What dreams of a military man: a man in uniform, withepaulettes? Basic interpretations, what is a military uniform dreaming of

Вт, 10 янв 2017 Автор: Инна

Every person dreams to live in peacetime. So when you
you meet a military man on the street, you are discouraged, because
peace and quiet reign around you. But the military can be seen not only
in reality, but also in a dream. Why dream of a military uniform? Worth
sort out.


What dreams of the military – the basic interpretation

Dreams in which you see the military – should not scare you and
wary, they often carry auspicious symbols and
signs, forerunners of favorable events. To understand, to
what did you dream of being a military man – you should definitely remember when
What circumstances occurred meeting:

• You met a military man on the street;

• You met a military man on your doorstep;

• On the battlefield;

• You yourself were a military man;

• You were accompanied by a friend of yours;

• Your friend was military.

It is also important to remember exactly how the meeting took place, and in which
stop. If she passed peacefully and between you and the military
there was a conversation – try to remember all the details of the conversation and not
miss a word. Most likely, you will get good advice in it,
that will help you organize your whole life and the lives of your loved ones
people. If you dream that you talked to the military, and he
I did not answer you – you will seek protection and advice from the wise
man but do not get it because of the difference in views.

Young girl meet on the street of the military – to meet with
a man who can protect her. If this man can still
and convince her of her own merits and beauty – she will stay with him
forever and ever. Because such dreams often say that
that the girl has a weak will and to confidently
to move forward – it needs support and solid male

If a married woman has a dream about meeting with the military and even having an affair with
him – such a dream will mean that she will soon receive
not just a gift of fate, but the ability to break the bored her
relationship and change partner. But do not rush those women
in which the military passed by them in a dream. Such a dream suggests that
that to change a husband, to an unfamiliar gentleman – she is not worth it.

If a man has a dream about getting acquainted with the military – in reality he will receive
the opportunity to receive the patronage of a fairly famous and noble
men He will find the opportunities that will solve all his
problems in business and in other areas of life. For a man will begin
new life. But provided that he fulfills all the guidelines and
wishes of his new mentor.

If a man dreams that he is greeting the hand of a military man, but
while not knowing him in life – such a dream promises him new
dating is in the financial sector. If a man is engaged
business – he will get new contracts and unlimited opportunities
develop your business

If a man sees a prisoner of war in a dream, he will soon have
possible marriage. If a girl is in mind, then she and
will become a legitimate wife, but if there is no such person, he will quickly
find the other half and legitimize marriage with her.

If a man dreams that he himself became a prisoner of war – he
you need to look carefully at your sweetheart, maybe she
keeps him close to himself with power and about any feelings of speech
is coming Most likely is a marriage of convenience and the man feels it himself
in reality, and a dream to him again indicates this.

If a single man dreams that he has become a prisoner of war – he
will meet on his life path a girl who will not take possession
only his feelings, but also his thoughts, his life. He will fully devote
self relationship If in a dream he manages to escape from captivity –
relationships will be short-lived. If he doesn’t manage to escape, they
long enough, but will not bring pleasure

What dreams of military uniform – the basic interpretation

Military uniform primarily refers to the status of who
wears. If you have a dream in which you wear a military uniform
and gladly wear it – you’ll want to get someone else’s status,
which by right does not belong to you. It can be a job,
and about personal relationships.

So, you may want to get someone else’s position, and this dream
will say that this is a very likely prospect,
especially if the form is perfect for you. If you will
measure your military uniform – you will get recognition in areas in
which have long distinguished themselves. Also your other half will appreciate you by
merit, and you can long enjoy the perfect

If your second half will try on a military
form – temporarily better to give control of the situation in the family in e
arms. It is also important to remember that many people forget their needs.
partner and decide for him a lot. If you have a dream in which
you are forced to wear a military uniform – it will mean that your
partner will force you to certain actions.

It can be both a recognition of something, and the implementation of those
duties that you for a long time trying to take off. If a
you dream that the man you love is wearing a uniform and
is going to go to war – you should not panic so much and
get upset

Such a dream foreshadows him only efforts in particularly important matters,
and you more than anyone else can help him with these issues.
In order to simplify family relationships in this
period – just stand on his side and give him the maximum

If a вам приснится, что вы застёгиваете куртку военного, которая
dressed over your regular clothes – you’re wasting your time
troubles and to the machinations of enemies. Most likely – you
exaggerate the scale of the disaster for yourself and for others. You have to go
seriously think about how exactly how to get out of
difficult situation, if it exists, and not over who
it is so guilty.

What is the dream of the military according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud’s dream book says that if a girl dreams about how she
dancing with the military – in reality she gets enough from the man
advantageous offer, which can not refuse. If a
girl dreams that she is spinning in a waltz among many military
– she will have a wide choice of gentlemen.

If a мужчине приснится военный, который чинно беседует с его
sweetheart – he should not be nervous, most likely, such a dream
talks about contrived jealousy and that their relationship does not
threatened. He is inventing reasons for himself to be jealous.

If a мужчине приснится, как он долго ищет среди других женщин в
military uniform, his beloved – it’s time for him to review his
positions of life and choose exactly that which will become
for him is not just a mistress, but a friend and ally.

What is the dream of the military in other dream books

Why dream of a military uniform? In the dream book Grishina it is said that she
снится как олицетворение мужественности и чести men If a такой
a dream come true for a woman – she tries her best to support her
a man and not to deny him anything. She does everything absolutely
right, you just have to believe in his superiority over
by others.

But in the Big Dream Book it is said that to see a soldier in
dream – to disappointment and grief. If a вам приснится офицер — вас ждёт
violence. If a генерал — то покровительство. If a вам приснится что
you yourself have become a military man – between you and your soulmate
there will be a quarrel.

If a вы увидите большое количество военных — такой сон сулит
joy. If a вам приснится нападение военных на вас – вы попадёте
in a fight, if in a dream you saw military exercises – your financial
things will gain momentum.

Why dream of a military uniform? It all depends on who her
надевает и wears. If a это лично вы — вам пора подумать о смене
status and about the possibility of promotion. If a вам приснится,
that one of your friends is wearing a military uniform – you can
always rely on this person.

Sewing a military uniform – to the beginning of an important business that will lead you
to victory in many other matters. You will prepare for the important and
responsible stage in their lives, and this preparation will

Whatever the dream – you should interpret it entirely, then
it will be possible to create the clearest picture of future events and
accidents. It is important to take into account the sleep tips, in
features if sleep recurs. Sometimes people don’t just dream
events of the future, but also of the past. They are also worth taking into account.
Because many future events have their roots in the past and
It is important to consider all their nuances.

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