What dreams kiss

What dreams kiss
Th 16 Jun 2016


What dreams kiss – по соннику Миллера

If you had a kiss with your beloved in total darkness, then this
indicates danger and debauchery, in the light – your
unshakable noble attitude to the weaker sex.

In a dream, kissing a stranger – to commit
immoral acts. Kiss your opponent with your lover
mean there is a risk of losing her respect.

Kissing in the dream of a brother or sister – to a good friendship and
pleasures. Kissed mother – you will be honored, appreciated and
love friends, succeed in the work begun.

What dreams kiss – по соннику Ванги

Kissing children can be a sign of satisfaction
brought by work and reconciliation in the family. Kiss with wife or
husband – family life will be filled with harmony and harmony. If a
in a dream, kissing the enemy, then make up with a friend.

The girl dreams that she was accidentally seen by strangers,
when kissing with a fan – imaginary friends towards her
will commit bold acts.

What dreams kiss – по соннику Фрейда

A woman dreamed that she was in a dream with someone kissing – to
acquaintance with an attractive man who later
It would be banal Alfonso.

A man dreams that he kisses with someone – you need to be a little bit
more tender with her lover, since she pays little attention to her.

We watched others kiss – you will be drawn into an unpleasant
a story.

What dreams kiss – по соннику Нострадамуса

Kissing with someone who should not be – to hypocrisy
beloved or fake friend. Dreamed of someone
another kissed your darling – there will be a rival. Favorite person
I kissed the other – in reality he was hard of heart and insincere.
Many times tenderly and passionately kissed her lover –
such a dream predicts his unfailing loyalty.

What dreams kiss – по соннику Лоффа

Kissing in a dream can talk about ordinary implementation
sexual desire with regards to some person. If a приснилось,
what you watched as others kiss – in your life you take
too active or know too much about these

What dreams kiss – по соннику Цветкова

Such a dream predicts betrayal, separation. Will bring
troubles man kissing you in a dream. Kiss with a special
the same sex – to the future enmity.

What dreams kiss – по соннику Хассе

You got a kiss – parting with your favorite creature; yourself
kissed – mutual love; sent a kiss – a sign
alien influence and submission.

What dreams kiss – по соннику Менегетти

If a приснилось, что целовали ребёнка, то общение с добрыми
familiar and close people will bring you joy; if the child was
sick or crying, the joy will be overshadowed by something. Kissing
a man of the opposite sex – quarrel because of the trifles with
his second half or lover. How much was
kisses, so long the quarrel will last.

Kissingсь с иноматериальным существом — в реальной жизни вы
pursued by some kind of entity. If a в сновидении она не отличается
a particular attraction means beneficial
impact on your life; if the creature was beautiful, then this
will only have negative consequences.

What dreams kiss – по соннику Лонго

I had a kiss – literally luck awaits in everything. You kissed
someone legs – will have to endure insult and humiliation. Felt someone’s
kiss – wait for an unexpected happy event. Kissingсь со
familiar – he is in danger. Kissingсь с животными — покой и

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