What do kittens dream about: born on youreyes, small, blind kittens? The main interpretation is whymany kittens dream

Ср, 19 окт 2016 Автор: Инна

Many dream to get pets.

Children especially love kittens and puppies.

But why dream of little kittens? Worth to understand.


Why do kittens dream – the basic interpretation

TO чему many kittens dream? Such a dream promises the resumption of your
fears from the past and the fact that you will be subject to their weaknesses.
The more kittens in a dream – there will be more your fear. It would seem that
– they are so helpless, how can they hurt you? But on
practice is precisely the defenselessness of life situations and scares

Why dream of little kittens? Less they
– the less impact on you will have fears. Also dream about
little kittens promise a collapse of hope and a black streak in life. If a
you play with small animals in a dream – your favorite will change you.
If a они мяукают и трутся о вас — стоит ждать обмана от человека,
which you trusted the most.

If a вам приснится, как кошка на ваших глазах рождает котят — вы
on a subconscious level, ready to replenish the family. You have to go
have children. But you are overcome by the fear of insolvency. You
afraid that you cannot afford the luxury of
child. If a беременной женщине снится, как она рожает вместо
baby kittens – she fears for their health and the health of the baby and
very vain. All her fears are caused by stereotypes and rumors,
external influence. She should drop all this and live with her mind
trust life.

If a такой сон приснится женщине не беременной
– it is time for her to finish old questions and start doing new ones
affairs directly related to past problems. They have long been her
are waiting. It is necessary to calculate all financial issues and not to allow
unnecessary spending. A new look at the situation will solve everything. New things for now
better not to start, you can fail.

If a вы во сне не только рожаете котёнка, но и кормите его —
your detractors in every way want to ruin your life, but they have
nothing will come of it. It is possible that they bothered you as friends and
just waiting for the right time to stab you in the back. Have
it won’t work for them just because you have a great
поддержка со стороны близких people.

It is also worth mentioning that in many ancient traditions cats
had a divine status. They were considered sacred animals,
therefore, a very bad omen is a dream in which
you damage the kittens. You посягнёте на что-то святое для
another person, and he will answer you the same.

If a кто-то другой на ваших глазах причиняет вред
— вам стоит быть внимательным и не допускать чтобы
your secrets have become known to anyone else. It is important to keep them. If a
a man would dream how his beloved is holding kittens in his arms – he
may soon become a happy father.

What do the little kittens dream of in their everyday dream

В житейском соннике сказано, что котёнок во сне — это знак
diseases and losses.
You не будете долгое время испытывать
happiness though and will look for him. TO чему many kittens dream? TO
empty hassle that will overcome you. Don’t count on
outside support. You сами в силах изменить ситуацию к лучшему.

Special attention should be given to the coloring of kittens in a dream. If a вам
приснятся чёрные котята — то этот сон никак не
should alarm you. He only says that behind the black guise
man hiding a big personality. Your close and dear person
I could not give you enough attention, but the cause is not hypocrisy and
stubbornness, and coincidence.

If a же сон показывает вам, как вы играетесь с маленькими белыми
and fluffy kittens – in reality, your chosen one and friend are not
so harmless. It just seems perfect to you, in fact
There are many flaws in it. You have to live with them and live
farther. And in no way to associate your fate with this person.
Otherwise, you will regret your choice a hundred times, but it will be

If a котёнка во сне убивает змея – такое
the dream promises losses not for you, but for your enemies. They themselves will suffer
from malice and hatred. You just have to wait for this moment.
If a котят во сне много и все они тощие и грязные — вам стоит
look at the root of the problem and evaluate people not by their appearance but by
by their actions.

If a котята бегают вокруг вас и громко мяукают во
— вас ожидают проблемы одна за другой. Worth fear
unforeseen circumstances. No need to dwell on
problems, it will not give you anything. Need to boldly go forward to
the intended goal and then you will receive glory and honor. Also worth
note that such a dream can talk about the mass of small household
problems to cope with which is not so easy. To understand
they are worth gradually, slowly.

TO чему снятся котята по соннику Фрейда

Freud’s dream book says that kittens personify the inner
impulse of a person to receive affection and care from his second half.
Thanks to this impulse, it is possible to restore those relationships that
once considered lost. Maybe, between spouses and
partners started petty quarrels and petty domestic problems and they
cannot find a common language with each other.

Сон, в котором женщина увидит у себя на руках много
маленьких котят
– сулит мелкие хлопоты, связанные с личной
by life. These efforts will be caused by the need to pay particular attention.
attention to your man. Since a very high probability
that he has a new love and he is trying in every possible way to build
new relationships on the side.

If a мужчина увидит во сне, как его возлюбленная держит
на руках маленьких котят
— такой сон говорит о том, что ей
render tokens other men. As a result of this their
relationship is at stake. The reason for this could be their conflicts and
quarrels that led to this turn of events. Not worth it
to despair and get upset in life, you need to take active
measures to eliminate the consequences of their rash acts.

If a вашей партнёрше действительно просто не хватало внимания с
your hand and care – it is worth it to give them. Perhaps it is worth just
talk and everything will work out. But if the dream about the kittens is repeated again
and again – this means that you expect a bleak future, and that
save the situation by simple talk, no longer work. Not
get out and forget past relationships pretty quickly.

Видеть много мёртвых котят — к колоссальным
losses on a personal front. Maybe, варианты улучшить свою личную
life will be with you, but you are not ready for a new relationship, you are not
ready to rebuild them. You are guided by past experience and desire
get something new from life. But while building relationships you
You will be under the old carbon copy. Not бойтесь меняться и меняться жизнь
its for the better. Let go of past experience, even if it seems to you
as perfect as a little fluffy kitten.

TO чему снятся котята по другим сонникам

В соннике Цветкова сказано, что котята снятся к
troubles, unforeseen expenses and other misunderstandings. If a
they are constantly underfoot and hinder to pass – your paths in
lives will also be confused, and you will be blocked in every way

Why dream of little kittens? TO мелким неприятностям и
problems. But if the kittens grow sharply – your losses will be
do not expect a sharp increase in the near future
improvement of the situation, everything will only get worse.

В современном соннике сказано, что котята
symbolize flattering imaginary friends. It is worth a closer look,
how kittens behave in a dream. Where do they come from and where in the dream
disappear. Maybe, человеку уже пора забыть о существовании
some person who let him cheat in the past. Not worth it
expect that the person is aware of his guilt and change. Basically
people do not change for the better.

В соннике TOлеопатры сказано, что испуганный
a kitten in a dream personifies your past scare. You также как и он,
they were afraid that everything secret would be revealed. You боялись, что вас поймают и
your life will stop. Now it is possible to repeat the situation
which caused you in the past such fear.

So nice to hold on your hands a little fluffy creature, but not
worth flattering, dreams of such beautiful animals do not always promise
pleasant events in reality.

If a котёнок вас укусил — нужно быть готовым к подвоху судьбы.
We must expect a blow from the closest people and not expose our
second cheek.

The one who betrayed you once can strike you again. But
close from life is also not worth it. In a dream can come to you
the answer is how to behave in reality what is necessary in order to
the past did not repeat with enviable regularity.

And what do adult cats dream about?

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