What dreams of cigarettes, electronic cigarettes?Basic interpretations: why dream of smoking a cigarette or cigar

Ср, 01 фев 2017 Автор: Инна

In a person’s dreams can visit a variety of characters and
marks. In a dream, long forgotten friends may appear
relatives. Dreams can be a direct prediction of the future.
person Therefore, it is so interesting to interpret them. Why dream
to smoke a cigarette? Worth to understand.


What dreams of cigarettes – the basic interpretation

Cigarettes dream of being forbidden and far from always useful.
развлечениям, которые ожидают person More people spend
your health and time to smoke. Few people think
that in fact this addiction forms addiction
rights on a psychological level and so if you have not
smoked, then you may well dream of a cigarette.

But, if you do not smoke and you dream, how do you find yourself in
a cigarette in your home – such a dream suggests that something forbidden will
for you the norm. It may even be a matter of forbidden communication with
by man. If a man dreams about how he finds a thin female
a cigarette – a refined lady will appear on his life’s journey,
in the literal sense of the word bewitch him.

This lady he does not know yet, but the acquaintance will turn out pretty
interesting. If a man dreams about how he treats a girl
a cigarette – in reality he gets into a rather strange situation
connected exactly with the opposite sex.

If you see in your dream how you make your own hands
cigarettes – you will become the instigator of a great holiday and bring
thus, your friends and close people have a lot of joy. if you
dream about you diligently trying to smother a cigarette, but you
it does not come out – someone will spread rumors about you, and you will not
can then restore the reputation, because you can not
justify in the eyes of his leadership.

To dream of your other half buying cigarettes – she
set off on an adventure, but with another man. Perhaps it will not
a novel, but in any case – the desire to bring something into your life
new it will arise. You should not panic in this situation.
It’s just time to refresh your relationship, since they have become

To dream of a cigarette manufacturing plant – to a series of small
joys, but you should not actively share with the surrounding impressions,
most likely your holiday will not last long, envy and
betrayal will darken him.

if you приснится необычная пачка сигарет, которую вы тщетно
trying to print – this dream suggests that you are waiting for gray
weekdays, so how to go into the pool with your head in adventure – you do not
ready. What to do in this situation? It is worth seriously thinking
over, when did you actually miss? When decided
to lead a measured lifestyle, or when even the most
insignificant share of spontaneity and optimism? Situation is not
hopeless, you just need to pay more attention to leisure and

What dreams of cigarettes on the esoteric dream book

In an esoteric dream book it is said that a cigarette in a dream is
symbol of deception and embarrassment in life. Someone will obviously try
annoy you and spoil the course of events in your life. Worth
understand the signs that life can pass you through

• Extinguish a cigarette in an ashtray – learn something shocking about your
the second half;

• Extinguished cigarette – to communicate with a friend, acquaintances;

• Sit in a room filled with smoke – meeting a longtime
familiar will be very unpleasant;

• Smoldering cigarette – the impressions of your friends are very blurred,
and it is dangerous to be tempted to share time with

It may seem that the dreams of dream books are very categorical, but
better to be warned and not to do something stupid. Important also
remember that if you see how much you smoke, literally a cigarette
one after another – such a dream suggests that you will fall
constantly in unpleasant situations, and your fault

if you приснится, что вы попадаете в общество, где никто не
he smokes, and on the contrary you smoke a cigarette – you will be unpleasant
different from others you can not oppose your
to opponents. What should be understood after such a dream? You are not always right and
you should pay more attention to work on yourself than on
finding flaws in other people.

if you приснится, как кто-то подкладывает вам под двери пачку
cigarettes – you will be unpleasantly surprised by the attention of others. Man in
literally meaning you fill up with your questions. He first
will show an unprecedented interest in your person, and only then you
understand that they are driven by mercantile motives.

If you dream like someone else, but not you take from
packs last cigarette – such a dream means that you are not just
miss the opportunity to move forward in life, you also
miss opportunities to develop with other people. Thats
if you have meetings in the near future
collective projects – they will not be crowned with success and blame
will not competitors, and someone from your surroundings.

What dreams of cigarettes in Freud’s dream book

Fred’s dream book says that cigarettes are a symbol of some
games between partners. if you приснится, как вы меняетесь с ними
cigarettes – such a dream means that in reality you will change with him
roles in relationships. Thats есть, если кто-то один постоянно негодовал
and showed his dissatisfaction with the relationship, now the second
will do the same.

if you приснится непотушенная сигарета — вас ожидает встреча с
ex-lover for whom you still have feelings. You soon
get from him a good deal on joint leisure. But not
It is worth counting on a full-fledged relationship, since, most likely,
it will be just an affair. So try all your
secrets to keep secret and not show their true feelings.

if you приснится, как некая женщина угощает вашего спутника
life with a cigarette – such a dream speaks of your excessive anxiety in
respect treason Most likely – this is just your guesswork and
baseless fears that you have plagued not only yourself but also
your partner. It’s time to stop doing this, and send energy to
development of relations, but not their destruction.

if you приснится, как вы угощаете сигаретой незнакомого
man – such a dream means that you expect a very important
a meeting that will drastically change your life. What exactly is going on
speech? For this it is worth interpreting the dream entirely. For what
снится to smoke a cigarette? Such a dream can mean the likelihood
get on the bait to a very remarkable person who has long been
on your plans. If you don’t want to risk your reputation, better
don’t go on about her.

For what снятся сигареты по другим сонникам

In the dream book Meneghetti said that cigarettes are a symbol
deceitful and imaginary human complexes, wrong moral principles
and the hidden desire to be all right. if you приснится, как вас
Someone is trying to force to smoke – such a dream means that in reality
you will be forced to commit illegal actions
refuse such an opportunity and stop communicating with
doubtful personalities.

Why dream to smoke a cigarette? Such a dream speaks of unjustified
the risk you will be exposed to. Do not abuse
trusting other people and taking risky projects into the work you
rather lose financially than win.

In the dream book of Catherine the Great, it is said that if you dream of
you light a cigarette – the first impression of another person
can become quite deceptive. Even if it seems to you that you
share common interests and a lot of positive things – it’s not
So. Most likely, you will soon be disappointed in a new friend,
beloved colleague if you приснится что вы как будто курите
a cigarette, but in fact you don’t do it – such a dream speaks of
your imaginary priorities in life and that you will soon get
a lot of negative experiences.

You will be guilty of this, because they made it too
many missteps and did not correct the situation immediately. But not стоит
to despair and panic, in fact, dreams are not always worth it
interpret literally and expect only negative events from them.
A huge amount of positive change can happen on your
life path if you accept the hints of dreams with understanding and
gratitude. You only need to interpret the dream completely and
get the opportunity to change your life.

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