What does a colleague dream about?different dream books? What is the dream of a work colleague who kissesyou or swears

ATт, 27 дек 2016 Автор: Юлия Улиткина

Dreams of colleagues belong to the category of dreams, warnings. AT
depending on how the person behaves in the dream
interpreted as positive or negative. What are the dreams of colleagues
work? Different dream books explain their appearance in a dream


What dreams of a family dream teacher

A dream in which a colleague performs the work of a dreamer foreshadows
trouble in the service. This may be a sudden cooling.
relations with the authorities, the failure of a significant project, reducing
salaries, conflicts and frustrations. After waking up
tune in a positive way and remember that all the trouble
transient, and the difficult period you just need to go through.

What dreams of a colleague in the Miller dream book

A dream of meeting a new work colleague reflects a desire
dreamer to give something to a loved one or loved one.
ATозможно, сновидец обдумывает некий сюрприз, который в конечном
the result will be successful.

What is the dream of a colleague who in real life causes
dislike? If in a dream it manifests itself as frank
careerist, ready for the worst act for the sake of raising
the career ladder, then it is a very auspicious dream. Dreamer
will receive a new task, very difficult or responsible, and fine
cope with it. AT результате его ожидает повышение или прибавка к

If you had a dream in which a colleague accidentally broke a glass,
a plate or another dish, you can expect unpleasant changes in
business. ATозможно, партнер провалит сделку из-за вопиющей
incompetence. If a colleague in a dream behaves carelessly and
carelessly, the dreamer’s affairs will deteriorate in all walks of life.

A dispute with a colleague is an extremely unfavorable dream. He means that
after waking up the dreamer is waiting for a big conflict that will
accompanied by offensive remarks and derogatory attacks
into his account.

What is dreaming about a man colleague? Dreaming means that
the dreamer needs pressure and action, and how can
faster. ATидеть коллегу мужского пола и делать ему внушение или
remark is a good dream. He means that дела сновидца на работе
or in personal life will soon be adjusted.

What dreams of a colleague in the dream book Lofa

The appearance in a dream of a colleague who in real life is unpleasant
the dreamer – a signal that it is time to build relationships. And
it is the dreamer who is guilty of hostile relations, so that he and
need to change their behavior.

What is the dream of a colleague in a very irritated state,
aggressive, striker? If in reality relations with him are even and
benevolent, they may soon spoil.
ATозможно, конфликт уже назрел и вскоре разразится скандал.

Another interpretation of the dream is that the dreamer may become a victim
conspiracy by a hypocritical foe. ATспомните,
who else was present in your dream.

What do former colleagues dream about? If their leaving work was related to
For some slip or situation, it is important to recall all the details and
analyze your behavior. ATозможно, сновидцу грозит
dismissal for the same reason.

If this dreamer quit, and the former colleagues who
remained in the workplace, then in reality it can happen again
the situation that caused the change of place of work. If a
dreamed of joyful former colleagues with whom the dreamer constantly
in conflict, then in reality things will go badly for him. And чем веселее
former colleagues, the worse the situation with the dreamer.

What is dreaming about colleague Longo

If a снится, что вы встречаетесь с сослуживцами вне рабочей
conditions, then in reality you will have some common interests, and
the relationship will come to a friend level. However, there is a possibility
that off-site communication will not be so pleasant.

The dream of the dismissal of a former colleague should be interpreted
negatively. It means that you can part with the workplace.
dreamer, and to prevent dismissal is unlikely to succeed.

Kissing with a colleague in a dream is a dream warning. If a этот
man of the same sex with the dreamer, he means enemy or secret
detractor. AT силах сослуживца испортить репутацию и даже
dreamer’s career. However, if he just hugs you, then in real
life it is necessary to wait for invaluable help from this person.

Kissing a fellow colleague of the opposite sex means
the emergence of mutual interest. ATозможно, отношения станут очень
close ones.

If a сновидец ругается с коллегой, то именно с ним ему предстоит
whether to work on a joint project whether the task of leadership.

If a коллега умер, это означает, что его должность может перейти
to the dreamer. To see such a dream from Thursday to Friday – to

What dreams of a colleague in the modern dream book

If a сновидящий видит себя участником ссоры с коллегой, то его
ambitious plans come true. Feel free to grasp the implementation
conceived, everything goes well.

What do former colleagues dream about? If a это человек, который уже
quit it is important what mood he was in your
dreaming. Sad – it is worth postponing serious decisions.
ATеселый — нужно задуматься о смене работы.

If a женатый сновидец-мужчина увидел бывшую коллегу, в которую
was secretly in love or whom he sympathized with, he needed
look at your spouse. ATозможно, у нее появился поклонник
at work and a romance is planned.

If a сновидящему снится поцелуй с коллегой, то какого бы он пола
nor was it worth fearing reprimand. The bosses will be harsh, but a mistake
it is not the dreamer himself who commits, but someone else.

What dreams of a colleague in the universal dream book

If a сон о коллеге снится женщине, ей нужно приготовиться к
changes in personal life. It could be a fleeting affair, and
serious relationship with a prospective person in terms of marriage.
A dream about a colleague for a male dreamer has a similar

If a сослуживец во сне бездельничал, это означает шанс поднять
your rating in the eyes of the authorities, performing quickly and efficiently
any work. A pleasant conversation with colleagues dreams before a pleasant
business trip.

ATидеть коллегу за обедом — предупреждение о легком недомогании.
If a обедали или ужинали несколько коллег, сновидец получит
an invitation to an important event, such as a wedding or family

To dream of a female colleague means that the dreamer
will be the subject of gossip. Such a dream also warns that not
it’s worth going to gossip yourself, as this can lead to serious
troubles at work.

If a снится интимная близость с коллегой, то наяву между
the dreamer and this man are rivalries. Besides,
the dream warns: the co-worker wants to take a dominant position and
to bypass the dreamer in the post. If a начальство выбирает между
you should make every effort to prevent a colleague from getting ahead

There is another interpretation of the dream. What is the dream of a colleague
man to woman? By the imminent increase and improvement of material
states. But if intimacy dreams of a man, this is a reflection
his experiences about the unpleasant recent losses. Not worth it
dwell on failures, you need to live in the present, and leave the past

What is the dream of a colleague по объединенному соннику

If a снится сослуживец, с которым наяву отношения добрые, то
interpretation of sleep favorably. Nothing bad will happen, any
the endeavor will be successful. If a снится коллега, который неприятен,
then the dreamer is dissatisfied with his position or his work in
whole ATозможно, речь идет о сильной усталости, нужно срочно взять

What are the dreams of colleagues работе, с которыми сновидец не знаком?
Pleasant surprises, good news and great prospects.

If a приснились бывшие коллеги, то начинания будут удачными.
The experience gained in previous work, as well as life
wisdom possessed by the dreamer. Besides, сон может вообще
mean nothing or be related to news that you will soon
get from former colleagues.

Another interpretation of such a dream is a great success associated with
fulfillment of official assignment. AT реальной жизни сновидцу удастся
show your best. ATозможно повышение по службе.

ATидеть во сне коллегу, странно или вызывающе одетого, пьяного,
seriously ill means that in real life there will be a serious
disagreement between you. If a не справиться с недопониманием в самом
beginning, disagreement will escalate into conflict.

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