What dreams of lightning, getting a lightning into a house ortree? Basic interpretations of different dream books – why dreamlightning

Пт, 16 мар 2018 Автор: Инна

In the dream you can see a huge amount of extraordinary
items, events. You can travel in a dream for different
countries. Но, к чему снится lightning? How to interpret such a dream?


К чему снится lightning — основное толкование

Lightning – a phenomenon of nature, which is fascinating for its beauty,
and, at the same time, may scare a person. If you dream you see
a huge amount of lightning that sparkle somewhere far away – in reality
you expect quite unpleasant events that you have to
cope on your own. While they are far away from you, and you can
anticipate their consequences. But do not delay the time. If you
understand what is at stake – solve the problem immediately and do not leave
for later.

In order to fully interpret a dream – it is necessary
consider all its details and nuances:

— Далеко ли от вас сверкала lightning;

— Было ли это явление природы, или lightning стала результатом
someone’s actions;

— Попала ли в вас lightning;

– Have you experienced fear;

– Who else figured in the dream.

A dream in which you see lightning constantly falling into one and
the same object – says that you are stomping on the spot and you will be
continue to do so until you decide that it is time
move on. Sleep in which you видите, как lightning попадает
several times in a row into your house and everything starts to burn in it –
says that it’s time you think about whether you are doing the right thing
when trying to defend their point of view. Are you too hard
doing this?

Perhaps someone close to you suffers from your actions and, if
this behavior will not stop – you will lose trust and love
this man. If you видите, как lightning попадает в ваш дом, и он
begins to burn – you are waiting for the troubles and health problems.
Try to be more attentive to him and avoid spending
time and nerves to quarrel. Just live peacefully in your home.

Sleep in which you видите, как lightning попадает в ваш дом, и вы
you are at this moment in it – it should alert you. You have to go
ponder whether you have correctly arranged your life
priorities, or are you increasingly suffering from misunderstanding with
sides of colleagues and close people. Do not you invent yourself
loneliness? Perhaps you created everything for yourself? And your dreams
and reality?

Если во сне lightning попадает в вас, и вы погибаете — вскоре вас
waiting for a new period in life. You can upgrade, you can get
from life all that is desired, which they have not received for a long time. Sleep in which you
several times in a row slip away from a lightning strike – can talk about
that it’s time for you to change your priorities and no longer take on that
the responsibility that you had yesterday. You do not
you cope with duties and in every possible way try to leave from them.

A dream in which a thunderstorm caused lightning – says that you
expect negative life events that you have been with for a long time
will try to handle. Their echoes for a long time will be you
worry. Try not to betray this enormous value and
live the way you want it. Any difficulties should you
encourage to move forward and not stop at all
make you panic or lose your mind.

Если вам приснится, что lightning разразилась в результате действий
man – someone will try to negatively affect your
a life. Try not to let this happen. Think how you can
protect yourself from such situations. If you видите во сне что
lightning caused the actions of your friend or loved one –
stop talking to him for a while. This will give you the opportunity
anticipate and prevent a negative situation, will not give her
значительно повлиять на вашу a life.

If you do not do anything, then the ill-wisher may
deprive you of work, the trust of others, family, location of colleagues.
If you видите во сне бушующее море и в нём раскаты грома и молний
and the sea suddenly subsides – such a dream means that soon in your
all things will improve and you can no longer worry about the future.

Сон, в котором lightning попадает в дерево, и оно загорается —
says that your dreams can burn just as well. You
you can not realize them, do not get what you want just because
soon your life will change drastically. These changes will be far away.
not positive and worth getting ready for it. Be also ready for
to the fact that your detractors will wait, and when you stumble,
when you make a mistake or mistake.

Do not count on help from those people who are still yesterday.
told you how you are valued and how they cannot be without you. Soon you
hear completely different words from them and it’s crazy
will disappoint. Sleep in which you будете искать выход из здания, в
которое попала lightning — говорит о том, что вам предстоит побороться
with yourself and force yourself to accept the reality that you
surrounds. You всё пытались уйти от реальности, перестать переживать
and be nervous. But ultimately you come back to the same thing
started out.

Сон, в котором шаровая lightning преграждает вам путь — говорит об
tremendous happiness, but it will not last long. Due to the positive
changes in life, you decide that everything is already normal and everything is under
control and does not need your intervention, but it is not. You
will have to intervene in a very important matter to continue

Сон, в котором шаровая lightning влетает в ваш дом и начинает всё
destroy on your way – says that soon all your attempts
to change something in your family will lead to quarrels and feelings.
Try not to provoke conflicts in the near future. Farewell
close to their shortcomings and they will forgive you your weaknesses. Be
are supportive.

К чему снится lightning по соннику Фрейда

В соннике Фрейда сказано, что lightning снится как символ счастья и
joy This is the forerunner of future changes in life, new
opportunities and incredible, far-reaching plans. You можете сами
don’t expect that, but new romantic feelings will overtake you after
such a dream.

К чему снится lightning, если она попадает в вас — вы наполнены
emotions, passion. In you a huge amount of love for others.
Your family is very lucky. But, aren’t you too categorical? Not
Would you like to control every step of your soulmate? Not
Do you want to fully control your children? If it is true –
dream book advises you to stop behaving like this and begin to trust
close people, otherwise they will turn away from you.

You будете тяжело переживать разрыв с любимым человеком, если во
сне вы видите, как lightning несколько раз бьёт в землю. It means,
that your loved one has already warned you that he did not have something
I like the fact that he is tired of something in your relationship. You do not стали
listen to him Now you have to pay for your

К чему снится lightning по Эзотерическому соннику

В Эзотерическом соннике сказано, что беременной женщине lightning
dreams of positive changes in her life. It can be like
gifts and new features. It can be pleasant meetings
about whom she had long dreamed of. In any case, something in her life.
change dramatically and she can only wait.

If in a dream you die from a thunderbolt, you will be caught in reality.
those changes that you have long feared. Perhaps you did not want
something in life to take, or did not want to put up with something in life.
Now you have to do it. Not расстраивайтесь и не бойтесь.
Everything will happen at the right time and in the right place.

К чему снится lightning по другим сонникам

In the dream book Grishina it is said that an unmarried woman is to be seen in a dream
lightning – to the opportunity to meet your one and build with
him a strong family. Если вам приснится, что lightning попадает в воду —
you will pour many empty tears. Your experiences do not have
grounds, and you will increasingly begin to think about it. Stop it
scold yourself, stop being critical of yourself and then in
your life will work out.

В соннике Эзопа сказано, что lightning, которая попала к вам в руку
– talks about the gifts and joys that will happen to you soon.
The lightning that filled your apartment with light is a dream that
soon you will be filled with joy, and the reason for this will be your
native. In your house quarrels and experiences will end and begin
positive change. Even if only recently you thought that everything
is lost. Now you will see that everything is fine. You увидите, что всё
it was possible to fix it for a long time, but only now decide it
to do. Better late, but do it.

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