What dreams of a lake summer warm, muddy andraging, small or huge? Basic interpretations – why?dream lake

Чт, 06 июл 2017 Автор: Инна

In the dream, we may see various pictures from the past, events
of the future. It is important to correctly interpret everything seen in a dream. For what
dream lake? How to interpret such a dream?


For what dream lake — основное толкование

A lake in a dream is a positive sign. Such a dream can mean
as new beginnings and opportunities, so and recovery lost
connections. It is important to recall the details of sleep:

• Where did the lake appear in the dream?

• Did you swim in it;

• What was the water in it;

• What vegetation surrounded him;

• Who else figured in your dream;

• What feelings overcame you in your sleep.

If you dream that the water in the lake is clear and cold –
such a dream means that you will experience crystal clear
the senses. No one can darken your existence. You are long
time will be happy. If before you had a succession in life
of failures – now there comes a streak of luck, and you will
really happy.

if you приdream lake с мутной водой — вас ждут сомнительные
events and connections. Try not to spoil your reputation and not
fall in the eyes of loved ones. If you are planning a long trip –
do not allow quarrels and quarrels.

If you dream that you bathe in the muddy water of the lake –
such a dream foretells that you will plunge into a stream of intrigue and
betrayal. Dream Interpretation advises you to carefully look at your
environment and exclude communication with those people who are negative to
you are customized. Perhaps you have already forgiven someone for
betrayal, now is the time to stop forgiving.

If in a dream you see someone else plunging into muddy water
the lakes – such a dream promises this man sickness and grief. You can
help him in reality. To do this, you need to substitute your shoulder

To see in a dream how the lake overflows its banks – not to control
your emotions, something actively trying to figure out. If you feel
that someone provokes you to emotions – try to avoid it
man and not to be influenced by it. Now it is that period in
your life when you can make a lot of mistakes.

To see someone trying to swim across the lake and sink – you will become
witness the tragic events can not help another person.
It is worth looking closely at all the details of the dream,
perhaps a person will be able to escape, then in your life will appear
hope for positive change.

To dream of swans that are important to glide over the surface of the lake –
watch someone and envy him. Dream interpretation advises you to drop
envy and start to adopt someone’s experience. If it seems to you that your
colleagues work better than you – learn from them. If it seems to you that
your partner is wiser than you – learn from him wisdom.

To see a coniferous forest around the lake – you will know something
extraordinary and mysterious. In your life will occur
wonderful events that will allow you to enjoy solitude.
If in a dream you walk through the forest and go out to the lake – waiting for you
a pleasant surprise.

See, as you in a dream can not bypass the lake, you can not
move to the other side – you can not reach a compromise
in an important question for you. Dream Interpretation advises to let go of the situation and
make your plans for the future later. While you have a rest period
and prioritization.

To sail across the lake in good weather – waiting for you
travel, promotion, changes in personal life.
Swimming across the lake in bad weather – to change and worry. Fall out
from the boat to the lake – lose your position, do not bring the matter to
the end.

If you are saving someone in a dream who is drowning in a lake – in reality you
play an important role in the life of another person. It is important to remember
did you manage to save him in a dream. If so, then you will show it in reality.
necessary help, and the person will get the desired result.

If you dream that you are swimming across a lake and can’t
swim to its edge – you set too difficult goals
by myself. It will be very difficult for you to reach them. Dream Interpretation advises you
review your life priorities and choose a different path
movement through life.

For what dream lake по соннику Фрейда

Lake in a dream – a symbol of the fact that in reality you are very calm and
reasonable. In relationships with the opposite sex, you also
calm and even unduly restrained. You are slow.
You are not in a hurry to surprise your partner, do not be in a hurry to add to relationships

Your kind of coldness repels men. They are more impressed
active and hot women who keep a certain secret. Them
I want to flirt with them and solve their secrets. Themенно поэтому
you may not carry in love. If you notice that your second
half moved away from you – add to the relationship of feelings and emotions.
Постарайтесь партнёра заинтересовать by myself.

If you are swimming in a dream in the lake – you will meet with the future
partner in a very unusual place. Such a meeting may
commemorate a tumultuous romance that will long remain in your
of memory.

if you dream that you are not alone in the lake – you
waiting for a love triangle. Dream Interpretation warns you against
hasty conclusions. You should not get involved in a love adventure. If a
do you see someone watching you from the shore of the lake – you
and in life watching. Your life is very interesting to someone. This interest
can only hurt you. It is worth reconsidering your connections and

For what dream lake по Эзотерическому соннику

В Эзотерическом соннике сказано, к чему dream lake. Important
remember how water was in it:

• Turbid water in the lake – someone’s evil thoughts will harm you;

• Clear water – you get new knowledge;

• Hot water – your feelings will escalate;

• Cold water – you are waiting for a period of calm;

• Leaves floating in the water – gossip will surround you.

Pretty negative dream in which you will see how the water in the lake
becomes cloudy. Such a dream can foreshadow a lot of problems.
If a вы умываетесь этой водой во сне — кто-то будет пытаться
ruin your reputation. You should protect her.

If a вы склоняете голову над гладью озера, и вода в нём мутнеет
– someone wishes you and your family evil. Wait for trouble and
dirty tricks. Throwing coins into the lake – to financial well-being.
Let the ships – to travel.

If a вы видите во сне, как надвигается ураган, и по озеру
waves are rising – wait for trouble in the family. You are coming
scandals and showdowns. In this situation, the dream book advises
defend their case. If a вы сейчас уступите свои позиции,
respect for you will not return.

Swim race in the lake – to compete with someone in reality.
Remember who exactly you were racing with. Maybe you and
in reality know this person. Perhaps he threw in real life
you call Take it. Victory will be yours.

For what dream lake по другим сонникам

In the Women’s Dream Book it says that if you are swimming in a dream over the clean
Lake – you expect a happy set of circumstances. Luck will
on your side. You are waiting for pleasant acquisitions and pleasant

If a вы видите чистое озеро, но на его берегах ничего не растёт
– your happiness is darkened by other people’s actions. Someone will bring discord
in your privacy. If a же озеро грязное и на его берегах растут
dry trees – such a dream means that your plans will collapse. Happiness
will become a dream that is not destined to be realized.

If a во сне вы купаетесь в грязной воде бурлящего озера — ваши
actions will ruin your reputation. Dream interpretation advises soon
Do not allow yourself too much to communicate with others. Try to lead
restrained and wisely. Harsh statements only hurt.

If a озеро грязное, но берега его засажены растительностью —
your willpower will conquer your folly. If a вы увидите своё
reflection in a clear transparent lake – pleasant meetings with you are waiting for you
friends and close people. If a листва плавает по глади озера —
waiting for you luck in love.

Miller’s dream book says if a young girl would dream like
it splashes in the waters of a restless lake – such a dream means that
it is expected to have multiple changes, but a small part of them will be
supportive. Basically, it will be changes for the worse. All her
harsh remarks and quarrels will turn against her. She is
many times regret their behavior.

Even if a dream foreshadows you sad and disturbing events – not
worth the upset. You have many opportunities to change
own life. Dreams will tell you how to avoid trouble and how
улучшить own life. Listen to them.

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