What dreams of rice: what do Miller’s dream books say,Smurov, Zhou-Gong and others. Interpretation of dreams about rice: scattered,boiled, grown

Сб, 10 сен 2016 Автор: Виталий Шеломидо

Rice in a dream is a symbol of good luck, success and prosperity.

Therefore, people who saw this image in a dream
most promise good changes in life.

However, it was not without negative interpretations, everything will be
depend on the details of the dream itself.

Let’s try to figure out what the dream of rice, and that this image can
promise dreamer.


What if rice dreams?

1. Farmers like this dream can bring a rich harvest. If in
croup while there was a large amount of garbage
means you need to be patient and drop some unpretentious
cultures to avoid losses.

2. If a young girl dreamed of scattered rice – this is
a good sign promising a wedding. This dream is treated in accordance
with our traditions when newlyweds are sprinkled on leaving
raw rice along with coins and candy. For a married woman
such a dream means family happiness and well-being.

3. But if in your dream this grass fell to the floor – this is
bad sign, foreshadowing a difficult period for your family,
many quarrels and scandals are expected.

4. The appearance of boiled rice in a dream is interpreted by many dream-books.
very ambiguous. Some interpreters interpret such a dream as
temporary disability due to which the dreamer
will have to spend all the savings accumulated earlier for treatment and
accommodation. Also, such a dream can mean serious
discord in the family.

5. If a man happened to cook rice in a dream – this
a sign of serious change on his personal front. Sometimes such a dream
for a young man may foreshadow a break with the second
half, the desire to be alone.

6. For a married woman приготовление риса во сне может означать
minor household chores associated with the repair or housewarming. Also
in some cases, such a dream may be a harbinger of
grandson or nephew.

7. If inам приснилось большое количество риса, для более точной
interpretations need to remember how the container in which it looked
was. If the cup is a precursor of positive change,
a wash – insignificant material difficulties, a bag – luck will be
accompany you in the excitement, successful investment.

8. If inам приснилось, как вы приобретаете рис на рынке или
the store is a good sign, promising you to improve financial
states. For people doing business, this image is
symbol of success

9. If inы во сне едите это злак — это означает, что очень скоро
peace and quiet in your family will be restored, and you and your second
half will live in idyll.

What foreshadows?

Next, consider the options for dreams in which you do not
did with rice, did not buy, cooked or ate, but just saw.
The treatment of dreams will depend on the appearance and type of the

1. In general, rice in a dream is a harbinger of strong and happy
families. For a couple in love, this grass can dream of lush and
beautiful wedding, which they will remember all their lives, but for
she will then go long, harmonious and happy family
a life. Thus, a more favorable dream than rice for
a young couple planning to start a family is hard to imagine.

2. For a woman, dreaming is also a very good dream. is he
foreshadows for a woman her full realization as a wife,
mothers, girlfriends, great and pure love, peace and harmony in
relationship, that is all that every woman dreams of.

3. If inы увидели в сновидении рассыпанный рис, причем, не
it matters where (floor, table) is a clear sign of material
wealth. Therefore, you can not worry – your life will change soon.
for the better, you will get a new level and status in life, and all
your dreams and desires will soon be fulfilled.

4. To see piled rice in a dream is also good
a sign that promises you a lot of happiness and the fulfillment of all your

5. To contemplate rice porridge in a dream is a symbol of your strong
health If you are unwell, or your body is very susceptible
various diseases – you can not worry, all the sores soon
go away and you will feel cheerful and full

What dreams of rice on Miller’s dream book

Psychologist Gustav Miller claims that the image of rice in a dream promises
only positive changes. Your business will progress
very good, you will get new pleasant acquaintances. Everything
Your undertakings will be successful and will end positively. For
Rural people such a dream will promise a great harvest.
Also сны с рисом могут означать:

  • if you eat it in a dream for food is a sign that
    your future family life will be happy, full of joy and
    pleasant moments;

  • see unpeeled, with garbage, rice – to soon deterioration
    health conditions, diseases, so you better start them
    to do now, so as not to finally aggravate the situation.
    Also подобный сон может сулить вам раздор с friends;

  • young girl who dreamed how she cooks in a dream
    rice, he can mean her happiness and wealth in the future thanks to
    new unexpected responsibilities.

What is the dream of rice on the dream Smurov

  • Rice in a dream is a sign of future profits and mutual understanding in

  • if you buy this grain on the market or in the store – to
    successful affairs and improvement of material condition;

  • eat rice porridge – in real life you will be able to come to terms with
    your family and friends thanks to your patience. If you
    A husk or some kind of rubbish in porridge got a dream – this is a sign
    scandals and showdowns between loved ones;

  • cooking rice porridge in a dream is a symbol of your
    repentance in unseemly deeds and the desire to quickly fix
    current situation. For больного человека подобный сон может
    promise a speedy recovery.

Why does rice dream by Melnikova dream

Rees in a dream, according to Melnikov, is a symbol of well-being and
good luck

  • Buy rice in a dream – expect growth of well-being;

  • cooking rice in a dream is a good sign, promising a lot
    full recovery from a complex disease;

  • eat rice – for longevity;

  • to sort out the rice in a dream – expect a complex matter;

  • to dream about real rice pilaf is a favorable sign
    promising you career advancement and success;

  • to see rice porridge – to scandals and discord with relatives

  • to offer someone a rice dish – to new interesting ones

What is the dream of rice in Zhou-gon dream book?

  • To dream big, quality rice is a symbol of happiness and
    material wealth;

  • seeing a heap of rice is a sign of a happy life. If a
    this grass is scattered around, on the contrary, unfortunately;

  • to see in a dream field with a string of rice and wheat – expect
    unexpected happiness;

  • if you sow rice – for the upcoming business trip;

  • see yourself in the rice field – to profit and happy

  • picking and harvesting rice on the field promises a dreamer a measured family
    a life;

  • buy a field with rice and lose it – such a dream means
    that your life itself will put everything in its place.

Interpreting dreams about rice according to Hasse

  • Eating rice is a symbol of health and longevity;

  • if you are suffering from a serious illness, cook rice soup
    or rice in a dream means in real life you will be able to overcome
    this disease;

  • buying this grass in a dream – to growing capital in real life.

Dream Adaska

  • The appearance of rice in pure form or as a dish in a dream is
    very good sign, promising health, peace and happy
    семейную a life. For жителей деревень этот злак сулит богатый урожай
    all grown crops;

  • eat rice – to a quiet family life. Also подобное
    a dream can mean you are wasting your accumulated
    earlier means wasted;

  • see rice growing on the field – expect positive
    change in life, you expect to be promoted, you will get
    New, faithful companions and friends, your new ideas will have

  • to dream of dark rice – a bad sign, a warning about
    that you should take care of your health more closely
    the likelihood that you have a disease
    of cardio-vascular system. Also такой сон может означать
    незначительную ссору с friends;

  • for a young girl, cooking rice in a dream means appearing in
    her life new duties that will bring her happiness and

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