream book says that if you see a watch in your hand
– you will be grateful for the work done. If they are from
pure gold – your work will be appreciated, and more than once
will contact you for help.

If a girl dreams that a man gives her a watch decorated
stones and other expensive accessories – this dream foreshadows her
incendiary romance with a rather wealthy man.

A dream in which the watch gave you a man old or even
broken – you are waiting for unpleasant relationships, bad sex and very
hard parting with man. Dream Interpretation advises заранее быть к
this is ready and not to hope for better relations soon
of time.

If the couple dreams that their watches have stopped – to
completing their relationship and moving. They could for a long time
try to keep them, but everything has its time. And time to live
together they ended. If partners dream that between them
there was a new connection, that they exchanged a watch as a sign of this – so
it will be awake. They really give each other valuable
minutes of attention and love.

If a girl dreams that she gives her lover a watch,
pretty unfavorable sign. She will spend more time.
relationship than a man. At some point she will get bored and she
will finish the relationship, but the partner will not be ready for this, since
believed that everything is in order and everything suits the partner.

К чему снятся wristwatch по Эзотерическому соннику

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said that the most important and valuable in
human life is time. If you properly dispose of them – you can
achieve much. If you spend it on regrets and fears – nothing
impossible to reach. if you приснится, что вы нашли наручные часы
and they are OK – you will be given a chance to correct some situation from
of the past.

if you приснится, что вы нашли часы, и они сломаны — ваши
hopes for success in some business will not bear fruit. Worth
look exactly where you found them. If this is your home – such
a dream foreshadows many opportunities that you will miss
because of the difficult situation in the house.

Dream Interpretation advises не допускать уныния и скандалов в доме. If you
do not listen to the advice and do not restore harmony and harmony in it –
you will continue to accompany trouble. If you нашли
broken hours at work – you may have to look for a new one
a place.

If in a dream you are trying to fix the clock – this dream promises you
an attempt to restore balance and justice. You можете смело
start a new business if you manage to repair wrist
clock. К чему снятся wristwatch — к новому благоприятному периоду
in your life. Dream Interpretation warns you against mindless
use auspicious moment. You стоит быть более
attentive to the gifts of fate, take from them the maximum

К чему снятся wristwatch по другим сонника

In the dream book of the Wanderer, it is said that a wristwatch in a dream is
A new lesson that will take your time every day. If a
you do not know what kind of occupation it may be – you should
look at the rest of the dream details.

If you во сне долгое время выбираете wristwatch и никак не
you can buy them – you yourself will invent troubles for yourself
and then you will courageously solve them. Will be with enthusiasm
overcome difficulties without realizing that they could have been avoided.

In the dream book of Medea, it is said that the stopped clock in a dream is
символ остановившегося of time. Your life will stagnate, but
it can now be foreseen. You can still change everything. Dream interpretation
advises you not to stop there, do not stop
plan, and constantly change goals, constantly to something
seek. If a во сне остановившиеся часы вновь начинают идти —
such a dream means that you can realize your lost
past opportunities.

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