What dreams of watermelon: ripe or growing onbahche? The basic interpretation of different dream books – why dreamwatermelon

Пн, 25 дек 2017 Автор: Инна

In a dream you can dream a variety
events and life pictures. The main thing is to find the hidden in them.

К чему снится watermelon? What is the interpretation of such a dream?


К чему снится watermelon — основное толкование

Watermelons – berries that delight their taste only in summer.
It would seem such a pleasant fruit, but what is the meaning hidden in
dream related to him?

It is important to interpret the dream completely, so as not to be missed.

• Откуда в вашем сне появился watermelon;

• Много ли watermelonов в вашем сне;

• Был ли watermelon спелым;

• Едите ли вы watermelon;

• What emotions you experience.

Если в вашем сне watermelon внезапно появился у вас в комнате —
soon you will have to expect uninvited guests. It will not be nice
a meeting after which you will happily continue your work
with affairs, it will be a period filled with troubles and problems
worth accepting the fact that your life is filled with small household
situations, but do not be upset if your life suddenly
unexpected guests will appear.

Если вы видите огромный, красивый watermelon у себя на кухне — вас
expect the hassle associated with your household. Don’t hope
on their support in an important business for you. You are happy at first
listen to their wishes, but you can not help them. And your questions with
You can’t solve them.

Если вам приснится, что вы разрезаете watermelon на кухне и
lay it out on plates for guests – a dream means that
soon you will try to learn secrets, to solve other people’s plans,
that could harm your life.

You will suspect someone of your loved ones in
betrayal and treason. But do not focus now on
future troubles, most likely you will have more time
give yourself and your interests.

Если вам приснится, что watermelon вы едите на работе — такой сон
means that in the professional field you are expected not only
difficulties and troubles, but even failure of plans. Try
devote more time to what you plan, try more time
devote to improving your work. It is very important now
since you will soon be confused by colleagues.

If in your work you will stay on top and do not become
take positions, do not lose your qualifications – soon you
get decent pay for your labors. You will be glad that
that in your life everything turns out well.

Sleep in котором на работе кто-то из коллег разрезает watermelon и
treats you – promises you opportunities in solving many questions, but
it will be difficult for you to solve them yourself. It is your colleagues
will provoke you to make the wrong decision.
Try противостоять их натиску и не форсируйте события.
Now it’s better to step aside and wait out the storm of emotions and negative
statements that fall in your address.

Как трактовать сон, в котором вы давите watermelon руками? Such a dream
It is worth explaining how your attempt to make a statement in reality. You
you will try to prove to others that they are right in many ways and that you
deserve more, much more than you can think of
surrounding On the one hand, this is the right approach to business, with
the other – you have to prioritize, are you really
you want to build your life like this.

Sleep in котором вы руками ломаете watermelon и запихиваете его себе в
mouth – says that you will hurry with the adoption of a certain
solutions. You будете пытаться обойтись без негативных последствий и
forever decide for yourself how you will live in the future. Sleep in
котором вы ломаете watermelon на несколько равных частей — говорит о
that you want to share your fate with someone else, but you
will not succeed.

Sleep in котором вы выращиваете watermelonы — сулит вам неприятности,
which you will create for yourself. Try не провоцировать
other people to negative communication with you, to a negative attitude
to you. You сами станете катализатором чужого негативного к вам
relations. If you feel ill at ease, coming to
work – you have to understand that you personally provoked such
sensations, you personally provoked distrust of you by others

Sleep in котором вы выращиваете watermelonы и после — продаёте их,
promises you chores around the house, they will give you the desired result. Not
should immediately be skeptical of everything in your life
going on. Try более активно заниматься развитием
own interests, and not the instructions of others, what and how they
have to do. This will allow you to be more active and timely.
go about your business not to harm other people.

К чему снится watermelon по соннику Фрейда

В соннике Фрейда сказано, что watermelon сниться как символ
dissatisfaction of personal life, dissatisfaction in sexual
plan. If you had such a dream, you should think about
the correctness of those events of your life that provoked
similar changes to it today.

If you have recently searched for your soulmate and you had a dream
сон, в котором вы наслаждаетесь сладким вкусом watermelonа — наяву вы
You will enjoy the coming events and will enjoy
from everything that happens in your life. You сможете
finally enjoy the attention and caresses
of the opposite sex, without making significant

Sleep in котором вы видите, как ваша вторая половинка ест watermelon —
says that she lacks your attention and care.
Perhaps in your personal life everything is boring and incomprehensible, maybe you
you can not come to a compromise and can not figure out what is on
really want. This leads to the fact that you do not find a common
language with your half. Try в ближайшее время сделать
so that your and her needs and desires are fully

Если беременной женщине приснится, что она ест watermelon — такой сон
It means that it is time for her to take care of her health and longevity.
It is time for her to stop worrying and nervous about trifles. She’s so
way she spoils her mood and provokes

К чему снится watermelon по Эзотерическому соннику

В Эзотерическом соннике сказано, что watermelon снится, как символ
upcoming temptations to you. You may not be aware
how you will experience life, but soon you will realize how
life situations are insidious. Try not to panic and
Do not be disheartened. You are still ahead, the main thing is not to waste your
time and your life on empty quarrels and gossip.

Sleep in котором watermelon раскалывается на несколько частей — не
foreshadows anything good, most likely, your plans are exactly the same
will be crushed, you can spend on the implementation of the conceived
much more time than you planned.

Если во сне вы откусываете watermelon, а он вам кажется горьким —
such a dream foreshadows negative situations that will soon happen in
of your life. The scale of the trouble will be much larger than you
planned. Try приложить максимум усилий для ликвидации
consequences of the negative that appeared in your life.

Sleep in котором вы торгуетесь на базаре при выборе watermelonа —
foreshadows long negotiations with respect to whether
you implement all your plans. You will conduct these negotiations with
peers and quite unfortunate. Dream Interpretation advises to postpone the decision
important issues for a later period.

К чему снится watermelon по другим сонникам

В соннике Гришиной сказано, если watermelon
dream of an unmarried girl – she needs to look after her health,
she can not spend much time alone, otherwise stress and
experiences aggravate the situation with health.

Если вам приснится, что вы купили огромный watermelon и никак не
you can raise it – you will artificially inflate your problems and in no way
can not restore the former course of affairs. Try не
to panic, but only to more actively pursue your life.

В соннике Эзопа сказано, к чему снится watermelon.
He dreams of negative events and great difficulties. You можете,
without knowing it themselves, create troubles and difficulties for themselves.
The more you go into the problem, the more difficult
will be her permission.

Есть сладкий и сочный watermelon во сне — наслаждаться жизнью и
forget that you once had problems. But that won’t solve them,
you will just temporarily free yourself from their influence on your life.
Try не падать духом, если жизнь пошлёт вам ещё одно
test. These are temporary troubles and inconveniences. You с ними
can handle it.

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