What dreams of leeches on the body, in the water, hair. TOwhat do leeches dream of interpreting different dream books

Вт, 25 окт 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

If the dream about worms is considered good, then the dreams of leeches are interpreted
negatively by most dream books. To understand the meaning of sleep,
Need to recall its details and the feelings that experienced
dreamer in sleep and upon waking.

A leech in a dream is considered a symbol of blackmail,


TO чему снятся пиявки по большому соннику

Видеть пиявок во сне, но не прикасаться к ним
warning that the dreamer has hidden or overt
enemies. To get rid of them, you need to make incredible efforts.
If you manage to do this, there is a chance to survive the attacks of enemies with
the least loss of resources and nerves.

If a кровососущие черви плавают в озере или
, это тоже неблагоприятный сон. He means that
current affairs will end in failure. Anyway, achieve
desired not work.

TO чему снятся пиявки, присосавшиеся к телу
dreamer? They symbolize domestic unrest, unpleasant,
pulling force duties or burdensome relationships. After
dreams need to take care of your nerves and take care of your mental

If a сновидящий давит пиявок руками, то наяву
he is in trouble at work or at home. Close betrayed or
they will not support, colleagues will act cruelly and will cause heartache.
Everything is so much draining the nervous system, and it will need
long and seriously recover.

If several fat leeches stuck to the dreamer’s body, he
need to be extremely careful over the coming month. Such a dream
warns of the serious danger associated with the risk to
of life.

TO чему снятся пиявки по соннику Фрейда

According to the interpretation of this dream book, leeches dreamed of a woman
mean thinking about motherhood. If the worms are swimming in the river,
a puddle, a lake, then a woman is obsessed with explicit or hidden desire
get pregnant and have a baby.

A dream has a similar meaning, in which the dreamer
trying to put leeches on himself and someone else. Such manipulations
indicate a desire to become a mother or father.

If leeches dream of floating in a vessel of water
(a bottle, a can, a saucepan), the waking dream takes too much care
about their own children. He literally does not let them live his
life, make your own decisions. Hyperopeque will affect

Попытка поймать пиявку во сне — это скрытое
deep in the subconscious desire to intimacy with
to minors.

TO чему снятся пиявки по соннику Миллера

It does not differ from the traditional interpretation of the leech dream on this
dream book. TO чему снятся пиявки по Миллеру? TO появлению в жизни
dreamer unfriendly minded people. In real life
they will build intrigues, harm on the sly.

Ставить пиявок себе на тело — нехороший сон.
This is a warning that the dreamer himself or one of the members
his family will soon get sick. See blood on the skin – to
severe illness close relative.

The leech, clinging to the skin, warns of some kind
danger. You need to be careful not to get involved in adventures,
give up on extreme travel and traumatic time
sport If you take the prevention of sleep seriously, the dangers
You can avoid or minimize its consequences.

TO чему снятся пиявки по новому семейному соннику

Leech in a dream – a symbol of the fact that the dreamer has an enemy
get rid of that will not be easy. Have to attach serious
efforts to get rid of his malevolent attention and
achieve your goals.

Лечение пиявками во сне — плохой сон. If a
the dreamer himself resorts to hirudotherapy, then it warns about
the next disease of someone from close relatives. If a же пиявками
for medicinal purposes someone else is using, then in real life
dreamer quarrels with friends.

TO чему снятся пиявки по соннику Хассе

Leech on the interpretation of this dream book – a symbolic representation
about possible financial problems. TO чему снятся пиявки, плавающие в
a pond or crawling in an apartment? TO серьезным затруднениям в
financial sphere. After такого сновидения нужно ждать подвоха от
lenders. The interest on the loan will be overwhelming, and the conditions
contract – bonded.

See huge leeches, fatty, shiny,
раздувшихся от крови
— очень плохой сон. In real life
you can become a victim of fraudsters, lose the money invested,
go broke or experience other effects
financial collapse. Sleep warns: no adventures related to
in money! Otherwise, the consequences will be

TO чему снятся пиявки по объединенному соннику

To dream of a seriously ill person, on whose body there is
medicinal leeches, means in the near future to face the real
a disease. It may be a disease of a loved one, friend,

Ощутить боль от укуса пиявки означает, что
in reality the dreamer will have to face insults. It will be
very unpleasant and permanently deprive composure.

TO чему снятся пиявки, которых явно используют с целью cure
some kind of disease? The dream warns that rather
человек услышит тревожное известие о болезни близкого relative.
Another interpretation of sleep is conflict and petty quarrels on empty
a place that friends would be plotting.

Поймать пиявку во сне для женщины — к
pregnancy, for men – to unpleasant, painful

If a черви присосались к ногам или телу,
the dreamer is in danger on the road. Especially unfavorable sleep
in which a sleeping person feels pain. Dream can be
warning of serious illness or injury.

Eating a leech is a good sign. Dream hints at
improvement in business, personal and professional. To the patient
the dream promises recovery.

TO чему снятся пиявки, плавающие в воде? Business man sleep
predicts failure with a new business project, frustration after
communication with partners. Women have such a dream – much
anxiety associated with children. Men dream
predicts the beginning of an unsuccessful period when you have to depend on
other people. If a кровососущий червь сумел закрепиться на коже,
you need to have a lot of patience, so how to overcome false time
quickly fail.

See leeches in a pharmacy or a jar of solution
— к наследственным спорам или разделу бизнеса.
There will be no agreement between the heirs and the business partners, and the dreamer
will have to give up a significant part of his

Много пиявок видеть — к усталости и
disappointment. One, but a big, actively moving – to breakdown
plans because of the intentions of detractors. If a пиявка погибла, то
waking dreaming will have to deal with burdensome
charity or help unsympathetic people.

TO чему снятся пиявки по современному соннику

See leeches around you – warning of the onset of severe
периода в of life. Cash expenditure, mental pressure, failure of plans
and other problems literally weaken, permanently deprived
spiritual comfort. Worsen relations with colleagues
relatives, friends. Engagement may be delayed or

After сна с участием кровососущих червей нельзя
одалживать деньги
: их не возвратят или вернут ничтожно
small amount. Must be suspicious of appearance in life
new acquaintances Perhaps behind the guise of benevolence or
love hiding hypocritical and mercenary people.

TO чему снятся пиявки, прикрепившиеся к лодыжкам или бедрам? Sleep
warns that the dreamer gets into trouble by his
fault. Should behave cautiously, but in any case have to
make great efforts to fix it. Surrounding
use the dreamer for their own selfish purposes.

If a пиявка присосалась к руке, то наяву
lover or friend unexpectedly betray. Person using
absolute confidence of the dreamer, will show his true face, and this
imbalance for a long time. Debtor who took a major
the amount of money will refuse to pay.

A simpler interpretation is offered for lovers or
spouses. Leech crawling mean for
коварного любовника, а для мужичины — неверную
wife In this case, the dream of treason is treated differently!

Пиявка в волосах или на голове символизирует
an approaching disease or dangerous event from which you can
be seriously hurt.

If a пиявка проникла под кожу, то наяву
the dreamer will throw off the burden of problems that are
a long time.

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