What dreams of feeding a baby: is it good orbadly? Fed the baby in a dream: the basic interpretation of sleep for differentdream books

Пн, 22 авг 2016 Автор: Инна

Dreams are the guides of a person into a different reality.

In dreams there can be various symbols and predictions.

They all help a person to adjust the future.

A woman may appear as she fed the infant in a dream. For what
such a dream?


For what снится кормление младенца — основное толкование

Psychologists say that if a woman is at night like her
fed the baby in a dream. Such a dream indicates
psychological overstrain and the presence of fear that in fact
There is simply nothing for a woman to feed a child.

Fear of losing breast milk is peculiar to many women
which children up to a year. Unfortunately such dreams only
worsen fears. They push a woman to the idea that even dreams
suggest to her – the disaster is near. In fact, sleep can
just point out excessive anxiety and concern.

In the classic interpretation of what dreams of feeding a baby – to
the emergence of a new man who radically changes life. If a
in the dream you saw from the side how the mother feeds her child
– such a dream promises a change in life only in a favorable direction.
He also points out that it has become possible to implement

Also a young girl should regard such a dream as a sign
the fact that she will soon have a happy marriage. If a девушка ждёт
child – it means that pregnancy and childbirth will be prosperous.

There are also several other dream interpretations when
the girl fed the baby in her sleep:

• To a happy and durable marriage;

• To healthy offspring;

• It is also worth looking at your needs – perhaps you
yourself need care.

  • A dream in which a girl dreams that some man eats her
    milk – promises trouble of a financial nature. Are possible
    problems with real estate and property. Also a dream like this can
    point to the immorality of human behavior.

  • If a женщина тяжело болеет и ей снится сон, что она кормит
    a baby’s breast – in reality all her illnesses will end. She can
    defeat the disease and for many more years to remain young and

  • Dreams, in which a woman is breastfeeding, suggest that she
    endowed with pronounced maternal instincts. It is peculiar to her
    cares about others. This is its direct purpose. A woman
    which sees this dream – it is worth thinking seriously whether it is not too
    she takes care of her chosen one. Destination must be performed by her
    Of course, but it is also important to remember that everything should be in moderation and
    excessive custody is often harmful.

  • If a женщине приснилось, что она кормит грудью другого ребёнка —
    in reality awaiting her betrayal, hypocrisy, meanness. Negative
    It should be expected from close people who were previously in a circle
    your friends.

  • If a явился сон, в котором ребёнка кормите не вы, а нанятая для
    This case is a nurse – it is worth considering it as a foreshadowing
    insults, insults, humiliations. If a женщин снится, что кормит она
    breast is in a public place – she should keep her secrets
    from the eyes of others. You should not be frank with strangers

Friends also should not trust all secrets and devote to
ambitious future plans. People have envy, which
breeds misunderstanding and rumors, slander. It is necessary to beware of them.

For what снится кормление младенца по соннику

Miller in his dream book indicates that the young girl see,
how she fed the baby in her sleep – to the resolution of controversial and problematic
questions. It’s time to wonder what she would like to realize in her
of life. It’s time to completely revise it, perhaps it has something
refuse. All the new features that will come to life – worth it with
joy to take.

“For an unmarried girl, such a dream may lead to a speedy marriage and
replenishment in the family. But if during feeding the girl will
visit sad thoughts or even sleep will be overshadowed by negative
events – he promises the transition of joyful accomplishments in sad.

– If a снится, что вы кормите ребёнка и у вас резко не хватает
milk, it disappears somewhere – do not make important decisions.
It is enough to postpone them indefinitely, while passion

– If a мужчине приснится сон, в котором его девушка кормит
breastfeeding – he will soon have a promotion. If a
a man dreams that she feeds someone else’s child – this dream promises
gap. If a мужчине одинокому приснится, как его бывшая девушка
breastfeeding a child – such a dream speaks of possible gossip in
his address and wiles.

For what снится кормление младенца по соннику Фрейда

Freud in his dream book indicates that feeding a baby in a dream
is like a harbinger of hidden sexual and moral complexes.
A person is simply afraid to trust another. He has many
hidden and overt complexes that hinder its progress by
of life. Such a person is difficult to find their way, their purpose.
He is given any difficult decisions, he was not used to playing
to the rules.

– If a такой сон снится молоденькой unmarried girl he
means she is still inexperienced in love and needs much
learn to. In order to find happiness in his personal life – a girl
will have to reveal their feminine and not hide behind
imperfections of his nature.

– For married girls to have a dream in which an alien woman
feeds their child – to the presentiment of failures and disappointments in personal
of life. Soon everything will fall into place, but this moment is worth it.
to wait. It’s not so easy to be completely calm all the time.
and do not make it appear that something is bothering you.

– If a мужчине снится, как чужая женщина кормит младенца — наяву
He is pretty tired of relationships, and wants to break them, or renew them.
He has a lot of complaints about his second half and desire
finish these imperfect relationships.

For what снится кормление младенца по другим
dream books

В соннике Лоффа кормление грудью является
manifestation of deep human experiences in relation to his personal
life, your sexuality. It is worth looking at, is not taking care of
Is someone partner unnecessarily? It can be either the girl herself or
mother lover. If a влияние матери сильно — стоит всеми силами
reduce it. Otherwise, the relationship will not be able to develop.

– If a девушке беременной снится сон о радостном кормлении
breast baby – she has nothing to worry about – the birth will take place
wonderful. If a грудь грязная, опустошена — тогда стоит ожидать
stab in the back. Your chosen one may have love on
to the side. Also, such a dream may mean that you are waiting for frustration.
in the second half.

– If a вам снится, как вы кормите грудью младенца и мужчина в
this moment is watching you intently – such a dream promises attention from
second half. If a мужчине приснится, что он сосёт грудь — ему
стоит многое изменить в of life. Such a dream can talk about his
insolvency as a husband, lover, man. Also such a dream
may indicate that he simply does not have enough energy to
решении всех questions.

В соннике Нострадамуса такой сон означает, что
a person will have to worry too much about his future and his children.
He promises confidence in himself and in tomorrow. Hope for
a happy future will come true. Proceedings will be evaluated by

В соннике Цветкова такой сон означает, что
man does not see his faults from the side, he attributes them
to other people. He is too categorical to others. Also such a dream
may mean that a person will suffer from his own
short-sightedness. Also laziness can bring harm to his life.
indecision. Also such dreams may indicate unstable
psychological state of a person, on his constant desires
change your sexual partner.

В соннике Ю. Лонго сон, в котором женщина
breastfeeds a child – says that the house may come
harmony and calm and comfort prevail. Also worth waiting for joyful
news and welcome guests. It is necessary to arrange them a chic reception.
Such meetings are not accidental and can decide the fate of a person for long
of the year.

Believe the predictions and dreams? Everyone is free to decide
these questions alone. But how nice to see in a dream
predictions of a bright and joyful future. It gives strength and
gives a charge of cheerfulness for a long time to come. Trust yourself and
your feelings. Even sensations during sleep can be twofold. WITH
anxiety can arise on one side – it’s just anxiety
for tomorrow – it will soon pass and everything in life again
get better.

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