What dreams of food, prepare food, buy food?The basic interpretation of different dream books – what dreams of food

Ср, 14 мар 2018 Автор: ANDнна

In a dream you can see the most unusual events, become their
by the participant. But why dream of food? How is interpreted like
dream? Worth to understand.


What dreams of food – the main interpretation

A dream in which you go food – can talk about what you in
life lacks diversity and emotion. You can be in
chronic stress and not understand what’s up with this
actually led. Dream interpretation says that such dreams,
likely to result from improper lifestyle,
when you pay very little attention to yourself and a lot of attention
give to other people. But how to completely interpret this
dream? What you should pay attention in the first place?

First of all, pay attention to such details.

– What kind of food you see in a dream;

– Do you eat it;

– How do you feel during sleep;

– Who else appears in your dream;

– Where exactly are the actions of your sleep.

If in a dream you see a table that is served and on it is huge
the amount of tasty and fresh food – this dream promises you
favorable events in life and great opportunities to change it.
You can get into a situation where everything and everyone will be to you
are supportive. Do not be upset if in a dream you never
managed to taste the food that was put on the table. Rather
all, it’s just a matter of time and you have to do it
a little bit later.

A dream in which you see someone take your seat and eat
food from your plate – promises you conflicts at work. Maybe you
you yourself will provoke them, but most likely, you are already
Observe and want to deprive the accumulated place.

A dream in which you put food on a plate, and it seems to you
very appetizing – says that you are able to appreciate everything
gifts of life, all the new opportunities that she has in front of you
will open. The main thing – do not stop there. For you
Now it is very important to feel confident and clearly know why
you strive. A dream in which you sit all night at the table in the rug
great people and eat very tasty food – does not promise you
holiday awake.

Rather всего, вы очень сильно расслабились и очень сильно хотите
relax. Your subconscious mind tells you it’s time to join in
work because only in a dream the food itself appears on
tables and never ends. In life, everything is quite
different and often have to worry about food and drink being
with prosperity not only for you, but also for your close people.

A dream in which you cook your own food – says that
you have to take care of yourself and your well-being. Maybe you
relied on someone’s help in this matter, but most likely you
will have to do everything themselves. Also such a dream can talk about
making an important decision, you may be afraid to take on such
responsibility, but you have no choice but to do it.

A dream in which you bite off a piece of food several times and more
do not want to eat – says that you are filled with something in life
so much so that it’s time to change the situation. It is high time
find out if you really know yourself so well and
surrounding to judge them. If you really something very
very tired – refuse it. Exclude it from your
of life.

If in a dream you try to order food in the service several times
delivery and you do not get it – you can not achieve
set goal Maybe you планировали длительную и дальнюю
the trip – it will not succeed, it will become for you just a dream.
The reason for this will be your negligence.

Rather всего, вы не просчитали заранее, что необходимо вам для
achieve the goal. Perhaps you ignored the advice of loved ones
friends and decided to make their own decisions. Dream interpretation indicates
the fact that such a dream may also warn that your
efforts do not bring results precisely because of your stubbornness.
Try to solve less for others and think more in advance for

What dreams of food, if it is frozen in the refrigerator? Such a dream
may say that it is time for you to postpone the decision in the far box
and now do nothing. For now stay alone with yourself and
do not hurry. Any rush can lead to disastrous
the consequences.

If in a dream you fry food on the street – you have to talk about
their fears and fears of a loved one. Ironically he you
in everything will support and after your story does not move away from you, but
on the contrary – will support. Do not worry if you open before
a loved one, it will help you build a relationship with him.

If in a dream you are cooking food for the whole family and at the same time
experiencing joy and happiness – in reality you will take care of each
for your loved one and for this concern you will be very much
thank. Get ready for happiness in the family after such

But if you cook food for all and dislike,
hate you tired of you commitments. You have to go
rest and no longer be nervous over trifles. Try
allow yourself more free time and free communication on
favorite topics.

If in a dream you see food rotten, spoiled – such a dream
says that your relationship with friends and family will deteriorate
people. Your overall well-being may also suffer.
Try за ним следить и не отказывать себе в отдыхе.

The dream in which you carry a tray of food in your hand says that
you want to please some person, do it in vain. Try
now concentrate on yourself and your needs so you
reach faster than planned.

What dreams of food on Freud’s dream book

Food according to Freud’s dream book dreams of new relationships that will
gives pleasure. If you see exotic dishes in your
table – a dream means that you really want to change
сексуальной of life. You dream of a new passionate romance, of
opportunities to develop a relationship with a chosen person.

A dream in which you see sweets – says that the relationship
already pretty bored and need something to do with it. If you not
want to lose a partner – you need to simplify the relationship and live as
you decide. Try не закрываться от новых встреч, но не
choose partners that are similar to your first partner.

If you dream about salty food, you’ll cry a lot. AND
these tears may be empty. Dream Interpretation warns you against unnecessary
experiences and advises you to control yourself in any

A dream in which you see someone giving you rotten food –
says that your enemy does not sleep. He will disturb you to live
for a long time. You will depend on it and will depend on it.
opinions about you. So that this situation does not continue further, it is necessary
talk strictly and decide on this.

What dreams of food for the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric Dream Book it says if a pregnant woman dreams
lean food – her life will be boring and monotonous. She is worth
comply with the regime and be at rest. If she has a sharp dream
food – she will often worry and be nervous. Dream interpretation
warns a woman against such emotions.

A dream in which the food is burnt – says that it is necessary
hurry and do not miss your chance. Maybe you уже мысленно
abandoned all the opportunities that you can meet on
ways, but now you should review your tactics and take
the decision to re-engage in the development of a profitable project
or re-establish lost connections.

What dreams of food for other dream books

Homemade delicious meal in the dream book Grishina dreams to enjoy
событиям и позитивным изменениям в вашей of life. Not even worth
doubt after such a dream that you will achieve everything
the best. You just need to tune in to success. Sleep in which
the food is cold and you refuse to eat it – says time
Decision making is long past and you need it now
to think about.

Maybe you пересмотрите желание, или пересмотрите тактику его
progress. Sleep in which вы готовите еду для любимого человека —
says that in reality you will take care of him. In the dream book
Aesop says that stale, old food speaks of possible
проблемах и болезнях в вашей of life. Try более активно
engage yourself and achieve your goals. Problems with
health will soon leave you if you decide as quickly as possible,
what you want to achieve and start to move towards the goal. AND тогда сразу
everything will be possible that yesterday seemed unreal.

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