What dreams of a bull with horns: peace-loving orattack? Basic interpretations, what is the dream bull striker withhorns

Пт, 17 фев 2017 Автор: Инна

The world of dreams is so unpredictable that sometimes
You can dream the most diverse and rather strange
incidents and events.

In some dreams, not only humans can appear, but also animals.
For what снится бык с horns? Worth to understand.


For what снится бык с horns — основное толкование

It is worth paying special attention that in many ancient cultures
the bull was considered a sacred animal.

He personified the wisdom and secret knowledge that could comprehend

Nowadays people treat bulls not with such trepidation, therefore
dream books are advised to fully interpret the dreams in which it appears
image of a bull.

It is worth paying special attention to such details.

• Was the animal healthy?

• For whatever reason the bull attacked;

• He attacked you or someone else;

• Was the attack lethal;

• What emotions caused you to dream.

If you dream, что бык с horns оказался мёртвым во
— вас ожидает печаль и тоска, вы сами спровоцируете у
yourself similar emotions if you dream that a bull has died in your
house. If you dream that the bull was white – you expect joyful
the events that will cause someone from your loved ones.

For what снится нападающий бык с horns — вам
it is necessary to be afraid of treachery and a dirty trick from close people.
It is also important to remember the reason why the bull decided to attack you.
If you see a mad animal that attacks you – you
will witness a rather unpleasant event, you could
avoid accidents if they themselves were more cautious.

If a бык нападает на вас по вине другого
— вы станете жертвой мошенничества и обмана. Already
late to do anything, eating bull attacking you after your
provocations. You personally will be the culprit of their troubles.

If a вам приснится запряжённый бык с horns
you expect quite complex events in the near future. On you
work and household chores will come down. But in order to achieve
desired – always worth the work, so do not need
get upset, you just need to achieve the goal and do not give up.
Most likely, on your way you will find yourself alone.

It is also important to remember the state of health of the animal if
бык абсолютно здоров и даже кажется огромным — вас
expects good luck and profit. If you see an animal that is peaceful
grazes in the meadow and does not pay attention to you – you will soon
get the opportunity to realize all previously conceived.

If a бык вас во сне преследует – вас ожидает
envy and competition. In order to overcome all difficulties,
you need to think through all your actions in advance, only then you
get the desired result.

If a женщине приснится белоснежный бык, который мирно
пасётся на лугу
— её ожидает знакомство с достойным
a gentleman, the relationship will bring her only joy, she
finally be able to find peace and start a family.

If a вам приснится целое стадо быков — вас
expects success and recognition, you can strengthen your position in
society, you can get a significant income from everything that you
long dreamed of doing.

For what снится бык с horns по соннику Фрейда

В соннике Фрейда сказано, что бык с horns снится как символ
masculine, the symbol of male power. For a woman, such a dream can
означать появление нового воздыхателя. For what
снится нападающий бык с horns? Such a dream comes, above all, to
active changes in personal life. If you dream that a bull
нападает не на вас, а на кого-то другого — вам придётся
to become a witness to other people’s attitudes.

Do not take sides in this situation, because
beloved ones will make peace, and you will become extreme. If you dream,
that the bull is attacking you – most likely you will have to listen in
your address a number of unflattering statements, but do not get too much
to experience, most likely, soon the conflict will be exhausted,
and you can safely continue to communicate with this person.

If a young girl dreams that she suddenly meets a bull
на своём пути, и он разъярён — ей повстречается наяву
partner who will actively seek her attention.
don’t count on active continuation of the relationship, partner
may even offer to marry, but will soon lose interest in
girl, because he himself succumbed to the impulse of feelings.

If a man dreams of a bull attacking his beloved,
скорее всего, у него появится соперник, но в этой
situations worth showing wisdom and perseverance. Otherwise he will destroy
relationship and nudge the beloved in the arms of others.

If a бык напал на вашу возлюбленную во сне и заколол её horns –
someone else’s prickly words and gossip can destroy your
How to avoid it? Stop rubbing out
huts, to devote strangers to everything that you have in your personal life
going on.

If a girl dreams about a wild bull she is trying to
приручить — она вложит много усилий в отношения с весьма
wayward man.
Most likely, all of her diligence
to establish mutual understanding with him will not be crowned with success.

For what снится бык с horns по эзотерическому соннику

В эзотерическом соннике, сказано, что бык с horns во сне может
impersonate future challenges and obstacles to achieving
desired goal. What kind of obstacles will be – will tell about it
full interpretation of the dream. It is important to remember what color was
bull, whether he was furious and whether he attacked you or another

• If the bull was black and behaved very aggressively – beware
unforeseen reproaches and quarrels, they can permanently spoil your

• If the bull was white and attacked you only after your
provocations – you do not appreciate those people who create for you

• Seeing a bloody bull attacker causes problems with

• See a bull at a watering place – you should not rush things and
panic, problems will resolve themselves;

• Видеть спящего быка с horns – к задержке в делах, используйте
it is time for self development;

• If there are several bulls – you will have to choose from a huge
number of options.

If you dream, что кто-то превращается у вас на глазах в
bull and starts to behave very aggressively – beware of intimacy
with this man in reality. If a young girl dreams about her
playing with the bull on the lawn – she will flirt with the cute
man, but on flirting, most likely, this relationship is not
will advance.

If a woman dreams that a bull attacks her child – it’s time for her
think about in every way to strengthen the health of the baby. Rather
In all, the mother is busy with her own affairs and problems and with her child
time just does not remain. Because of this, the baby is not only suffering
physically but emotionally, which can lead to chronic

For what снится бык с horns по другим сонникам

В соннике Цветкова сказано, что бык снится к
sorrow and disease, but if you dream of a calf that goes for
on your heels – also happiness and luck will follow you. If a
the bull in your dream is snow white and expect income. If a бык во сне
raises high horns – you are waiting for recognition and fame.

В Персидском соннике сказано, что бык во сне
symbolizes a person’s ability and skills to conduct business and be responsible for
your words. If a бык красив и доволен — то и дела пойдут в гору,
if the bull is dissatisfied with everything that happens and is very aggressive –
avoid aggression when communicating with subordinates. See
a lot of bulls on the street – your career will go uphill. Not worth it
listen to gossip and gossip – move forward without fear.

If a молодой девушке приснится, как быки дерутся — она станет
targeted by several men. On the one hand, she will be pleasant
such attention, but it may later spoil her reputation.
It is worth being attentive to your feelings and emotions. No need to give
empty promises, because the likelihood of being alone is enormous.

Если бык во сне нападает на беременную женщину,
then you are subconsciously afraid of becoming dependent on another
person You lack self-confidence, so you
consider another person as an enemy to yourself. Even if he
really has feelings for you. Despite so
negative interpretation of sleep, it gives a hint as to the quality
change your life so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Dreams always carry a hidden meaning that a person does not
wants to see in your life. Having solved the mystery, the person receives the key to
new life, living in harmony with yourself.

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