What dreams of a graveyard and graves, walk oncemetery, care for the grave? Basic interpretations – why dreamgraveyard and graves

Пт, 28 июл 2017 Автор: Инна

In a dream, a person can come not only pleasant
events, but also rather sad, even frightening. Why dream
graveyard and graves?

How to interpret such a dream is worth understanding.


Why dream graveyard and graves — основное толкование

A graveyard in a dream is a rather disturbing and unpleasant symbol. Such
sleep does not bode well, often he foreshadows various
troubles and troubles. It is important to remember all the details.

• How did you get to the cemetery;

• Do you participate in the funeral procession;

• Are the graves in the cemetery well maintained?

• Who else appeared in your dream;

• What emotions and experiences caused you to dream.

It is important to remember what emotions your dream caused you. If in
dream you are worried and upset about the upcoming funeral
friend or loved one – in reality you will also be upset
because of his fate. He may even be very sick and will
need your support.

If you feel genuine joy from the fact that
you are at the cemetery – it’s time for you to say goodbye to the old ones
insults and problems. Are you ready to bury old memories,
let go of what has become obsolete.

If in сне вы идёте по тропинке, и она выводит вас к кладбищу —
you will make great efforts to achieve the goal, but in
in the end, they will be unjustified. You can even be happy in advance
victory, but in consequence – disappointed because of the failure.

If you are walking in the woods in a dream and suddenly get to the cemetery
– such a dream means that your plans for a trip, a change of place of work
and a change of residence will not bring results. All you
planned – and will remain an idea. If you are not just come across
to the cemetery in the woods, but decided to walk along it – such a dream
means that the negative experiences of your old ones will fall upon you

Dream Interpretation advises not to play with fate, not to risk, not
look back to the past. Dream Interpretation advises to try to make
life experience on the mistakes of others. You will not be able to get
idle if you plan all your actions and events
of life.

Dream Interpretation also advises not to take seriously any business
suggestions follow the bedtime. You get the idea of ​​development
own business, but it is not implemented, not embodied in

See a dream in which a taxi takes you to the cemetery – someone else’s
actions and words will harm your reputation. You will be long
try to compromise with your enemy, but you have not
work out. Dream Interpretation advises to predict negative
events and minimize harm from them.

To dream of an abandoned cemetery, with nameless graves – to
quarrels and adversities at work. You will not understand where are you from
why are you in trouble
for everything that happens.

To dream of a burning cemetery – to shame and disgrace. Yours
inappropriate actions will be made public. You will
burn with shame. But this revelation of the truth will help you understand
those questions that you left all the time for later. Dream dream is not
advises you to panic in advance, just try to save
remnants of their reputation.

To dream of looking for a grave in a cemetery is a bad sign.
Awake you won’t have a goal, you won’t know where to go
farther. Also, such a dream can mean your inner spiritual
Search. Lack of spiritual peace will be yours. Dream interpretation
advises to look deep into yourself and stop wasting time on empty

If in сне вам удалось найти нужную могилу — вы и наяву сможете
find answers to all your questions. If in a dream you could not find
necessary grave and began to cry in the cemetery – a series of problems and
the turmoil in your life will lead to a nervous breakdown. Dream interpretation советует
pre-change life priorities so as not to give up on
her finally.

If in сне вы находите на кладбище собственную могилу — пришло
time to take care of your health, in the near future it will give
fail See your name appear on someone else’s grave – waiting for you
unpleasant fate prepared for another person. Dream interpretation советует не
take responsibility for someone else’s life for you.

If a woman dreams of a churchyard and cemetery – such a dream
foreshadows a long struggle with lack of money. Well maintained, new
a graveyard in a dream to a woman foreshadows recovery
the patient.

To dream of an abandoned cemetery – you have to go through
their relatives. If lovers dream that they walk among the graves
– such a dream may mean that their relationship comes to an end.
Perhaps they already have a premonition of this, but they can’t
explain your concerns.

Why dream graveyard and graves по соннику Фрейда

В соннике Фрейда сказано, что graveyard and graves снятся перед
the beginning of the final stage in the relationship. This may be the end.
transitional phase in a relationship, or foreshadowing and ending. Important
remember all the details of the dream. If in сне мужчина видит his
the chosen one, walking alone in the cemetery – something gnaws at her
in reality. She does not find the strength to admit this beloved.

Dream interpretation советует мужчине после такого сна узнать, что же тревожит
sweetheart Try to understand the problem, otherwise between
misunderstandings will be strengthened by the beloved. If a girl sees
how her lover walks through the cemetery with another – such a dream
foreshadows the rupture of his relationship with his mistress. It is quite
auspicious sign, because now you can safely build with it
strong relationships.

The dream of being buried means that you should prepare for
protracted health problems in the genital area. For girl
such a dream may mean that she will not be able to get pregnant for a long time.
For a man, such a dream can mean a loss of male power. Dream interpretation
advises to seriously address issues of health and its strengthening after
such a dream.

Why dream graveyard and graves по Эзотерическому соннику

In the Esoteric Dream Book it is said what the cemetery dreams and
graves Such сон может означать, что кто-то магическим путём
influences you and your whole race. It should be very
attentive to the dreams in which you see the graves of the dead
relatives. If in сне вы возлагаете к ним цветы — наяву вы
You’ll dream of a hint from your relatives,
since you will not know how to resolve the situation yourself.

A dream in which you see yourself in a grave means an approach
severe illness, perhaps even mental. Subsequently, the disease may
wear a chronic form. The dream in which you had to bury
his child – says that his health and well-being
in danger.

Carrying flowers from the cemetery – to problems on an emotional plane.
Accumulated experiences and resentment can ruin your relationship with
beloved one Carry flowers and gifts in the cemetery – yourself
портить себе of life. Maybe. You are overly emotional and accept
all close to my heart. Dream interpretation советует не нагнетать обстановку и
drive away the heavy thoughts.

Why dream graveyard and graves по другим сонникам

В соннике Миллера сказано:

• In winter, walking around the cemetery – to poverty;

• In the spring to walk through the cemetery – to a pleasant society;

• Walk through a well-kept cemetery – to recovery;

• Walking through an abandoned cemetery – losing someone close

• If the mother brings flowers to the cemetery, the household will have
good health;

• If the bride dreams that she runs through the cemetery – her fiance
die soon;

• See a cemetery for a widow – for a new boyfriend.

В Большом соннике сказано:

• Sit on a graveyard bench – to do important

• Walking through the cemetery – failing an important matter;

• Old cemetery – fears are empty;

• Modern cemetery – a lack of understanding by older children;

• Fresh graves in the cemetery – someone will ruin your reputation.

В соннике Гришиной сказано, если вам приснится
abandoned cemetery – try not to miss the moment when
Your relationship with your husband crisis will come. It depends only on you
Exodus. If it has already begun – try to find mutual understanding with
its second half. Otherwise the relationship will be lost.
forever and ever.

No matter how frightening a dream may seem, sometimes it gives clear instructions,
how not to do in this or that situation. Or better
take in the future to get the desired result. Trusting
dreams – you discover the opportunity to receive from them such
necessary clues, revealed secrets of the past.

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