What dreams of strawberries

Wed, 22 Jun 2016


What dreams of strawberries – по соннику Миллера

If you dreamed of an attractive and juicy strawberry, then this
talks about future love relationships and your experiences
about feelings. See in a dream strawberry jam – to the passionate and
an exciting love affair. Cook it – the initiator
you will become; someone else prepared the jam – submit to the passion
loved one. Dry or rotten berry – will be covered
love fever that ends in divorce, abortion or
sexually transmitted disease.

What dreams of strawberries – по соннику Ванги

This dream promises attractive pleasures and perspectives. You
will be able to achieve the cherished goal. Ate strawberries – to complete harmony in
love relationships; traded berries – to the well-being and abundant
harvest; grown in the garden – have a pretty original
outlook on life.

What dreams of strawberries – по соннику Фрейда

Dreaming strawberries are a symbol of sexual pleasure.
If the berry is ripe and sweet, then you will daily burn from
impatience in anticipation of intimacy; if dreamed
ripened or sour strawberries, it predicts disharmony,
coldness of the partner and indifference to intimate life.

Ate a lot of strawberries in a dream – you will spend a pleasant time with a special
the opposite sex; collected her – you will be in love without mutual

What dreams of strawberries – по соннику Нострадамуса

I dreamed that I planted, fertilized or watered strawberry bushes – to
monotonous and boring work that does not bring any profit. If a
watched how it is done by someone close to you
a person is waiting for a boring and non-profit occupation.

What dreams of strawberries – по соннику Лоффа

This dream unmarried people predicts that soon they
will find their constricted; the possibility of creating a family. For those who already
Married – love and prosperity, over the years family ties will only

If a приснилось, что собирали клубнику, то это говорит о
memories that do not give you peace. Probably can not forget
past love that was unrequited. Also such a dream can
mean that in reality you will soon taste this berry.

What dreams of strawberries – по соннику Цветкова

In the dream, they ate strawberries – to the good news; ate cake, jam
or drank a drink with this berry – a new sexy woman is waiting for a woman
attraction, and the man will have a significant increase in wages
the board.

Mildewed, spoiled strawberries dream of death, which
waiting for you or your loved ones.

What dreams of strawberries – по соннику Хассе

See in a dream a field of strawberries with ripe, beautiful berries – to
small joys, distracting you from serious matters. Ate strawberries –
you will soon have a fateful meeting with a man with whom
further possible strong marriage with a trusting relationship.
They were fed with the berries of another – to the fan, who worships and
supporting you in all your endeavors. Dreams that you sell
strawberries – in the near future the financial situation is even more

What dreams of strawberries – по соннику Менегетти

If a приснилось, что топчете клубнику, то значит, испытываете
fear of new relationships and stubbornly do not want to meet
to your happiness. Need to take a good look at your fans.
and see among them his own condemned, who will put all
effort to make you a truly happy person.

What dreams of strawberries – по соннику Лонго

Seen on the bushes a lot of berries – to harvest strawberries; collected and ate
her – to joy; Bought – Oblique views of colleagues due to the fact that you
shifted on the shoulders of others part of their duties; planted
strawberry bushes – to the unexpected news.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: