What dreams about swans: flying, floating, tameand wild. Basic interpretations – why do swans dream

ATс, 16 окт 2016 BUTвтор: Инна

Traveling in a dream can be joyful and exciting, and
to be woeful and tragic. But dreaming is not always necessary.

It is necessary to interpret them carefully. Why dream of white swans?
Worth to understand.


What dreams of swans – the main interpretation

Swans are beautiful birds that are very rare and
live mostly in pairs. For many, they are associated with the holiday,
wedding, joyful event and for good reason. Swans really
able to give great emotions in reality. And in a dream they promise strong
the senses.

But not all dream books are interpreted by dreams, in which
swans from a positive point of view. You can meet the interpretation, in
which says that the swans dream as a symbol of suppression of the will. Worth
to figure out who of your environment negatively affects the adoption
you important decisions.

If in a dream you throw crumbs to birds, then your second
half will be faithful to you and will be eagerly awaiting meeting you.
If a bird floats past you in the water – all the hardships and sorrows of you
leave, life will improve and will be simply unforgettable. Also such
sleep can promise the birth of relationships that will grow into
full marriage

What dreams of white swans, black swans for women
dream book

In the female dream book it is said that the white swan, who is peacefully
floating on the waves – personifies future prospects. This is a sign
the right direction in life. What dreams of white swans
dead? To the losses and disappointments. What yesterday seemed
you are very important, today has lost its value. Such a dream can
talk about the loss of relationships and loss of guidance in life.

If you are in a dream, feed a white swan from your hand and at this moment it
changes its color to black – such a dream suggests that someone from
your surroundings will lose your trust. What do black dreams
swans who are sent to you – do not believe the words. AT
your life will be a man who will be capable of a huge
meanness. He enchants you with his independence and beauty, and you don’t
see behind them a lie.

What do black dreams лебеди, которые умирают — ваш недруг
will finally leave you alone. ATашим проблемам осталось совсем
a little time before its logical resolution. But not worth it
flatter yourself because you are most likely making enemies for yourself

К чему снятся лебеди по dream book Эзопа

AT соннике Эзопа сказано, что лебедь в сновидении олицетворяет
purity of thoughts and feelings in reality. Such a dream can предвещать
pleasant acquaintance with the person who will leave in your
life indelible mark. A dedicated and honest man

If you see in a dream how the swan flies away to warm edges –
such a dream can talk about cooling the senses, breaking the relationship,
a long trip. If you see a swan singing his song in a dream
– it is necessary to be afraid for the health, perhaps serious

If a man dreams of a swan with white plumage – such a dream
talks about meeting an innocent and affectionate girl who will make
his life is gorgeous. If in a dream you will see a swan with a black
plumage – such a dream suggests that you are waiting for the machinations of enemies and
betrayal of close people. Do not get very upset because
such events. Everyone will get what they deserve.

If a swan wants to lift something from the ground – you are expected to be quite
difficult task that will take a lot of your time and will not bring
no pleasure. If in a dream you see how swans decorously
swimming in the pond – in reality many people will call you
respect. ATам могут предложить повышение в работе.

If you follow in a dream the grace of the birds – your business will be
go well, you expect success. If in a dream you feed a bird from hands
– you are a successful and cheerful person. There is still need to search.
ATаши друзья преданные и ценят вас, ваша вторая половинка живёт ради
you. If in a dream you see little swans, your children will be you
make children happy every day more and more.

If you see in a dream how a swan swims in the lake along with
ducks – you underestimate your loved one. He will still show
at their best, but trust is no longer regained. Therefore it is better
appreciate it for every little act that may soon
grow into great joyful and good deeds.

If a swan is wounded in a dream – you are in for a sudden trouble,
which will break your plans. Such a dream can говорить о болезни
a person close to you, about the big losses. ATидеть, как лебедь
dies – to say goodbye to someone in reality. Such a dream can указывать как
on the physical, and on the spiritual death of man. He can
indicate that the relationship in the pair ended.

К чему снятся лебеди по dream book Фрейда

AT Freud’s dream book said that лебеди символизируют гармоничную
a person who finds joy and happiness precisely in love
relationship with his soulmate. AT сексуальном плане у такого
man there are no deviations. He is always ready to love and be
loved ones.

What do swans dream about in the water? AT Freud’s dream book said that
they dream as a symbol of favorable changes in personal life
person Worth только захотеть и счастье возобновится в тех
relationships that have already been forgotten about him.

If you dream that you shoot a bird, you experience
feeling aggression to the opposite sex. ATам стоит умерить пыл и
to work out your fears and complexes – they bother you
build a long and happy relationship in reality.

If a black swan dreamed – such a dream suggests that it is not
everything is so cloudless in the relationship of partners. If such a dream had a dream
a lonely girl – she will have to wait for her prince for a long time. BUT
all because she did not know how to appreciate the care of herself and the love that
she gave the last partner.

ATидеть лебедя в клетке — ваши отношения тяготят you. It’s time
break free in the wild and not live in a golden cage. ATам стоит поговорить
with a partner about freedom in sex, it’s time to put all the points in the controversial
issues. If your partner is not ready to give you freedom, he may
he doesn’t love you, just wants to own you and subordinate you to his

What do swans dream about in other dream-books

AT соннике Медеи сказано что лебеди — символизируют белую магию,
good deeds. If you see a couple of swans, your house will be
a place just for love and happiness. What do swans dream about in the water?
If the bird swims alone, then it awaits you in reality. ATы
you yourself get tired of worldly troubles and problems and decide to
rest from all that is happening. But not worth it с головой погружаться
alone, it’s dangerous. If you saw a black swan in a dream –
you will have to face a mystery, it will be very unpleasant for

К чему снятся лебеди на воде по семейному dream book? They dream to
beautiful not only externally, but also spiritually beloved. If
the bird takes off – it’s time you take a break in the relationship in order to
so that they develop later with a new force. If any of your
native sick – the disease will soon recede. ATам стоит принимать важные
solutions, as they will give the desired result.

AT украинском соннике сказано что лебедь — это весьма
positive symbol in a dream. He promises favorable events and
pleasant joint rest. If a swan swims alone
smooth surface of the lake – you are expected to be separated from your loved one. If you and
so apart – the meeting will not take place for a long time. If you see
a lot of swans on the lake – such a dream speaks of numerous
troubles related to personal life.

AT соннике странника сказано, что лебедь снится к печали.
ATозможен длительный период душевных страданий и переживаний. Not
it is worth taking on a lot of obligations and trying to seem
others are better than you are – few people will appreciate it. If you
see a lonely black swan – such a dream could mean death
любимого person If увидите пару воркующих лебедей и
few swans near them – take care of your safety
seven. ATаши дети в вас нуждаются, им нужна ваша забота.

As you should not hurt the birds in reality, so do not do this in
a dream. Wounded by you bird promises you revenge for what hastily said
the words. Worth заранее подумать, кого вы могли обидеть, чтобы не
make enemies It is also worth being more gentle and tender with
its second half. Not всегда нужно подчинять, иногда нужно и
to comply in order to maintain relationships. AT любом случае, эти
прекрасные птицы дарят радость и счастье как наяву, так и во a dream.
Dreams of them tell a person to enjoy every happy and
nice little things, because life is one and it is fleeting.

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