What dreams of washing the floors in your house or instranger, in the church, in the morgue? Basic interpretations – why dream dreamthe floors

Вс, 22 окт 2017 Автор: Инна

In a dream, a person can see a variety

Но к чему снится мыть the floors? How to interpret
like a dream? Worth to understand.


К чему снится мыть the floors — основное толкование

Sex in a dream symbolizes a person’s support, shows whether
he stands on his feet. It is important when interpreting a dream in which you
приснился пол, растолковать все его символы:

• The floor in which room you dreamed about in your sleep;

• Was it too stained?

• Who else was in your dream;

• What emotions you experienced in your dream.

If you dreamed that you were washing the floor – such a dream can be
interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, if you are having fun
from this occupation – life will give you a chance to wash all the negative things out
past and present. You can cleanse your life from
accumulated household garbage, you can say goodbye to those people
that prevent you from moving on through life.

If you dislike this case in a dream – you should
reconsider your attitude to everything that happens in your life.
You can be too critical of other people’s actions. Notice
someone else’s flaws and do not notice the merits. You save up the negative in
own life and do not want to get rid of it.

If you dream that you are washing the floor in your kitchen – such a dream
means that you should be wary of guests with negative intentions.
These people will come to your home with the desire to harm you. Try in
in the near future, to take at home only those people in whom
you really sure.

If you dream that you have to wash the floor in the common entrance –
such a dream promises you universal condemnation and reprimand. if you
dream that you are washing the floor in the general staircase, and someone constantly
it gets dirty specially – take a look at who does it. This
the person and in reality will try to ruin your life.

If you do not recognize him, it means that a certain stranger will try
ruin your reputation. He will attack you morally, not having
no arguments against you, but his arguments will be weighty for
surrounding Dream Interpretation advises to be attentive to all his
deeds. Do not allow yourself too much either in business or in

If you are washing your floor at work and cannot
stay. You rub the floor to shine and do it until
infinity – you are afraid of losing your business reputation and
so you try to do your best at work. Dream interpretation
advises not to sacrifice yourself for the sake of professional activities. Have
You have a lot of important things besides work. Your labors and
undue efforts will not be judged on merit.

if you снится что пол у вас на работе чёрный, весь в саже и
dirt – such a dream can mean that the situation in your workplace
the place is very negative. Dream interpretation советует вам ofбегать ссор и дрязг
at work. Try not to take sides, not
take anything close to your heart soon. Have вас на
chaos and chaos will be created in the workplace.

This situation is beneficial to one of your colleagues. Dream interpretation советует
do not spend your strength and health, your nerves on the fact that someone
prove something. Try to do your job well –
this will be enough to secure support

if you приснится, что вы моете the floors в торговом центре — вам не
lack of emotion and entertainment. You would really be happy
would go shopping. But the dream book warns you against unnecessary
spending After such a dream, you will be pulled to spend the money that you have
you are not superfluous. Try to minimize costs.

Если вы моете the floors во сне в церкви — вам пора очистить свою душу
from sins. You should not be afraid to repent and ask for forgiveness
loved ones. You need to take the first step yourself to
reconciliation. Even if you were hit by a close person –
such a dream advises to forgive him.

If you wash the floor in the morgue in your dream, it’s pretty
auspicious sign. It means you can get away from household
routine, you can start doing a completely different thing, which
will bring you a significant income.

To see a dream in which you wash the floor, and it begins to crack
in front of you – your plans will be destroyed. You can not
rely on close people, you have to ask for help on
to the side. In the near future, you may also incur troubles and
problems, you will be quite difficult and resist. Try
do not lose courage because trouble can be quite long
pester you

К чему снится мыть the floors по соннику Фрейда

Если во сне вы тщательно вымываете the floors в своём доме — вы хотите
hide the truth from your partner. You are disturbed that having recognized her – he
can break off communication with you. Do not so hard to hide their
flaws and secrets. Dream interpretation советует в дальнейшем не совершать
similar errors.

if you приснится, что вы долго и усердно пытаетесь вымыть пол
in the bedroom, but you can’t do it, the dirt is taken of
Nowhere – try to look at your surroundings. Someone
constantly throwing mud at you and your relationship. Someone обсуждает и
condemns you, and this person will not stop doing this. Try hard
в ближайшее время минимofировать общение даже с родственниками.

if you приснится, что ваш возлюбленный испачкал пол и вам
you have to wash him behind him – such a dream means that in a relationship
quarrels and quarrels will begin. The initiator of this situation will be
ваш ofбранник. Have него накопились претензии и обиды в отношении вас.
He will try in every way to prick you with the word, he will try
испортить вам жofнь. Но мотивом его поступков станет не эгоofм, а
internal pain Dream interpretation советует разобраться в чувствах и эмоциях
partner and yours.

if you приснится, что партнёр моет the floors во всём доме — он
sincerely wishes to build a relationship with you. He wants to give you
свою любовь и сделать вашу жofнь с ним незабываемой. For that he
will try my best to forget all the troubles that have arisen
between you.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she washes the black floor from dirt, and
he eventually becomes snow white – she is waiting for a truce with someone, with
who she was in a quarrel for a long time. Also this dream promises her joy
maternity, and well-being in labor.

К чему снится мыть the floors по Эзотерическому соннику

In the Esoteric Dream Book it says, if you wash the floor in a dream – this is
very negative sign. Most likely, you are not only overtaken
Trouble, you still very sick. Illness will not give you
opportunities to work and do household chores.

if you приснится, что вы отмываете во сне пол от крови — такой
sleep means you have to sort out a relationship for a long time
stranger. You will not be able to defend their point of view.
All the time you have to make excuses and prove your case. Dream interpretation
advises to bring the case to the end, so as not to lose your

К чему снится мыть the floors, если при этом у вас зазвонил телефон?
Such a dream suggests that in reality you will not be able to bring important
дело до конца of-за постоянных бытовых проблем. Try
уединиться для работы и бofнеса, не смешивайте важные дела и
family, domestic issues.

К чему снится мыть the floors по другим сонника

В Летнем соннике сказано, что мыть деревянные the floors во сне — к
peace and tranquility. Вы наконец-то найдёте смысл своей жofни в
occupation for the soul. If after you washed the floor in a dream, he
becomes slippery – be careful in reality to the little things.
Try не упустить важных деталей. if you предстоит
make a deal – try to approach this very carefully
the issue.

In the Women’s Dream Book it says, if you wash the floor in a dream – it’s
dream foreshadows you success in work. You can borrow
high position. But do not contradict the authorities. You need
achieve everything through diplomacy and cunning.

if you приснится, что вы моете пол, а он начинает
cracking under your feet – such a dream means that soon
your detractors will start an active war with you. Try не
lose heart and not be afraid of their attacks. Any of their deeds will go to
end up in your favor. The main thing is to stay true to your principles and
follow to the goal.

No matter how negative the dream may seem, no matter how scary you are
некоторые его события, в реальной жofни всё может происходить
otherwise. Важно чётко разграничивать сны и реальные developments. Then
thanks to the hints of dreams you can resolve your
сложные жofненные ситуации, получить доход.

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