What dreams of strangers in the house: what about itsay the dream books of Miller, Vanga, Nostradamus and others. Interpretationdreams about strangers

Вт, 23 авг 2016 Автор: Виталий Шеломидо

Quite often, a person in a dream turns out to be completely in a company.
unknown people, and very often right at home.

What are the dreams of strangers in the house?

Let’s see what the most answers to this question will be.
famous dream books of the world.


Dreamed of strangers in the house: what foreshadows?

For people who are alone for a long time,
such a sign is very favorable, it can mean
the emergence of new acquaintances and relationships with the opposite sex in
real life. Thus, most of the dream books believe that
here it is not necessary to search for the hidden meaning, but to perceive it directly:
if you dreamed of a crowd of strangers – then in real life
you will appear in a large team, to take part in
social events or at a big party.

To define sleep more accurately, you need to try to remember
details of sleep, as well as the mood and goals of the dreaming crowd. If a
each of the strangers does some business, then,
you will probably also find something to your liking. If a же в
dream you found yourself at any concert or holiday – then
here and so everything is clear – wait for a similar situation and in
reality. Dreaming with departed strangers worth
consider separately.

Thus, we can conclude that the appearance in a dream in
surrounded by an unfamiliar crowd means that, most likely, you
apply for a job or service, where you will be around
a lot of people you don’t know well, but with them you will be forced
communicate in one team.

Now let’s sort these dreams over
in detail:

1) if most of these people emit smiles in their sleep and
fun – then, probably, in reality, you will be on any
entertainment event;

2) if you feel sad and tense in a dream – this is
It means that we should expect conflict situations with colleagues

3) to see strangers in your own home is a sign
that you do not feel safe at home;

4) if you watch how people unfamiliar to you eat and drink –
This is a good sign, promising improvement material

5) some of the dream books treats being in an unfamiliar crowd as
the dreamer’s fear to reveal to others his secrets, and he is completely
unfounded. Often, such fears are associated with the fear of disclosure.
amorous relationship, and this is remarkable for both sexes in
equal degree;

6) if you saw in a dream non-living strangers – this
a good symbol to tell you that there is cause for concern
there are no more left, and only joy is waiting for you ahead of you.

7) if you are at the funeral of people you do not know – to
the emergence of new positive circumstances;

8) if you see too many alien people in your dream –
it can be signs of quarrels and scandals with friends and
close ones;

9) if each of the strangers you see in your dream,
very quickly moving and fussing – it means that you are awake
You will also be busy with a lot of time consuming work.
and effort;

10) if in a dream you do not consciously do what everyone else is doing
the rest of strangers – this means that soon on your way
there will be an obstacle
not so easy;

11) if you are in a crowd of strangers, but benevolently
tuned people, it means that somewhere on a subconscious level
you longed for such meetings. In addition, if strangers are smiling and
affable is a sign of equally pleasant communication in real life

12) if a crowd unfamiliar to you conducts itself defiantly,
marginally and unfriendly – this is a sign that expects
много проблем и неприятных моментов в real life. However
if you managed somehow to bypass the unpleasant
dating, and even better – to plug in the belt unfriendly
minded strangers – that means that in real life you
You can famously win the dispute, leaving your opponents with a nose
thanks to its magnificent oratory.

Strangers in the house

The appearance in the house of strangers in a dream quite often happens
echo of real events that have already passed or soon
will happen. Chances are good that such a dream could be
inspired by the upcoming family holiday.

Regardless of whether the holiday is organized in your honor or not,
you try to take a direct part in his
organizations and with all your heart crave for it to be held at the highest
level Therefore, it is not surprising that in a dream
all possible scenarios scroll through your head

Visiting Strangers

A dream in which you are already visiting strangers
requires a separate interpretation. With a modern interpretation
the determining factor is the impression that was
produced on the dreamer seen in the dream party. If a
triumph in for some reason, the dream was spoiled – it is not
very good sign that is a precursor of scandals and

If a вечеринка, увиденная во сне, произвела на вас исключительно
positive impressions are a great sign, promising good luck in
business, respect and financial stability. If a во сне
there was a sea of ​​alcohol, drinks spilled on guests’ clothes and
other – this further enhances its positive value:
success, joy and wealth are provided to you.

Some dream books claim that the dream in which you are visiting with
unfamiliar people often come to those who most recently
changed the situation, for example, moved from a small town or
villages in a noisy metropolis, got a job with a large and noisy
collective and so on. The reason is that changing the image
life in real life causes a certain tension, which
transmitted to man and in a dream.

Dreamed of strangers in the house according to the dream of Miller

  • If a видите совершенно неожиданную встречу с незнакомцами, то в
    like a dream, it all depends on the appearance of strangers. If a они
    attractive and friendly – this is a good sign, if not very
    pleasant is a bad sign;

  • if you are in a society and you feel yourself in it
    a stranger is a sign of future unpredictable events that will be
    the cause of your troubles;

  • if in a dream you yourself feel like a stranger – this means that
    some unusual things have caused you your sorrows.

What do other people dream about in the house according to Freud’s dream book

  • The strangers in the house, according to Freud, are a symbol of rivalry,
    objects of envy, gossip:

  • if a man dreamed of strangers in the house – this is a sign of him

  • a woman in such a dream can meet her future
    spouse. If a незнакомцев во сне несколько, нужно обратить внимание
    on the man who remembered with his features better

What dreams do strangers in the house according to Wanga’s dream book

  • if you dreamed of strangers on the growing moon – wait
    arrival of a friend or some important news;

  • sometimes (on the growing moon) – in real life it will be hidden
    kidnap with your superiors.

Interpretation сна по соннику Нострадамуса

  • if you dreamed of strangers in the house on a growing moon – to
    work troubles, duties, contention and scandals in

Strangers in the house: the opinion of Lofa

  • to see in the dream of strangers in the house – to the coming joy,
    perhaps unexpected, like setting up a long-lost

  • sometimes (on a growing moon) – such a dream symbolizes lips,
    blue computers, quarrels about birth. Also in some
    In such cases, such a dream may mean that you will be forced to
    lie to clear your name.

Sleep with strangers in the house according to the dream book Hasse

  • The appearance of strangers in the house – a campaign for worship.
    It is also possible a major external success, which internally seems
    you do a little.

Female dream book

  • If a вы повстречали в сновидении привлекательных незнакомцев — к
    положительным изменениям в life;

  • saw strangers to repulsive appearance – to negative

  • if you feel like a stranger among the people around you – to
    неприятностям, которые станут the cause of your troubles;

  • if you do not recognize yourself in a dream – this is a sign of unexplained
    events, which will be the cause of your misfortune.

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