What dreams doomsday: what do they say about itWang, Freud, Loff. Basic interpretation of the dream about the end of the world – whatwait?

Ср, 03 авг 2016 Автор: Инна

Dreams are a reflection of our inner state of mind.
Often they predict various changes in a person’s life. To them
it’s worth listening in order to anticipate joyful events in time and
prevent the tragic. What dreams doomsday? Worth
sort out.


What dreams of the end of the world – the main interpretation

For many, the end of the world is associated with terrible events that
can ruin life on the whole planet. To see such a dream – not from
pleasant spectacles, but always such dreams promise something terrible? Worth
sort out.

Do not be afraid of such dreams, they do not foretell
horrific events, on the contrary – they often say that a person
he creates a catastrophe in his life. Such dreams point to
problems of a person who constantly torment him. What can
signify a dream about the end of the world:

• A new stage in life;

• Opportunities that a person does not want to take;

• Tragedies awake;

• Loneliness.

Often, such dreams are a person who is full of negative
emotions, worries, concerns. His life is literally full
failures and troubles and he rushes about, not knowing how to get out of the closed
circle of unforeseen events and disasters.

What dreams doomsday? To the fears of man
make a fatal mistake. This may apply to situations in love
sulfur, financial. Often such dreams come to young mothers,
who try their best to give everything to their child, but they all
time it seems that they somewhere do not reach the standards. Dream about
the end of the world promises them further troubles that have no weighty
reasons. Also such dreams may indicate a sharp deterioration.
health conditions.

What is the dream of the end of the world according to Miller’s dream book?

In Miller’s dream book, there are a huge number of variations.
interpretations of what dreams end of the world. So, he thinks to see
a disaster from the side – indicates that the person after
long labors will finally be able to rest. All adversity
will bypass him, and he will just watch

To dream of being killed by a cataclysm is bad
sign. Even if you dream that you just got hurt in
as a result of incidents – this dream promises:

• loss of a financial plan;

• exacerbations of chronic diseases;

• other troubles.

To dream of the end of the world as a result of total flooding –
to make a huge profit. Clear water overflowing
around – the ability to erase the negative of the past and start a new life,

If the water is turbid and floods everything around rapidly, demolishing
houses and trees – such a dream promises losses in the business sphere, stagnation in
cases, there may be unexpected expenses or credit bondage.

If you watch from the side as the water element is raging – you
get good news from afar. The flow of money rushes into your life,
which will be very difficult to stop. If a person has
unrealized projects – it’s time to implement them. Also such
sleep may indicate an emotional outburst in a person’s life.
Pleasant events, fateful. But emotions are worth learning.
restrain, otherwise you can harm not only yourself, but also

If you had a dream in which the end of the world comes as a result
the explosion – in reality, a person will be cruelly deceived. He will
disappointed, and the behavior of those around him will be insane

If you dream that the flame burns you, destroys – the rumors will be
destroy your business reputation. Among your friends bothered
liar If in a dream the end of the world comes as a result of falling on
The earth of the cosmic body – such a dream promises good news and
developments. It is possible to establish new connections and establish new ones.
dating A passionate romance is possible, which in the end can
grow into a wonderful relationship, but most likely he will
fleeting, leave impressions for life.

If the dream will end the world as a result of overactive
the activities of the sun – man cares too much about his health,
хотя для этого нет особых reasons. Worth пересмотреть своё отношение
to current events. One life stage must end
the other must begin.

Also, bright flames in a dream can make a woman pregnant and
easy childbearing. A man such a dream promises a loss of financial
plan. Though things will go smoothly, but to avoid failures in
financial calculations – is unlikely to succeed.

What dreams doomsday on the dream book Vanga

Wanga repeatedly predicted the end of the world. In their prophecies
she was able to predict a huge number of disasters. She is
believed that if a person dreams of the end of the world, then he himself is close to
catastrophe. Worth задуматься над тем, а правильно ли человек живёт,
perhaps he offended someone and it does not give him peace.

Vanga also indicates that you need to look for non-standard
methods of solving problems and conflicts. Why is it important? Person
exhausted its reserves, he needs alternative methods of resolution
problems. If dreams, that blazes the flame – is worth speed up and
make decisions lightning fast. If you dreamed that everything was around
plunged into the water – you need to look at the circumstances.
Slow down the course of events.

What is the end of the world dream of Freud’s dream book?

Freud, in his dream book, pointed out that catastrophes in dreams,
as the end of the world itself is nothing but a defense mechanism
person Its origins lie in the subconscious. For example, if
a person is not doing well in business, he will be strangled while sleeping,
or it will be hard for him to breathe. How the stranglehold debt pushes him
real life, and in a dream.

If the problem is in his personal life – the sea, ocean, stormy
a stream that will overwhelm and carry everything around into the abyss. Sometimes
dreams come in which everything is flooded with clear warm water and
man walks through it barefoot. Such a dream means feelings
deep and fill the person completely. Do not be afraid of them.

Freud also pointed out that it is worth being attentive to such
dreams, because if they carried negative information, then
a person after this sleep may fall into depression, melancholy. Have
it can change the pressure, it can be so bad that
he will not find a place for himself.

What dreams doomsday for other dream books

Лофф указывает в своём соннике что человек,
who in a dream sees the end of the world – in reality she experiences enormous
remorse. It seems to him that there is a worldwide conspiracy around him, and
he blames himself all the time for something. Loff gives a hint – permission
problem situation lies in the appeal to someone more
more powerful, wiser.

Феломен указывает, что подобные сны сулят
трагические и мрачные события в жизни person But these events
allow a person to rethink their life path, rethink
its purpose. It is also worth being especially careful with
finances, as it is possible to make a miserable mistake and stay with either

Цветков в своём соннике настаивает на том, что
such dreams promise quarrels and disagreements with a loved one. But this
disagreement is no accident – it’s time to change the old to the new.
There should be no regrets in this situation. Ahead of new
relationships that fill life with love.

Хассе же говорит о том, что катастрофы и
natural disasters tell people that it’s time to take up
mind and behave decently. By his actions he causes only
frank laughter and bewilderment of others. Worth к жизни
take it more seriously.

В соннике странника указывается, что конец
of light promises a break of past bonds that have outlived themselves, but this
the gap will be painful and long. If a person has his own business
— такой сон сулит ему потери финансового plan. And at the same time,
such a dream may indicate the need to prepare for the meeting
with friends. This meeting will be long-awaited and will bring a lot
positive and fun.

So why dream of doomsday? Worth
carefully study all the dream, all the signs present in
him all the clues. The very mood of the dream. If a person is after
he is covered with horror and fear – it means in reality, he will fear
for my life, love, finances. If, despite the disaster,
a person’s mood is joyous, which means troubles will bypass his side.
Panicking is definitely not worth it. Worth обдумать все подсказки, которые
gave a dream. Often they are really important and help a person.
improve life, relationships, financial sphere. Worth также
recall past events that could be reflected in a dream.

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