What do parents dream about: living, healthy, sickor dead? The basic interpretation of different dream books – what dreamsparents

Вс, 25 мар 2018 Автор: Инна

In a dream, you can see your loved ones and relatives
and those who are not directly related to you. Why dream
parents? How to interpret a dream?


Why dream parents — основное толкование

Если во сне parents вам снятся улыбчивыми и счастливыми — это,
definitely a positive omen. So soon they all
get better. But to explain the dream entirely – you better give it
special attention to its details:

– Under what circumstances did you meet with your parents;

– Were they happy to see you;

– Did you communicate with your parents;

– How long have you not seen relatives in a dream;

– what are the emotions you visited.

If you dream that your loved ones are upset, ill yourself
feel – such a dream means that you will have both small and
big trouble. Try not to raise in the near future
they are important questions and do not find out with close friends and people
relationship. This can lead to quarrels and great differences between

К чему снится, что parents дарят вам большой и красивый
present? Such a gift in a dream can cause you trouble and
other problems not only in dealing with them, but also in financial
affairs If you were promised a big profit or profit earlier, you can
do not rely on them. You will now have a lot of hassle associated with
this business. And all just because you hoped that everything
resolved itself and quickly enough.

If in a dream you give a hand to your relative, but he does not
reacts to your greeting and even tries to get away from contact with
you – such a dream means that you have recently lost it
the trust. You will need to return it in the coming days. Otherwise you
never again can you communicate with him as before and solve your
issues with it.

A dream in which you look into someone’s eyes for a long time
parents – says that you need love and support with
his hand, but can not get them. Problem can
be that you can’t explain your feelings and
ask for help directly. You are trying to indirectly clarify the relationship and
indirectly solve their problems. So you will never achieve
location to you from the native person.

If in a dream you hug a mother – such a dream means that you
it’s time to take care of your own well-being. You have to go
take care of your family and not remember how good you are
was once supervised by a mother. If you hug her and cry
in a dream – you can never let go of something from your past.
Some kind of memory actively affects your whole life. Maybe,
this is your personal bad life experience, maybe this is your
unwillingness to develop as a person. But you can not
come to terms with your mistakes of the past.

A dream in which the mother hugs you and cuddles you – talks about
that it is time for you to take care of her health. She will need
your support and your admonition. Now it depends on you

A dream in which you see a mother waving out of the window to you – speaks of
that you often remember your loved ones and your childhood. But not
did you live in it? Maybe, вы никак не хотите взрослеть и
somehow solve their problems on their own?

Maybe, вы никак не можете пересилить себя и начать жизнь
again? But your people do not have any
relations. You need to take responsibility yourself and
try again never to shift it to anyone. If you
you will do it – in your life everything is normalized at once. You immediately
can solve a lot of questions and never return to them.

A dream in which you see deceased parents – says that
it’s time for you to honor their memory. If before this, you asked them
help – it’s time for you to actually ask for help, but
already someone awake. It must be an influential and wise man
who can help you, who can help you resolve
a lot of petty and empty questions and also major problems. Not
be afraid to ask for help and then she will come to you.

If you dream of your dead mother, who gives you something –
try to wait with an important decision and wait with
financial issues. After such a dream, finances are not so much for you
easy come. A dream in which you will try long and hard
talk to the deceased mother, but she will be silent – says,
that you will soon become a victim of circumstances. When the people you are
trusted, do not respond to your requests. That is, you will
need someone’s support and not getting it – you will be disappointed in

Also, such a dream can warn you that soon those
the contacts you wanted to make are moving away from you and you
will have to look for other options to agree. You can’t do this
do only in the case when you do not attach the maximum
effort to produce a result.

A dream in which you see someone asking you for help and
looking up, you recognize in this man a mother – it promises you pretty
strange events in reality. You will hope for communication and attention to you.
specific person. But at the last moment, he will refuse you
this He will simply show you the true face, and you will have to
contact your family and relatives for support. Eventually –
you still find yourself depending on your parents.

A dream in which you swear with your father – says that you
it’s time to choose your own tough life position, otherwise you all
time will remain in the shadow of someone else, not getting new
opportunities for development.

A dream in which you hold your father’s hand for a long time and wait from
his advice – speaks of your helplessness in some important
situations. You need not just advice – you need real support.
and help. Look for her close people.

Why dream parents по соннику Фрейда

В соннике Фрейда сказано, что parents снятся тогда, когда вы
they themselves are not very confident in the development and correctness of their personal lives. You
you yourself can not say what you really want. Maybe,
Your relationship is built on the principle of parenting. You
make the same mistakes and make the same mistakes. Then it
explains your failures in your personal life.

A dream in which you introduce your beloved to your mother –
says that you yourself doubt the correctness of the choice
mate You need to think about what is so embarrassing in a girl and
is it possible to come to a common language, change everything, or is the relationship in
end up having to break.

Why dream parents на вашей свадьбе — такой сон говорит о
that you are ready for an important act, but not in your personal life.
Maybe, вы давно думали о каком-то проекте, давно думали о
solving some question and now you are ready to actively do it
by deed.

Why do you dream that you cannot find parents for a long time?
Maybe, вы во сне гуляете по их дому и зовёте их, но вам никто не
is in charge. Such a dream should be regarded as a warning about the future.
conflict that is already brewing. Review your position in
relationships with parents.

Why dream parents по Эзотерическому соннику

В эзотерическом соннике сказано, что parents, которые дают вам
in a dream, a council will not really help you in reality. You просто хотите
get support from them, but you end up with nothing and
the reason for this will be your old disagreements with him.

The dream in which your mother cooks dinner says
financial support from your family. You будете помогать им ещё
for a long time, because they themselves will not solve their problems. If you
refuse to help them – you can not forgive yourself for this.

Why dream parents по другим сонникам

В соннике Гришиной сказано, что parents снятся как символ
unfading power of your kind. What are you protected and can not
worry about your decisions. In the future, everything will turn out like you
want that

В соннике Эзопа сказано, что болеющие parents снятся к хлопотам
housework. You сами будете отвечать за других людей и это
will bring you a lot of worries and troubles. It will be very difficult for you
to cope with problems that have piled on you, and you decide to find a person
on which they can be shifted. Dream Interpretation warns you –
look for a trusted and faithful person. Otherwise about your problems.
many will know and it will not do you good.

Whatever the dream – your emotions are important during and after it.
If you подавлены и боитесь — такой сон предвещает вам проблемы
in reality. You будете бояться сделать шаг и решить свои проблемы
on their own. Try to trust your intuition.

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